Welcome to David Barton Elementary
August 4, 2023
We hope you have enjoyed your summer break. This newsletter contains information that will be helpful for the upcoming school year. There is a lot of information here, but we urge you to read through it and bookmark it for future reference. Please know you are always welcome to call or email the office if you have any questions.
There is an asterisk (*) next to the items that you may want to share with your child.
- August 13 - Boonville Kiwanis Back-to-School Bash at Lion's Park, 12:00-3:00 PM (Free school supplies for all K-5 students!)
- Week of August 14 - Teacher assignments will be emailed
- August 17 - 3rd Grade Kick Off, 6:00-7:00 PM
- August 17 - 4th & 5th Grade Back-to-School Night, 7:00-8:00 PM
- August 22 - First Day of School, 1:15 PM dismissal
If you saw your child's teacher in parent portal earlier this summer, please know it may have changed. With our switch to Infinite Campus, preliminary placements were made but further adjustments have been made as new families have enrolled.
David Barton will host its 3rd Grade Kick Off & Back-to-School Night for new and existing students and their families on Thursday, August 17.
3rd Grade - 6:00-7:00 PM
4th & 5th Grade - 7:00-8:00 PM
You are invited to join us at David Barton to:
- tour the school
- meet your child's teacher
- drop off your child's school supplies
- drop off medications with the school health office
- get information about the new year
- complete Online Registration
- complete forms for the new year
- gather information from First Student, Homeworks, PTA, and other community organizations
All families should complete the Annual Update (online registration) through Infinite Campus before our Back-to-School Night on August 17. Families should have received an email earlier this week on how to set up your new Infinite Campus account.
You can find additional information about the Annual Update and Infinite Campus at https://www.bpsk12.net/cms/one.aspx?portalid=11750777&pageid=11925432
Bus transportation requests are a part of the online registration process but families must also contact First Student to arrange bus transportation by completing the form at https://bit.ly/PirateBusSignUp or calling First Student at 660-882-7421.
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
- DB uses a weekly newsletter as the primary communication tool for upcoming events, activities, announcements, etc.
- The newsletter will be emailed on Friday afternoons with the subject line "THE DB BEAT".
- We encourage you to read The DB Beat to ensure you don't miss any announcements.
- We often hear that parents/guardians are overwhelmed by the number of emails they receive from schools, so we will be sending most information out through the newsletter.
- Please make sure we have an email address on file for you that is checked regularly. David Barton and the Boonville School District routinely use email to communicate important information.
- Students will bring home important information on the first day of school. Please check their backpacks, as some of the forms must be completed and returned.
- Please check student backpacks for documents, especially over the weekend. Information is commonly sent home in Friday folders.
- Boonville Schools use School Messenger to send text messages about school closings, safety alerts, events, and more.
- Parents/guardians must opt-in to receive these notifications - this can be done by texting "Y" to 67587.
- Additional details about School Messenger can be found at https://www.bpsk12.net/parent_resources/school_alerts.
- The David Barton Facebook page is a fun way to see what our students are doing throughout the day! We encourage parents/guardians to follow us there https://www.facebook.com/davidbartonelem.
- Tuesday, August 22 - early dismissal, David Barton dismisses at 1:15 PM.
- Parents will not be able to walk their child(ren) to the classroom.
- If you think your child may require a longer goodbye during drop off, we ask that you park in the lower front parking lot and walk your child to the front door (this will help keep the car line moving).
- Students that did not drop off their school supplies during Back-to-School Night should bring their school supplies on the first day.
- If you have medication to drop off with the school nurse and you did not do that during Back-to-School Night, please bring it on the first day of school. Our school nurse, Lainey Byrd, will be available to receive this. DO NOT SEND MEDICATION TO SCHOOL WITH YOUR CHILD. It must only be handed directly from a parent/guardian to Nurse Lainey.
- Monday, September 11.
- Picture order forms will be sent home with students prior to picture day.
- Online ordering will be available. We will send online ordering information at a later date.
- Online ordering is available before and after picture day. Shipping and handling charges may apply to orders placed after picture day.
- Picture re-take day will be Thursday, November 2.
- Front doors open at 7:45 AM - there will not be supervision outside of the building before 7:45 AM.
- Students should go straight to their classroom if they will not eat breakfast at school -or- to the cafeteria if they plan to eat breakfast when they arrive. *
- Breakfast will be served from 7:45-8:00 AM.
- Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria. *
- School starts at 8:05 AM, students arriving after 8:05 AM will be counted as tardy
- If a student arrives after the doors lock at 8:05 AM, a parent/guardian MUST come into the building to sign the student in.
- Car riders should be dropped off in the front circle drive.
- Walkers will enter through the front doors.
- Buses will drop off in the back drive.
7:45 AM - doors open, breakfast is served.
8:05 AM - bell rings, students arriving after 8:05 AM must be checked in by a parent/guardian and will be counted tardy.
- Absences should be reported to the David Barton office by calling 660-882-6527 or emailing db@bpsk12.net.
- If your child will be absent, please notify the David Barton office by 8:30 AM when possible.
- Parents/guardians will receive a phone call or text alert from the DB office if the office has not been notified of an absence.
- If requested, missed assignments can be picked up in the office between 2:30-3:15 PM.
- David Barton dismisses at 3:15 PM.
- On early dismissal days, dismissal time is 1:15 PM.
- Please make sure your child’s dismissal plan has been shared with their teacher prior to the first day of school (this can be done during the Back-to-School Night or by email/ClassDojo).
- Car riders will be picked up in the front circle drive.
- Please be cautious and alert during pick-ups. Please watch for pedestrians.
- Please do not block the driveways on Locust Street or the entrance to the west DB parking lot when in line.
- Walkers will be dismissed through the front doors.
- Students are to remain on the sidewalks and are expected to walk straight home/after school location. *
- Students are expected to follow all crossing guard instructions. *
- Please talk to your child about being responsible and safe on their walk home. *
- Buses will pick up in the back of the building.
- Students will have assigned seats on the bus. *
- Students are expected to follow all bus rules and procedures. *
- If your child will be riding the bus to or from school, arrangements must be made directly with First Student by completing the form at https://bit.ly/PirateBusSignUp or calling First Student at 660-882-7421.
- All dismissal changes must be communicated with the David Barton office.
- Dismissal changes can be called into the office at 660-882-6527 or emailed to db@bpsk12.net.
- Dismissal changes are accepted until 2:30 PM. Administrator approval will be required for any changes requested after 2:30 PM.
- If you need to pick up your child early, it is helpful if you notify the school prior to arriving.
- When you arrive to pick up your child early, please use the intercom at the front door.
- The office staff may ask to see a photo ID when picking up your child. Please make sure you have that with you.
- If someone other than a parent/guardian has been given permission to pick up a student, please ask that person to bring a photo ID with them for pick-up.
- A parent/guardian MUST come into the building to sign the student out on the kiosk.
- Parent Portal is an excellent way to see your child’s assignment scores, attendance, grades, nurse’s office visits, etc.
- Please make sure you have access to the Parent Portal, if you need your login information please call the David Barton office at 660-882-6527 or email at db@bpsk12.net.
- Parent Portal also allows parents to update their contact information and their emergency contact information.
- It is imperative that we have current and accurate contact information for all students. Please notify the school if your phone number or email address changes.
- Parent Portal can be viewed on their smartphone app as well, this is an easy way to have the information available. The Campus Parent app can be downloaded in either the Apple App Store of the Google Play Store.
- Additional information on Parent Portal can be found here: https://www.bpsk12.net/parent_resources/parent_portal.
- Please make sure your child’s water bottle is clearly labeled with their name.
- Students should arrive at school daily with a water bottle. *
- We have a very limited number of water bottles available to students if theirs is forgotten at home.
- All Boonville School District students will receive free lunch and breakfast.
- Lunch menus will be sent home in Friday folders. They are also available on the DB website, and on the DB Facebook page.
Kim Walker, Principal
Laurie Painter, Asst. Principal
DB Office
Administrative Assistants
Michelle Nickerson michelle.nickerson@bpsk12.net
Clara Asher clara.asher@bpsk12.net
- DB Website: https://db.bpsk12.net/home
- DB Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/davidbartonelem/
- DB Calendar: https://db.bpsk12.net/calendar
- District Website: https://www.bpsk12.net/
- District Calendar: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XRltszSbCi2tLeXUyjV5FBcOeAHTPbb8/view?usp=sharing
- Boonville Schools App: https://www.bpsk12.net/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11750777&pageId=12638077
David Barton Elementary School
Email: db@bpsk12.net
Website: https://www.db.bpsk12.net
Location: 814 Locust Street, Boonville, MO, USA
Phone: 660-882-6527
Facebook: facebook.com/davidbartonelem