In the Leonard Loop
October 18, 2024

Important Dates
- Now - October 23 - Candy Monster Donations accepted for our Trunk-or-Treat
- Sunday, October 20 - PTO Fall Family Photo Shoot (see information in PTO section below)
- Thursday, October 24 - Fifth Grade Camp Meeting; 6:45 in the cafeteria
- Friday, October 25 - PTO Trunk-or-Treat; 6:30 at 340 E. Big Beaver Rd. (NEW LOCATION - in the parking garage behind Sedona restaurant!)
- Wednesday, October 30 - Costume/Halloween Parties
- Kindergarten: Parade @ 10:45; Parties @ 11:00
- Grades 1-5: Parade @ 2:45; Parties @ 3:00
- Thursday, October 31 - No School, Teacher Professional Learning
- Friday, November 1 - No School, Teacher Professional Learning
- Saturday, November 2 - Troy Public Library Bookmobile comes to Leonard
- Monday, November 4 - Picture Retake Day (for children who were absent on September 18 or for children whose parents aren't satisfied with their originals)
- Tuesday, November 12 - PTO General Membership Meeting @ 6:30 in Media Center
- Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29 - No School, Thanksgiving Break
- Monday, December 23 - Friday, January 3 - No School, Winter Break
Halloween Celebrations - Wednesday, October 30th
On Wednesday, October 30th, we’ll be celebrating Halloween at Leonard with our annual costume parade and class parties. As a reminder, all costumes need to be appropriate for elementary school. Children are not allowed to wear anything violent or scary. If a child does bring something inappropriate, they will not be permitted to wear it. If your kids would like to dress up and you’re looking for ideas, there are lots of easy, homemade costumes you can make with your kids. Here are a few websites with ideas:
- https://www.livingwellspendingless.com/free-cheap-homemade-halloween-costumes/comment-page-4/
- https://www.wellesleyandking.com/blog/easy-diy-kids-halloween-costumes
Kindergarten Celebrations
- Parade is at 10:45. Parents are welcome to attend. You will line up in the main hallway as the children parade around the school.
- Party is at 11:00 - 12:00. Parents are invited to come and help with the games and fun activities! Just a reminder that no food should be consumed during the parties due to allergies. Children may take goodie bags home to enjoy with families.
1st - 5th Grade Celebrations
- Parade is at 2:45. Parents are welcome to attend. If the weather is nice, parents will line the track in the back of the school as we parade by. If the weather is too cold or wet, parents will line up in the LGI and cafeteria as we have an indoor parade.
- Parties are at 3:00 - 4:00. Parents are invited to come and help with the games and fun activities. Just a reminder that no food should be consumed during the parties due to allergies. Children may take goodie bags home to enjoy with families.
Learn More About our Bridges in Mathematics Curriculum
If you're interested in learning more about how your child(ren) are learning math in our classrooms, check this out -
School Safety Drills
Every school year, we practice four kinds of safety drills at school:
- Evacuation/Fire Drills
- Shelter-in-Place/Tornado Drills
- Minimum Security (if there were a medical emergency in the building or a threat in the nearby community)
- ALICE (if there were a danger inside our building)
During these drills, we prioritize the children's emotional and physical well-being. We never want to cause any unnecessary stress or worry for the children. We talk as classes about listening to the teacher and staying safe. So far this school year, we've had several evacuation drills, a shelter-in-place drill, and will have a minimum security drill next week.
At home, you can ask your children about their experiences with the drills. Additionally, it would be a great time to review your own family's safety plans in case of an emergency. Do your children know what to do if there were a fire in your home? The American Red Cross has great resources about teaching children at home about fire safety: https://www.redcross.org/get-help/how-to-prepare-for-emergencies/types-of-emergencies/fire/fire-safety-for-kids.html
iPad Insurance Window Closes October 31 (optional)
TSD iPad Responsibility & Optional Insurance Program for Students in Grades 2-5
Each student in grades 2-12 who wishes to participate in the Troy School District 1:1 Device Insurance Program will be required to pay an annual insurance premium of $25 per student, not to exceed $100 per family. Kindergarten and 1st grade students have classroom sets of iPads that are shared in the classroom and not brought home, thus, no personal insurance is needed.
For more information and for directions on how to purchase the insurance, please use this link: https://www.troy.k12.mi.us/departments/tech-data-services/ipad-insurance-information
TPL Bookmobile Comes to Leonard
We're excited to share that the Troy Public Library will bring the Bookmobile to Leonard one Saturday a month! Come see the library on wheels!
PTO Information
General Membership Meeting - October 15th
Everyone is invited to the PTO meeting on Tuesday, November 12 at 6:30 pm in our media center. We are working to arrange high school volunteers to be present to supervise children if your little ones join you.
Fall Family Photo Shoot - October 20th
Support Leonard Elementary School when you sign up for a 5-minute mini-family photo session! The photos will be taken by a professional photographer at the beautiful Raintree Park in Troy on Sunday, October 20, 2024, from 8:00 AM to noon. Don’t delay, sign up today, because time slots always fill-up fast!
Leonard Trunk-or-Treat - October 25th
Our annual Trunk-or-Treat is right around the corner! There are lots of ways to partake in the fun!
- Donate unopened bags of candy (beginning on October 11) to help subsidize the candy our trunk hosts distribute.
- Sign-up to host a trunk! It's a lot of fun to decorate your car and help to make the night so memorable! Your trunk could be voted "Best in Show" this year!
- Come enjoy the evening of trunk-or-treating on Friday, October 25 @ 6:30!
- NEW LOCATION THIS YEAR! We will be at 340 E Big Beaver Rd (which is a parking garage basically behind Sedona restaurant).
Kroger Rewards
If you shop at Kroger, link your shopper's rewards account to Leonard Elementary School and support our PTO. It's an easy way to give back to the school when you're doing your weekly grocery shopping.
Leonard Restaurant Night
Mark your calendars for Thursday, November 7 for our next Leonard Restaurant Night! This month we'll be at Red Robin (I-75 and Crooks)! Come hungry and be sure to mention Leonard so we're able to receive the donation, which helps to support staff appreciation.
Frequently Asked Questions
You may be wondering about other topics related to school. We’ve compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions for our families to reference.
Community Corner
Helpful Links
School Information
Phone Numbers
- Attendance Line: 248-823-3301
- Main Office: 248-823-3300
School Hours
- Full Days: 9:04 - 4:07
- Half Days: 9:04 - 12:59 (no lunch service)
School Address
4401 Tallman
Troy, MI 48085