Birch Meadow Newsflash
August 20, 2020
Summer Communications
As new information is available about the start of the next school year, you will receive a special edition Newsflash and/or an email communication from Birch Meadow School or Julia Hendrix.
Stay well and safe!
From The Desk of Ms. Hendrix
Hello Birch Meadow Community,
As we move closer to the opening of school, I know there are still many uncertainties for you. I continue to update the FAQs page on the school website as I get more information. Once we have more definite plans in place, I will host virtual community meetings to review procedures and protocols for the new school year.
This weekend, information about children's learning cohorts for the 20-21 school year will be sent out. I realize that families are trying to make distance learning week plans for child care and learning groups and know that you need to know your child's cohort to make this possible. We know that some students will have a teacher change as a result of cohort assignments. Information about teacher changes and new classroom lists will be shared once we have those available. The cohort assignments this weekend will not include classroom teacher assignments.
If you have not received a cohort email by Sunday at 5:00 p.m. please email me. Thank you.
Julia Hendrix
Community Conversations about Race
“Engrave this upon your heart: there isn't anyone you couldn't love once you heard their story.”
― Mary Lou Kownacki
A little over a year ago, a presenter at a conference shared this quotation. At the time I thought that was ridiculous; I could make a long list of people who I knew I would never be able to love no matter how familiar I became with their story.
Well that was a year ago and today I feel differently. In the past months, as Birch Meadow School has intensified our equity work, I have had more conversations with more families and staff and learned about their stories. I have had conversations with people with different points of view and I've learned about them. Thank you to all the community members who have trusted me enough to share their thoughts and ideas, whether in agreement or disagreement with my own. Thank you for engaging in the conversations even when they are hard.
Tonight is our final summer Community Conversation about Race. The Zoom invite for this conversation is below and this link will take you to a preview of the meeting (with a 1 minute homework assignment). I hope that all will join in this discussion; all true anti-racist work begins with us knowing each other and that is the goal of these discussions.
Julia Hendrix is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Birch Meadow Community Conversations about Race
Time: Aug 20, 2020 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 919 5494 8189
Passcode: 565556
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Meeting ID: 919 5494 8189
Find your local number: https://readingpsma.zoom.us/u/aeFm107B2X
Update on Summer Food Programs
The Reading Public Schools Food Services is offering Grab&Go meal kits containing a week of lunch and breakfast foods. Distribution of the meals happens every Tuesday from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Meals are provided for anyone 21 years old or younger. No ID or proof of residency is required.
Additionally the Reading Public Schools is participating in the Farm to Table Fresh Program. Anyone can get a weekly, 20 pound box of fresh produce through this program. Pick up is at the same time as the Grab&Go Meals.
For information, you can email Danielle Collins at danielle.collins@reading.k12.ma.us. There is no registration required for this program, although if you send in your email you will get weekly reminders.
New Family and Kindergarten Events
School Site Council for 20-21
Summer Reading Time Is Here
PTO Board Update
We hope that you are staying safe and keeping well this summer!
There are a few quick updates that we wanted to share with you all. Below you will find all of the information you need to order your child's "School Tool Box" for the 20-21 school year.
We have a limited number of Birchie Bear t-shirts available for porch pick up here in Reading. There are blue or pink shirts ($10 each) as well as Birch Meadow car magnets ($5 each). All of the money goes toward PTO activities and enrichment for students. If you're interested in placing an order, please reach out to Amanda Haley directly: AmandaLynn.Haley@gmail.com
Garden Committee Chair
Birch Meadow PTO is looking for for 1-2 new volunteers to chair the Garden Committee. Chair responsibilities include: organizing garden clean ups (with the help of committee members) for the first day of school (front garden and back courtyard), maintain these two areas as needed throughout the year, and the possibility of planning Birch Meadow Beautification Day in the spring.
We are open to new and creative ideas!
If you are interested in helping us, please contact the PTO at BirchMeadowPTO@gmail.com
As always, if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us. We love to hear from you!
Stay Safe,
- The Birch Meadow PTO Board
2020-2021 School Tool Box Orders
We understand that the current Covid-19 pandemic has affected many people from an economic standpoint, and because of that, Principal Hendrix has worked with teachers at every grade level to cap the supplies cost at $25.
Using the School Tool Box program ensures that students get the supplies that teachers have requested they have for the school year, and makes shopping convenient for Birchie families!
Using the link below, you will be able to shop for your child(ren) starting now and up to two weeks before the start of the school year. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Lauren Goddard or Amanda Haley! (LGoddard515@gmail.com / Amandalynn.haley@gmail.com) and they will be happy to assist you!
www.schooltoolbox.com - Enter Birch Meadow
Right now, many of us are relying on Amazon to get groceries, everyday household items ... and everything in between! Did you know that by shopping through the Birch Meadow Amazon Smile Link you can earn money for our school while doing your shopping?
Try it out! It has helped us earn over $600 this year!
Birch Meadow PTO
Email: BirchMeadowPTO@gmail.com
Website: https://www.reading.k12.ma.us/birchmeadow/
Location: 27 Arthur B Lord Drive, Reading, MA, USA
Phone: 781-944-2335
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BirchMeadowElementarySchoolPTO/
Twitter: @birch_meadow