Lately with LiiNK®
What is Happening on Your Child's LiiNK Campus?
From the Teacher's Mouth!
One success I can share is that I feel like my students have really learned how to use their imagination. At the beginning of the year they didn’t know what to play or how to play outside if they didn’t have a toy to play with and they would just argue and fight over the toys. Now the kids don’t even need the toys and they initiate games with others on their own and can now use their imagination to create their own games. This is awesome to see! -E. Gadberry
I got a new boy Wednesday who kept tattling at recess. The other children quickly schooled him on taking care of his own problems instead of tattling. They were very nice about it too! They told him—Oh no! We talk to the person not tattle to the teacher!
Yay! PA!! -A. Kelly
Students tend to find others who are of similar abilities, physically, socially, and intellectually. However, with Liink, I am noticing our kindergarten students of all abilities positively interacting with each other. Students are having more empathy toward each other. Students are connecting with other students in other classes and not just their own. This has made students in the grade level have closer relationships and I am excited for this to continue on in their future grade levels. I believe that this will only enhance their experiences with each other and they will have more tolerance for each other’s differences. –T. Pockrus
Why are They Going Outside?
Research shows that children become much more hardy and resilient when exposed to different outdoor temperatures and weather conditions. What this means is that over time being exposed to the different temperatures throughout the year, their bodies regulate to the changes therefore their immune systems become much stronger and much more able to fight external or internal pathogens (germs and bacteria that either come in contact with our bodies or pathogens that we produce to keep our immune systems functioning at top capacity). What has happened over the years with the limited outdoor time that children are getting is that the immune systems are becoming much more fragile and sensitive to everything. Being outdoors throughout the day every day with different temperatures is strengthening the immune system.
Another reason we want them outside as much as possible is because of the natural production of D3 from the sun. D3 is a hormone we produce through natural sunlight. The benefit of natural D3 is it also boosts the immune system function and prevents the ability of acute diseases such as bronchitis, colds, flu, joint pain, headaches from attacking the body and after so many times, becoming chronic diseases such as asthma, arthritis, migraines that plague our systems for the rest of our lives. The cold weather is not what causes the illnesses that children succumb to. They get sick from their immune systems not being healthy enough to fight the bacteria and germs they come in contact with.
The last reason for the exposure to the colder temperatures is that the bodies organs (digestion, kidneys, breathing, heart) learn to adapt in many conditions.
-Dr. Rhea
Week 22: Respect-To show special care for people.
Week 23: Kindness- To care for others and take thoughtful action. Fairness-To treat others with justice.
Week 24: Cooperation-To work with others for a common purpose.
Week 25: Self-Honesty-To tell yourself the truth.
Unit Five Main Idea and Learning Target
1. Telling Yourself the Truth Using Emotional Positive Actions
Other positive behaviors are only possible when people learn to be honest with themselves.
Connecting the Dots!
Kindergarten-What are the rules (by mid-February they should know all 4) for self-honesty? Why is it important to keep your promise? What happened when Miska forgot to keep her promise to check the rope for the anchor?
First-What did you learn about making excuses? Is it OK to change your mind about a promise? What do you need to do if you do change your mind? What should you do when your friends want you to do something you do not feel good about?
Second-What does it mean to have self-pity? What do you see are your strengths and weaknesses? What is Integrity and why is it important?
Third-Why is self-honesty important? Why should you admit your mistakes? What is peer pressure?
Did you know "Winter means goodbye to all the bad air quality and high ozone levels so common in the spring and summer months. The crisp, air quality of cold air makes this time of year a great time to be out in nature, taking long walks and deeper breaths of fresh air."
This month, we encourage you to spend a little time outside in the brisk weather with your family. Go for a quick walk, play in the leaves, or maybe visit a park. What conversations develop during this unstructured time? What sensations do you have at the conclusion of your time spent outdoors in the crisp air?Recommended Read
EMS ISD LiiNK Contact Information
Email: cwilliams-martin@ems-isd.net
Website: emsisd.com/Domain/5807
Location: 1200 Old Decatur Road, Fort Worth, TX, United States
Phone: (817)232-0880-6655
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emsisdliink/
Twitter: @EMSISDLiiNK