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18 March 2024
Week 8, Term 1
Principal's Message
Kia ora koutou,
Thank you to everyone who sent their kind thoughts and wishes while I was away on bereavement leave. My mother-in-law was a very special lady; she was one of my biggest cheerleaders and a strong woman who exemplified the value of service leadership. Huge appreciation goes to Belinda Hoebergen and Stephanie Barr for stepping into my role while also leading their own classrooms, and to all the staff for taking on aspects of my job during my absence. I am very fortunate to have a team that demonstrates manaaki and aroha for my family and I.
The Board of Trustees and I have just finalised our Strategic Plan 2024-2025 and I’ve submitted it to the Ministry of Education. The full document can be found on our website.
One of the highlights since my return to school was the Maungakawa Camp with our Year 8 student leaders. I extend my gratitude to Frank for his leadership of this event, as well as for his donation of venison steaks and sausages for our dinner. Our leaders truly impressed us by embodying all our Hautapu Values and pushing themselves to excel in an unfamiliar environment.
The Bingo Fundraising Event was a huge success last Friday; thank you to everyone who came along to support. We were overwhelmed by the generosity of numerous businesses that donated prizes. A sincere thank you goes to Hayley McGovern and Amy Gibbs for spearheading the organisation of this event; they dedicated many hours to this event. Thank you to Hadley Searle and Haydn Waide for keeping us entertained and for leading the bingo evening. Additionally, thank you to the volunteers who worked tirelessly behind the scenes organising the food, selling raffle tickets and working behind the bar. All funds raised will be directed towards acquiring learning resources, with a particular focus on literacy teaching and learning. We look forward to announcing the final fundraised amount in the very near future.
Ngā manaakitanga | With Best wishes
Thank You to our Bingo Night Sponsors and Helpers!
Thank you to these lovely ladies for organising and helping out on the night!
Notice from Board of Trustees
Board Constitution
Your Board of Trustees seek feedback on a proposed change to its constitution. We are proposing to reduce the number of parent-elected representatives from 5 to 3.
By reducing the number of parent representatives, we seek to improve the efficiency of the election process.
Your school board currently has 5 parent-elected representatives with elections held every 18 months. This entails significant investment of time and resources to co-ordinate. Once elected, Board members hold their position for 3 years. In the last few elections, we have seen a decline in nominees.
Most members are elected, but boards have the option to "co-opt" additional members with skills or knowledge that the board may not otherwise have. The board recognises that we will have a greater opportunity of co-opting members without the commitment of a 3-year tenure.
Based on the school role, we are required to have a minimum of 3 parent-elected reps.
To provide feedback on this recommendation, please email the Presiding Member (Rosanna Dickson: nzrose77@gmail.com).
School Photo Day & Paid Union Meeting Thursday 21st March
School Photos
Our school photo day is this Thursday, 21st March. Please have your child/ren to school by 8.30am so they don’t miss their class photo. You are welcome to bring your outside of school sibling for a sibling photo at 11am – meet in the school hall. You will be able to order your child’s photo online, instructions will be emailed out after the photos have been processed.
Paid Union Meeting - Thursday 21st March at 1.30pm
Parents/caregivers are asked to collect children between 1pm and 1:15pm to allow teachers time to travel to the meeting at Cambridge Middle School.
Our after-school care program will run an extended afternoon program for those families who normally use the service. There will be a very limited number of non-union teachers on-site to help supervise children if parents have no other option. Please let Geraldine in the office know if you cannot collect your child.
Welcome Certificates
Junior Class Certificates
Senior Class Certificates
House Leader Certificates
Maungakawa Camp
Waikato Schools Show Jumping Competition
On Wednesday 28th February Elena Quinn, Celia Hawthorne, Madison Gibbs and Piper Ritchie competed in the Waikato Schools Show Jumping Competition. All the ponies were well behaved and there were no falls. Celia placed 3rd in TAM and Elena placed 4th in accumulator. They all had a fabulous day.
Waipa Fun Run
Hautapu Helping Hands
Join the Hautapu Helping Hands page on Facebook to keep up with school events.
Your lunchbox
We are able to offer Your Lunch Box (https://www.yourlunchbox.co.nz/) at Hautapu School. This is a great, convenient way to have delicious & healthy lunches made fresh and delivered to your children at school at the click of a mouse. Orders will be delivered to school in the morning and children can collect their school lunch box from the office.
Important Dates
Tuesday 19 March – Senior School Swimming Sports for students Years 5 - 8
Wednesday 20 March – BOT Meeting 6pm
Thursday 21 March – School Photo Day
Thursday 21 March - Teachers Paid Union Meeting (please collect your children between 1pm - 1.15pm)
Sunday 24 March – Colour Run - POSTPONED to Term 4
Monday 25 March – Japanese Visit
Thursday 28 March – Assembly 1:40pm (including Easter Raffle Draw)
Friday 29 March – No School, Good Friday
Monday 1 April – No School, Easter Monday
Tuesday 2 April – No school, Easter Tuesday
Thursday 4 April – Whanau Learning Conversations (2:45pm-7:30pm)
Friday 5 April - Interschool Swimming Sports
Saturday 6 April - Ninja Valley 9am-10am
Tuesday 9 April – HPV & Boostrix child immunisations (consenting Years 7 & 8 only)
Wednesday 10 April – Whanau Learning Conversations (2:45pm-7:30pm)
Friday 12 April – Assembly 8:40am, Last Day of Term (normal school day)
Pumpkin Growing Competition
Do you have a pumpkin to weigh in for the competition?
Register here: https://forms.gle/P7knhN1oN4fJWJGr8
Bulb Fundraiser for Enviro Garden
School Photo Day Thursday 21 March
Ninja Valley Fun for all the Family & Friends!
We are collecting Yummy Fruit Stickers
After School Care
Kit-Markin Construction
Multi award winning Master Builders Kit-Markin Homes will donate $5000 to Hautapu School when friends and family of the school choose them to build their new home or commercial building. New decks from the community will result in a $500 donation to the school. Contact Josh on 0279355435 or josh@kmh.co.nz
Contact Us
Email: admin@hautapu.school.nz
Website: https://www.hautapu.school.nz/
Location: 5 Hana Lane, Cambridge 3493, New Zealand
Phone: +647827 7466