Hunting Ridge Hawk Happenings
September 30, 2024
Dear Hunting Ridge Families,
We are looking forward to all that the month of October brings, and hope that you will join us for the wonderful upcoming PTA activities. Our office is here to support you with any questions you may have, so please feel free to reach out to us.
Kate Arenberg, Principal
Ali Friedman, Assistant Principal
Kimberly Johnson, Student Services Coordinator
Reading in the Library!
Students have been able to check out books (some for the first time) and find new titles.
Math Centers!
Students participate in math center activities to help reinforce the skills taught during the lesson.
Fun in PE!
Students participated in Hula Hut Relays during PE class.
AM Drop-Off Reminders
This is a reminder that only students should be walking to their classroom lines, whether that is the upper courtyard area, or lower blacktop area. We have many students transitioning and lining up, and for student and staff safety, we can only allow the students to walk to their lines. Thank you for your attention and cooperation to this school guideline.
If you do not see a supervisor at the car drop off location, please check in at Door 1, which is the office. We do not want any students to be left alone outside.
Staff Highlight: Kindergarten!
Kindergarten is excited to help our newest little (now big Kindergarten) learners in our school. We are practicing how to share with others, when to sit still, and when to move around and dance. We love exploring how to hold books, use pencils, crayons, glue sticks and more. Our first text set theme in our Fountas and Pinnell Curriculum is “Learning and Playing Together at School”
Some of the read aloud books are:
Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten and I Love You All Day Long.
Kindergarten Team:
Mrs. Schwarz, Mrs. Rauch, Ms. Bigott, Mrs. Simonis, and Mrs. Szafranski
From the Hunting Ridge Library!
If you are interested in volunteering in the library please fill out this form. If you volunteered in the past please fill out the form again so we can add your information to the updated list. You will be added to the volunteer communication email where you can sign up for a time/date that works for your schedule. Volunteers help check out books to our readers and sort the returned books back to the shelves. This is a great way to become a part of the school community. We are so grateful for your support!
Mrs. Lebata (Lebatam@ccsd15.net)
From Nurse Calderon
Please review the following health guidelines for students entering kindergarten, second-grade, or new students to the district, country or state of Illinois.
Health, Immunization, Dental, and Eye Exams
For the purpose of safeguarding the health of children, District 15 enforces Illinois student health requirements. These requirements consist of health, dental, and eye exams and immunizations specific to grade and age.
HEALTH EXAMS are required for students entering kindergarten and those who are new to the school. The Certificate of Child Health Examination form is available online and in the school office.
The Certificate of Child Health Examination form, completed and signed by a licensed healthcare provider, must be dated within one year prior to the first day of school and must include lead screening for children who are six years or younger and diabetes screening. A tuberculosis (TB) skin test is recommended.
According to Board of Education Policy 7:100 Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations, Immunizations, and Exclusion of Students and Illinois School Code, students who do not provide proof of receiving the required immunization and/or exam are excluded from school on October 15. Students new to Illinois schools, who register midterm, are allowed 30 days following registration to comply with the health requirements.
DENTAL EXAMS are required for students in kindergarten, second grade, and new to the school. The dental examination must have taken place within 18 months prior to May 15 of the school year. A waiver form is available in the case of an undue burden or lack of access to a dentist. The IDPH Dental Examination form (English/Spanish) and the waiver form are available here and in the school office. If a student fails to present proof of a dental exam or a waiver form by May 15, the school may withhold the student's report card until the student presents proof: (1) of a completed dental exam, or (2) that a dental exam will take place within 60 days after May 15.
EYE EXAMS are required for students entering kindergarten and entering Illinois schools for the first time. A waiver form is available in the case of an undue burden or lack of access to an optometrist or to a physician who performs eye examinations. The State of Illinois Eye Examination Report and waiver form are available here and in the school office. If a student fails to present proof of a eye exam or waiver form by October 15, the school may withhold the student's report card until the student presents proof: (1) of a completed eye exam, or (2) that an eye exam will take place within 60 days after October 15.
Nurse Calderon can be reached at 847-963-5302 or calderor@ccsd15.net.
From the PTA!
Thank you to everyone who attended this month's PTA meeting! We had standing room only which is fantastic! We encourage you to join us in October for the next meeting on Thursday, October 17. Please consider supporting the many upcoming events. The PTA does so many wonderful things for our school community and we would love your support during these events!
Upcoming Events:
Monday, September 30: Dine and Donate @ Lou Malnati's
Monday, September 30: Room Parents Meeting @ 3:15 p.m.- MPR
Month of October- Fundraiser with Regal Movie Theaters
Thursday, October 3 and Friday, October 4: Hawk Hustle T-Shirt Pick-up from 4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Saturday, October 5: 10th Annual Hawk Hustle from 8:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.!
Wednesday, October 9: Walk to School Day!
Tuesday, October 15: Breakfast Buddies- Last Names A-G
Wednesday, October 16: Breakfast Buddies- Last Names H-O
Thursday, October 17: Breakfast Buddies- Last Names P-Z
Thursday, October 17: Monthly PTA Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.- Library
Sunday, October 27: Trunk or Treat from 10:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.- Mallard Parking Lot
The PTA still needs several volunteers to be able to run the Hawk Hustle event smoothly. If a 3K isn't quite your thing, consider donating an hour of your time. This is also a great opportunity for high school students, scouts, honor society members, or anyone else looking for service hours (no age restrictions)! There are a wide range of opportunities available from helping along the course to operating games at the post-race festival. More volunteers = less time waiting in line! It truly takes a village to put on these events, so come out and support yours.
Registration for Hawk Hustle will stay open until the event starts. Still want to join in on all the fun? Register today.
Breakfast Buddies Information: We're also looking for volunteers to help set up, pass out donuts, and clean up when the kids line up for school. Did your child pick another buddy to take but you still want to be a part of their special morning? Then volunteering is the way to go. Do you just love the smell of donuts and can think of no better way to spend your morning? We agree, so come on over and lend a helping hand!
PTA Reflections Information: The National PTA Reflections Art Contest is now open for submissions! The Reflections program provides opportunities for recognition and access to the arts, boosting student confidence and success both in the arts and in life. All students K-5 are invited to participate in this exciting opportunity to showcase their talents. This year's theme is Accepting Imperfection.
All students in District 15 are invited to participate in a free Reflections Workshop (RSVP required) hosted by the Northwest Suburban Council of PTA/PTSA on Monday, October 7, 6:30pm, at Winston Campus. Students will get creative during an interactive mini-session with guest artists while adults will get an overview of the program.
See the official rules provided by the Illinois PTA. All submissions are due on October 25. We can't wait to see what you create!
Join the PTA!
If you haven't joined yet, please consider joining the PTA!
Dine and Donate at Lou's!
Need lunch or dinner plans? Consider supporting the PTA by ordering pizza from Lou Malnati's today! Be sure to mention the Hunting Ridge PTA when you order or use promo code GPFUND24 when ordering online.
Lou Malnati's
287 N Northwest Highway
(847) 963-0800
October Fundraiser
Have movie plans? Consider going to a Regal movie theater to support the HR PTA!
Walk to School Day!
Start your day by walking to school on Wednesday, October 9. Stop by the corner of Illinois and Mallard to see a special guest!
Breakfast Buddies!
Breakfast Buddies, 7:30 - 8:15 am
10/15 - Last names A-G
10/16- Last names H-0
10/17- Last names P-Z
Save the Date: October 27!
Join the Hunting Ridge PTA for fun, more fun, and even more fun on October 27 from 10 am to 1 pm in the school parking lot. We'll have cars lined up ready for the kids to "trunk or treat," as well as games and other activities. Are you interested in decorating your trunk or helping out at the event? Fill out our volunteer form and let us know. The more trunks the merrier!
Every Day Counts!
Start the Year Strong with Daily Attendance!
Did you know? Students who attend school consistently from the beginning of the year are more likely to establish good academic habits that last all year long.
Tip: Stay on top of your child's attendance by opting in to the district’s attendance notifications. Reply to the monthly text for updates and keep track of your student’s attendance progress. Let’s aim for fewer than 9 absences this year!
As we begin another school year in District 15, I want to highlight the importance of daily attendance in your child’s academic success. Regular attendance is key to academic achievement and personal growth. Each day in District 15 offers new opportunities for learning, and we ask that you prioritize your child’s presence in school. Research shows that attendance directly impacts academic performance and helps students feel more connected to their school community.
This year, every District 15 school is encouraging all families to commit to missing 9 days or less for school success. Every lesson, discussion, and interaction contributes to your student’s progress, both academically and socially. Being in school not only fuels learning but also opens doors to extracurricular activities and social connections.
While we understand that occasional absences may happen due to illness or other circumstances, please ensure your student stays in communication with their teachers and promptly completes any missed work. Thank you for your partnership in making this a successful year of growth and learning.
Kate Arenberg, Principal
PBIS Kick-off Assembly
On Friday, September 6, the entire Hunting Ridge School came together to review our three expectations: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe. Students then participated in station rotations to review expectations in the hallway, lunchroom, recess, bathroom, etc.
Full Day Kindergarten Smiles
Students in Mrs. Rauch's kindergarten class showing their best smiles on the first day of full day kindergarten!
Newline Interactive Boards
Students are using the Newline Interactive Boards in our new learning spaces.
Safety Information from District 15
Annual Safety Drill Notice
The safety of our students is always a top priority in District 15. Our goal is not only to provide a safe environment, but to also prepare our students, staff and school community to know how to respond if a crisis arises. To that end, each year, schools are required by Illinois School Code to conduct the following drills:
3 evacuation drills. One of the three drills must be supervised by the fire department;
1 bus evacuation drill;
1 severe weather/shelter-in-place drill; and
2 lockdown drills. One of which must be a staff initiated lock-down. Schools also conduct a drill in coordination with the building principal and under the direction of police department to continuously improve each school’s readiness to respond to an emergency situation.
House Bill 2400: School Safety Drill Act states:
All lockdown drills will be announced to all school personnel and students prior to the commencement of the drill;
Schools will provide sufficient information and notification to parents and guardians in advance of any lockdown drill that involves the participation of students;
Schools will provide parents and guardians an opportunity to “opt-out “from having their child participate for any reason from participating in the practice lockdown drill; and
Schools will provide alternative safety education and instruction related to an active threat or shooter event to students who do not participate in a walk-through lockdown drill to provide them with essential information and instruction through less sensory methods.
In addition to these drills, our schools also practice a relocation drill on a rotating basis every other year with students and staff. A relocation drill is used in the event a school has an emergency situation that requires the school to evacuate for reasons that may include fire, water main break, gas leak and necessitates a move to an alternate location. The school may “relocate” to a predetermined site via bus or walking, depending on the situation.
Building administrators will notify families of upcoming lockdown drills at least one week in advance of the drill. If you prefer your child does NOT participate in the yearly required lockdown drills, please submit this safety drill opt-out form. Please submit one form for each of your children you are opting out.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s school with any questions you may have. Together, we will help make our schools engaging and safe places for our students to learn.
Click here for more information about our safety drills.
Click Here to access the Opt Out Form.
Parent Handbook Information from District 15
Each year we update our Parent/Student Handbook to provide families with a quick reference to all things District 15. If you haven’t already done so, please make some time to review the Parent/Student Handbook.
Chromebook Reminder
Power Up Learning! Charge Those Chromebooks Every Day!
To ensure a smooth start, we kindly request that you help your child develop the habit of bringing their fully charged Chromebook to school every day.
A charged Chromebook is like a backpack filled with essential learning tools – it opens doors to interactive lessons, research projects, and creative activities. By having their device ready to go, your child will be well-prepared to dive into each day's learning adventures.
Upcoming Job Fairs!
District 15 will be holding Job Fairs on the following dates -- Interested people can apply onsite!
Dates: Every Wednesday
Location: ESC - 580 N. 1st Bank Drive, Palatine, IL 60067
Time: 10:00 - 1:00pm
Please contact Jamie Randell (randellj@ccsd15.net) or Andy Elbert (elberta@ccsd15.net) with any questions.
Upcoming Events
Monday, September 30: PTA Room Parents Meeting @ 3:15 p.m.
Month of October: Special PTA Fundraiser through Regal Movie Theaters!
Tuesday, October 2: Observed Fire Drill with the Palatine Fire Department @ 9:00 a.m.
Saturday, October 5: 10th Annual PTA Hawk Hustle from 8:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. @ Hunting Ridge
Monday, October 7: Bus Evacuation Drill @ 9:30 a.m.
Wednesday, October 9: Walk to School Day @ 8:10 a.m.
Wednesday, October 9: Board of Education Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.- Walter R. Sundling Middle School
Monday, October 14: NO SCHOOL- Teacher Plan Day
Tuesday, October 15: Breakfast Buddies sponsored by the PTA @ 7:30 a.m.- Cafeteria (Last Names A-G)
Tuesday, October 15: 5th Grade Cross Country Meet @ 4:30 p.m.- Salk Park
Wednesday, October 16: Breakfast Buddies sponsored by the PTA @ 7:30 a.m.- Cafeteria (Last Names H-O)
Thursday, October 17: Breakfast Buddies sponsored by the PTA @ 7:30 a.m.- Cafeteria (Last names P-Z).
Thursday, October 17: Monthly PTA Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.- School Library
Sunday, October 27: PTA Trunk or Treat @ 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.- Hunting Ridge Mallard Parking Lot
Thursday, October 31: Halloween Celebrations- Parade @ 1:15 p.m., Classroom Parties @ 1:45 p.m.
District 15 Information
Learn 15 Information: https://www.ccsd15.net/families/learn15
Kate Arenberg, Principal
Hunting Ridge Elementary School
1105 W. Illinois Ave.
Palatine, IL 60067