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Glacier Ridge Gazette
August 18, 2023
![Glacier Ridge Gazette August 18, 2023](https://cdn.smore.com/u/thumbs/e3fa/thumb-16a65657d748c9c469b2f26133b7b0bd.png)
October 11, 2024
Principal Messages in Review
If you’ve been reading my principal messages each week, you know that they are often lengthy. However, I enjoy sharing my personal learning experiences that are applicable to education and parenthood. I hope they can be of use to families with children that are younger than my own. Even as an educator, I still navigate parenthood. Being a parent is not an easy task and we are often left wondering if we are doing the right thing.
If you missed any of my messages this year, they are linked on our website. Feel free to revisit them or read them for the first time if you didn’t have time when the original newsletter was sent out.
Previous principal messages:
September 27, 2024 (Press Pause - Part 2)
September 13, 2024 (Press Pause - Part 1)
September 6, 2024 (E + R = O)
August 30, 2024 (What is PAX?)
August 23, 2024 (Talking About School at Home)
August 16, 2024 (School Communication Methods)
Have an amazing weekend!
Pete Kurty, Ed. D
Harvest Party Information
Date: Thursday, October 31, 2024
AM Kindergarten (10:45 a.m.)
AM kindergarten students should come dressed in their costumes.
PM Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th grades (2:30 - 3:15 p.m.)
PM kindergarten students should come dressed in their costumes.
All volunteers must exit the building by 3:25
Costumes are welcome, but not required. It is up to the child/family whether or not to wear a costume and each choice is equally respected. For those that choose to wear a costume, please consider the appropriateness of your child’s costume choice. Simulated weapons or any other dangerous costume parts should be left at home. Grim and violent costumes can scare young children and should be reserved for trick or treating in the neighborhood. Students must be able to dress themselves in their costumes.
KINDERGARTEN (AM & PM): Students should come to school dressed in their costumes and be able to remove their costumes themselves.
VOLUNTEERS: Classroom parties are limited only to those parents, volunteers, and families who planned the party. Due to space within the classroom, the number of volunteers may be limited by the room parent and teacher. The parties and volunteers are coordinated collaboratively with the room parent(s) and classroom teachers.
Volunteer Schedule:
Volunteer Arrival: Parent volunteers can go to classrooms no earlier than 2:15 p.m.
Volunteer Dismissal: Volunteers must be out of the building by 3:25 and out of the way of dismissal/bus traffic.
Parking for Volunteers
Please observe the No Parking signs along Glacier Ridge Boulevard. All cars parked in the dismissal lanes must be removed prior to 3:30. Also, observe the Fire Lane Restrictions on school property. Local police may ticket you. We also will open our playground for parking.
Volunteers Signing Out Students
Volunteers can sign out their own child in the classroom in which they volunteer. Teachers will have sign-out sheets. If volunteers also want to sign out siblings, they must do so in the office. Please do not go directly to the sibling’s classroom.
Please adhere to the food allergies of the students in the classroom. All food items should have the ingredient list on the packaging. A letter from the clinic should have come home with students in classrooms that have known food allergies. Please use the SnackSafely allergy guide. Please do not send items that contain ingredients on the allergy list. If you have questions about allergies in a particular classroom feel free to call the office. Parents of students with allergies are welcome to send alternate food items for their child as a safety precaution.
If you have questions regarding the party, please feel free to contact the school at 614-733-0012.
Yearbook Art Cover - Entries due Monday
Students in all grades have the opportunity to design the cover of the yearbook. We incorporate as many designs into the yearbook as possible, which include one on every teacher’s classroom page and a few dozen on the back page. We often select designs that reflect effort and thought. All entries need to be returned to the office by Monday, October 14th
Paint a Pumpkin as a Book Character
The GRE Library Media Center would love for students to PAINT a pumpkin like a book character to decorate for our upcoming Book Fair and the school! Please consider painting a pumpkin to resemble one of your favorite book characters! You are able to use paint and glue, but please DO NOT CARVE your pumpkin. Any pumpkin that has been carved, will need to be sent home immediately. All pumpkins can be brought to the library on October 14, 15, or 16th. This is completely optional. Thank you for considering this fun activity to celebrate books we love!
~ Mrs. Gould , GRE Media Specialist
Complete THIS FORM along with your pumpkin submission.
Book Fair - Save the Date
The Scholastic Fall Book Fair will take place from October 14th to October 25th. Students will be previewing the Book Fair October 14th-18th by making a “wish list” to bring home with prices and titles of books. (Please note, some book titles do sell out)
Students will be able to purchase books during their Library class beginning October 21st. The Book Fair will be open on Wednesday, October 16th from 4pm-7pm during conferences.
Acceptable payments will be cash, credit cards, check (made payable to Dublin Library Association) and ewallets (visit our book fair homepage to create: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/glacierridgeelementary)
If you have any questions, please contact Angela Gould at gould_angela@dublinschools.net
Thank you for supporting the GRE Book Fair!!
Save the Date! Redistricting Public Input Session on October 21
Dublin City Schools invites you to a public input session on Monday, October 21, from 7-8:30 PM at Jerome High School. Our school may be impacted by upcoming boundary changes, and your input is important. Cropper GIS will present in the Center for Performing Arts (CPA), followed by a review of proposed boundaries in the Commons. We hope to see you there as we work to balance student populations and plan for future growth!
Phones & smart watches - Off and Away
Smartwatches have become very popular for students. Although some families provide them for their child for communication and safety purposes, they are not necessary for those purposes at the elementary school level. Students are asked to remove them to place in their backpacks and/or leave them at home. If students or families need to communicate with one another, it should go through the office, teacher, clinic or a DCS staff member. The Board assumes no responsibility for theft, loss, or damage to, or misuse or unauthorized use of, PCDs brought onto its District grounds.
You can see Student Handbook for more details about the electronic device policy.
Dublin Girl Scouts Winter Coat Drive
Team up with the Dublin Girl Scouts to get winter coats to those in need. Please donate your new or gently used, laundered coats to benefit the kids and families through the Capital Kids Campaign of Columbus and Help My Neighbor Food Pantry.
All sizes of coats are welcome!
There will be a collection bin in the commons close to the front doors.
Donate today through November 1st!
Thank you for helping others stay warm this winter!
Family Conference Information - Virtual or In-Person
Our family conferences are coming up on October 16 & 24th. We will offer both in-person or virtual options. Your child’s teacher will reach out soon (if not already) to begin scheduling your conference.
During conferences, your child’s teacher will address three main criteria:
What I know about your child as a learner and a person
Evidence of ways I’ve gotten to know your child using formal and informal data
Next instructional steps for instruction
If you have specific questions about your child that you want the teacher to prepare for and address within the allotted time, please reach out to let them know.
3rd grade OST ELA Testing
3rd graders will participate in the OST for English Language Arts on Tuesday, October 23rd and Thursday, October 24th. We appreciate your attempts to ensure that your child is present at school on those days. If you know you will be absent please let your classroom teacher know. Makeup Testing will occur on October 24th, 25th and 28th.
Parent/Guardian Volunteer Background Check
VOLUNTEERING: Dublin City Schools takes the safety of our students and staff seriously and requires a background check for all volunteers interacting with students. In order to attend field trips or volunteer in the classroom, you much go through the background check process. The process is free and easy and takes only a few minutes to complete. This is required for any parents or caregivers wishing to volunteer with students.
Morning Tiger Student Announcements
Would you like to start your day saying “Hello!” to everyone at Glacier Ridge in the morning? Are you in 2nd thru 5th grade? Then sign up to read the morning announcements! If you would like to find out more about this opportunity and sign up to be a Tiger Student Announcer then go to the sign-up link below.
Students can sign up only 1 time per week.
Glacier Ridge Student Greeter Team
Glacier Ridge Elementary believes in creating a caring and comfortable environment for it's community of learners. This begins as students enter the front doors of the school in the morning. Sign up your child to be a greeter. Students gain confidence, become leaders, and learn how to present themselves in a positive way.
Click on this link to find out more specific information.
Upcoming GRE Events
October 14th- Yearbook art contest ends
October 14-25- Book fair
October 16th- Family conferences night 1
October 18th- No School (staff professional day)
October 23rd- Picture day make-ups & 5th grade class picture
October 23rd- 3rd grade ELA OST Part 1
October 24th- 3rd grade ELA OST Part 2
October 24th- Family conferences night 2
October 28th- Operation Kids for Troops collection begins
October 31st- Harvest party
November 1st- Feed the Kids candy collection begins
November 2nd- PTO cookie dough & pastry sale begins
November 3rd- Daylight savings day
Last Chance to Reserve Tickets for Why Teens Take Risks
We are nearing capacity on this important event featuring Dr. Jess Shatkin, a leading expert in child and adolescent mental health. Join us Monday, Oct. 14, at Coffman, when he will offer insights to help DCS parents and staff support and protect our children. Reserve your seat here.
6:00 p.m. Gather information and learn about available resources and services
7:00 p.m. Keynote Presentation with Dr. Shatkin
From the City of Dublin
Watch: Tap Into the Slow Down Dublin Toolbox
Did you know your family can borrow a speed laser from Dublin Police? The Slow Down Sloth describes the ins and outs of our Speed Management Toolbox, which helps promote traffic safety community wide. Request a Laser!
Japanese and ASL Guided Park Tours
Join the Heritage Interpreters to discover ancient earthworks at Ferris-Wright Park! Japanese interpreters will lead the Oct. 12 guided tour, and an ASL interpreter will join the event Oct. 13. What times to visit the park.
Survey: On the Move in Dublin
The City of Dublin has undertaken several innovative transportation initiatives to expand mobility options. As the City explores micro-transit to and through Dublin, tell us about your current travel experiences and what you’d consider in the future. Share Your Thoughts
To help students discover their interests and enrich their learning, Dublin City Schools partners with local businesses and community organizations to offer After School Activities outside of school hours. These experiences, which vary in content, time, location, and cost, are taught by course instructors employed by a sponsoring business or organization.
If your child will be absent from school, please email our attendance line at gres_attendance@dublinschools.net.
Glacier Ridge Elementary
Email: glacierridge_info@dublinschools.net
Website: https://glacier.dublinschools.net/
Location: 7175 Glacier Ridge Boulevard, Dublin, OH, USA
Phone: 614.733.0012
Twitter: @greDCSD