Principal Stewart's Weekly Update
Week of May 6 to May 11
FUNDRAISER EVENT! Students Vs. BCSO Basketball Game!
On Friday, May 17th, during 6th and 7th period, there will be a basketball game against the STUDENTS of Cocoa VS. the COPS of Brevard County Sheriff's Office. Tickets go on sale on Monday, May 13th during lunches. Tickets will be $5 to support the Class of 2025. This event is open to all students in good academic standing. Come out for a good game and to see who will win!
Who We Play For Heart Screenings
Here is information about Who We Play For's upcoming ECG Community Heart Screenings in Brevard County. All of their upcoming screenings can be found at the following link:
They are offering free heart screenings at several of our events for ages 10-22 years old regardless of school, sport or level of play.
Class of 2024 COUNTDOWN!
The clock is ticking -- there are only 29 days until Graduation! Here are all of the important dates our graduating seniors must know:
May 4th -- Prom at Cocoa Civic Center 7 pm to 11 pm
May 13th -- Monies Owed DUE
May 15th -- Senior Awards Night in the Gym (by invitation)
May 15th-17th -- Senior Exam Days
May 20th -- Make-up Exams & Senior Breakfast 9:30 am in HS Cafe
May 21st -- Senior Checkout 8 am to 12 pm (Must attend in person to receive grad tickets)
May 24th -- 7:45 am Graduation Practice report to Gym
May 24th -- Seniors 6 pm Report to Gym for Graduation Prep
May 24th -- 7 pm Graduation Ceremony in Richard "Dick" Blake Stadium (rain plan for Gym after 1 hour delay with two ticket/ graduate limit)
You can also visit the school website to access the information and dates: https://www.brevardschools.org/site/default.aspx?PageType=3&DomainID=20&ModuleInstanceID=19881&ViewID=6446EE88-D30C-497E-9316-3F8874B3E108&RenderLoc=0&FlexDataID=106299&PageID=33
SY2025 Re-Enrollment Information
It is already time to start planning for next school year! This year BPS is asking families to complete an Enrollment Verification via the Parent Focus account. When you log into your Focus parent portal you will be asked to confirm Yes or No that your student will be attending Cocoa High for next school year. We ask that families complete this step as soon as possible to assist with student scheduling.
On July 8th, the enrollment paperwork will be available on Focus for SY2025. ALL families are encouraged to utilize the easy online enrollment process in Focus. Completing the steps before registration day will seriously diminish wait times for families, or even eliminate the need to attend registration.
ESE Parent Survey Now Open
Each year, the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) surveys parents of students with an individual educational plan (IEP) to determine how well districts and schools are partnering with parents and promoting parent involvement in their student’s education. All states must collect these data for reporting on their State Performance Plan, as required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Additionally, survey results will be used to help schools and districts improve services and outcomes for children with disabilities.
The survey is open to all parents of students with an IEP receiving ESE services from preschool age to grade 12. While demographic information must be collected in compliance with federal requirements, individual responses are confidential. Beginning with the 2023-2024 school year, the ESE Parent Survey will be offered in web-based and paper-based formats. The ESE Parent Survey is translated into 11 languages using the web-based format. The survey will be open through June 30, 2024.
To access the survey directly, go to the 2024 ESE Parent Survey. The 2024 ESE Parent Survey (Haitian-Creole) paper-based format will be available soon.
Spring Testing Reminders
As we come closer to the end of the year and graduation, it's important to note the upcoming State Assessment and college eligibility testing dates so that students can prepare for success on these important tests. (This list does not include FCLE, AP and AICE exams)
- Monday, May 6 7th Grade Civics EOC
- Tuesday, May 7 US History EOC
- Wednesday, May 8 8th Grade Science & Biology EOC
- Thursday, May 9 BEST Alg/ Geo EOCs
- Tuesday, May 21st through Friday, May 24th Underclassmen Final Exams
Hedrick Brothers Supports Cocoa High School
We are so grateful to our long time partners Hedrick Brothers Construction for their continued support of Cocoa High School! They recently committed to another three years of supporting our Building Construction Technology students. They have lent their expertise in helping educate our students about construction safety, project-based learning activities, and career exploration in in the construction industry. As a thank you, our BCT students made this beautiful wood flag that includes the Hedrick Brothers logo as gift. We are grateful that the owners loved it so much that they had installed the flag in their main office area, complete with an information placard!
For more information about our community partner, please visit their website: https://hedrickbrothers.com/
We are grateful to our community partners who have generously donated to our school and students!
The Jawaan Taylor Foundation -- Football Program
VA Paving, INC -- Class of 2024
Clayton Roberts -- Boys Track Team
Laura Makela -- Baseball
Mr. Stockton Whitten, Cocoa City Manager -- Senior Prom SupportCouncilman Alex Goins -- Senior Prom Support
Councilman Lavender Hearns -- Senior Prom Support
Cocoa Chief Evander Collier -- Senior Prom Support
Nancy Hamilton -- Senior Prom Support
Barbara Bailey -- Senior Prom Support
Thomas O’Toole and Nick Herring -- Senior Prom Support
Time Out Sports Bar -- Senior Prom Support
Civics EOC Testing
3:45 pm Band Drumline Auditions
6:00 pm National Honor Society Inductions
US History EOC Testing
Regional Track Meet @ Mt Dora
8th Grade Science & Biology EOC Testing
Algebra & Geometry EOC Testing
FRIDAY 5/10 Early Release Friday
8 am AP US History Testing
8 am CLT Testing
8 am JROTC Paw Prints Painting
11 am Tennis End of Year Celebration
Annual Pre-Participation Sports Physicals
Thank you to Parrish Healthcare for helping to provide access to Sports Physicals and ECG's.
Annual Pre-Participation Sports Physicals on Saturday, July 20 in our Titus Landing (Titusville) location and Saturday, August 10 in our Port St John location.
*Sports physicals are $10 – no registration required
*ECG’s from Who We Play For are $20 – registration required on website (see link below or QR on flyer)
**Parent/guardian is required
**Sports physical packet completed prior to arrival will assist in the student-athlete being seen in a timely fashion. You can pick these up from the main office at Cocoa High
School Counselor Contact Information
Seniors Class of 2024 -- Cathryn Fourtney mailto:fourtney.cathryn@brevardschools.org
Juniors Class of 2025 -- Dr. Homer Brown mailto:brown.homer@brevardschools.org
Sophomores Class of 2026 -- Tracey Asby mailto:asby.tracey@brevardschools.org
Freshmen Class of 2027 -- Lauren Feronti Williams mailto:feronti.lauren@brevardschools.org
8th Grade Counselor -- Holli Couch mailto:couch.holli@brevardschools.org
7th Grade Counselor -- Vickie Woods mailto:woods.vickie@brevardschools.org
ESE Counselor 7-12 -- Paul Grant mailto:grant.paul@brevardschools.org
To reach any counselor by phone, please call the main office at 321.632.5300 and press 0
Athletics and Activities Director
Meet Your Admin Team
Mrs. Lauren Feronti Williams, AP of Curriculum mailto:feronti.lauren@brevardschools.org
Mrs. Stephanie Booth, AP of 7th Grade mailto:booth.stephanie@brevardschools.org
Mr. Wayne Lawrence, AP of 8th Grade mailto:lawrence.wayne@brevardschools.org
Ms. Denise Stewart, Principal mailto:stewart.catherine@brevardschools.org
Mr. Ivor Mitchell, AP of Operations, 11th & 12th Grades mailto:mitchell.ivor@brevardschools.org
Dr. Rosanne Harrison, AP of 9th & 10th Grades mailto:harrison.rosanne@brevardschools.org
Official Cocoa High School Social Media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090939510614
Instagram: @cocoahighofficial https://www.instagram.com/cocoahighofficial/
Fortify Florida
SpeakOut 800.423.TIPS
SpeakOut Hotline is designed to help you anonymously report any threatening behavior or situation that endangers you, your friends, family, community, or your school campus. Reporting isn't "snitching,” reporting is when you need to keep yourself or someone you know safe from threats, harmful behaviors, or dangerous situations.
By guaranteeing a caller's anonymity, SpeakOut allows the caller to give information without the fear of retribution.
FortifyFL (App)
FortifyFL is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows you to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and schools’ officials.
BPS YouTube Channel Link
Principal C. Denise Stewart
Email: stewart.catherine@brevardschools.org
Website: https://www.brevardschools.org/CocoaJRSR
Location: 2000 Tiger Trail, Cocoa, FL, USA
Phone: 321.632.5300 22007
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090939510614&sk=about