SKY School Improvement Plan 24-25
School Improvement Plan 24-25

School Improvement Plan 24-25
Our school is chasing a strong implementation of MTSS that allows for standards mastery for each student through routine Tier 1 instructional strategies planned intentionally through collaborative educator teams. Our collaborative educator teams will work together to achieve equitable outcomes for every student by ensuring every student is supported with what they need to succeed.
We commit to:
- excellent instruction through universal use of three of our nine LSSD instructional strategies
- strengthening the effectiveness of our Collaborative Educator teams
- achieving equitable outcomes for each student through effective use of Student Growth Goals
By committing to these things, we will achieve the following:
- ELA: In third grade, we will chase 70% on the ELA SBA. Grades 4 and 5 will increase SBA scores by 10% resulting in scores of 4th grade: 82% and 5th grade 72%. 75% of students will be at grade level or higher on the spring literacy iReady assessment.
- MATH: In third grade, we will chase 70% on the Math SBA. Grades 4 and 5 will increase SBA scores by 10% resulting in scores of 4th grade: 79% and 5th grade 70%. 75% of students will be at grade level or higher on the spring math iReady assessment.
- SEL: 80% of students will meet our Tier 1 school wide behavior expectations through a strong implementation of PBIS (positive greetings at the door, Prompt, 4:1, etc) and SEL teaching programs (zones, Second Steps, Morning meetings) as measured by SWIS data.
DEMOGRAPHIC GROUP: We will intentionally focus on achieving equitable outcomes in reading and math for 1) students receiving IEP services and 2)students who receive multilingual services.
Our Tier One Strategies -- we commit to excellent instruction through the universal use of
10 and 2
Non Verbal Gestures
Co Created Classroom Norms
Collaborative Educator Team Work
Collaborative Educator Team Work
Grade Level Collaborative Educator Teams
CAN DO Meetings-Partnership between SPED, ML, and interventionists
We will achieve equitable outcomes for students using Student Growth Goals......
aligned to essential standards.
supported with consistent Tier 1 strategies as well as necessary Tier 2 and/or Tier 3 strategies.
engage in growth conversations about the implementation of these goals and the results for students.
We will monitor our progress during the year through:
Analyzing data, using formative and summative assessments in literacy and math and critically examining intervention and extension data to ensure students are making growth and meeting student growth goals. We will engage in this work through collaborative educator teams.
Administration of iReady Growth Monitoring assessments and SBA interims to use as additional data points.
Intervention and special education weekly progress monitoring.
Weekly progress monitoring of iReady pathway usage and passage rate.
Our PBIS team will monitor and respond to behavior referral data monthly. We will also conduct fidelity checks of our Tier 1 PBIS work throughout the school and within classrooms by members of our PBIS team and district staff.
Close monitoring of student referrals and Tier 2 and Tier 3 behavior intervention support plans.
February check in
- We started our year at 42% of our students at grade level or higher in reading as measured by the iready beginning of year assessment. We grew 19% to 62% of students meeting grade level or higher in reading at mid year.
We started our year at 25% of our students at grade level or higher in mathematics as measured by the iready beginning of year assessment. We grew 25% to 50% of students meeting grade level or higher in math at mid year.
Data Cycle Meetings by Grade Level:
Created action steps for grade level teams with our data team
Create a grade level SMART goal with an actionable plan to work towards attaining expected outcomes in math and reading using our school improvement plan goal as your "in order to reach 75% in... we will..."
- Data sharing of math: staff meeting, data team, collaborative educator teams, smart goals
- reworking our intervention team resources to shift more to math within the building primarily at K, 1, and 2.
WIN cycle alignment with mid year needs
June check in
At the end of the year, here is how we did, and the start of our plan is for next year