WPS Elementary Report Cards
January 31, 2025
Cunniff Elementary School
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A Note from the Princiipal
Good Afternoon,
Report Cards are being sent home today in your child's backpack. In addition to the report card, you will find several other pieces of information to help you understand how your child is doing in school. Across the school we are seeing some wonderful growth in many areas!
The goal of this newsletter is to give you information about each individual report. You are always welcome to contact the school and/or your child's teacher with any questions.
Julia MacEwan, Principal
Standards-Based Report Cards: All Students K - 5
A standards-based report card:
Assesses student performance against a specific and observable grade set of skills;
Enables teachers to clearly define for students what it is that they should know, understand, and be able to do;
Measures each student against the identified grade level ‘end of year’ standard;
Is clear and specific about the academic standards and pro-social learning indicators;
Is aligned to the Massachusetts State Framework as indicated through the Common Core Curriculum Standards;
Supports consistent assessment and reporting across the district;
Does not measure how the student performs compared to other students.
Teachers use multiple sources of information to assess student growth toward standard-mastery including: classroom observations, classwork, frequent formative assessments, summative/cumulative assessments, and for each standard on the report card, there is an accompanying rubric. These rubrics are based on ‘end of year’ expectations. Many students will be ‘approaching’ standards in January for Semester 1, as the entire standard may not have yet been covered. Students will be eligible to receive “mastery” on the final report card, after the entire standard has been taught.
Academic Performance Standards:
M - *Mastery - The student consistently, accurately, and independently demonstrates proficiency in the grade level standard
A - Approaching - The student is progressing towards mastery and demonstrates basic concepts and skills, may vary in consistency, accuracy, and/or independence in the grade level standard
D - Developing - The student is beginning to demonstrate basic concepts and skills; may lack consistency, accuracy, and/or independence, towards the grade level standard
N - Not yet demonstrating the grade level standard
*Mastery does not mean the teaching and learning ends; rather, it indicates the student has reached a level of performance expected of that grade level with consistency, accuracy, and independence. Instruction and learning will focus on gaining a deeper understanding by solving more complex problems within the standard and across standards, more challenges applying the standard, and more opportunities for critical thinking within the standard (think Bloom's Taxonomy).
Pro-Social Learning Indicators (Personal Development/Classroom and Community Skills; Approaches for Learning)
3 - Demonstrates most of the time
2 - Demonstrates some of the time
1 - Requires ongoing intervention to develop skill
iReady Report for Families - All students K-5
(Reading and Math)
i-Ready is an online program that helps us determine your child’s needs, personalize his or her learning, and monitor progress throughout the school year. i-Ready allows us to meet your child exactly where he or she is and provides data for us to increase your child’s learning gains.
The i-Ready Diagnostic is an adaptive assessment that adjusts its questions to suit your child’s needs. Each item a student sees is individualized based on his or her answer to the previous question. For example, a series of correct answers will result in slightly harder questions, while a series of incorrect answers will yield slightly easier questions. The purpose of this is not to give your child a score or grade, but instead to determine how best to support your child’s learning. Your child participates in these two assessments (one literacy, one math), three times per year (fall, winter, late spring). Our final testing window will take place at the end of the school year.
DIBELS Home Connect - All Students K - 5
This year, we are continuing to use DIBELS as our literacy screening tool in grades K - 5. Teachers use this information to determine the best support for each child during WIN and across the day. You will see the DIBELS HomeConnect letter inside of the report card sharing your child’s performance on the middle of the year assessment. Please reach out to your teacher with any questions that you may have.
Special Education Progress Notes -
Students with IEPs
If your child is on an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and receives specialized support in any area (reading , writing math, classroom participation, speech, OT, PT, social emotional or counseling) you will receive Special Education Progress Notes from their service provider. The Special Education Progress Notes outline the progress that your child has made towards their IEP goals as written in the IEP that has been signed and accepted by their parents/caregivers. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to your individual special education teachers.
Reading Specialist Note -
Students who work regularly with a Reading Specialist
Students who work regularly with a Reading Specialist will receive a report that includes the goal that was being focused on and the degree to which that goal has been attained.
Multi-Lingual Learner Report Cards -
Students receiving ESL Services
Students in the ESL program will receive another report card based on the student's current listening, speaking, writing, and reading abilities in English. ESL Academic standards are graded on a scale of 1-6. Social-emotional standards are graded on a scale of 1-3. Please reach out to your child's ESL teacher if you need a document translated or have any questions.
ESL Academic Standards
1 - Entering: Knows and uses minimal social language and minimal academic language with visual and graphic support
2 - Emerging: Knows and uses some social English and general academic language with visual and graphic support
3 - Developing: Knows and uses social English and some specific academic language with visual and graphic support
4 - Expanding: Knows and uses social English and some technical academic language
5 - Bridging: Knows and uses social English and academic language working with grade-level material
6 - Reaching: Knows and uses social and academic language with grade-level proficiency.
NY - Not Yet
NA - Not Applicable
Social-Emotional Standards
3 - Demonstrates most of the time
2 - Demonstrates some of the time
1 - Requires ongoing intervention to develop skill
Translated Comments - Families in need of Interpretation
If your family indicated a need for translated materials on your child's Home Language Survey (completed during registration), then these are also included. If you would like translated reports and did not previously indicate that, please let us know by contacting your child's teacher or the Main Office.