Dublin High School
April 22, 2024
From the Desk of Dr. Overstreet
The Freshmen Audit Review Day is April 24th from 9 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. based on last name. This is a great opportunity for parents to visit with the school counselor and staff to learn about your child’s earned credits this year. Moreover, you will be able to ask questions and receive information about graduation requirements, career pathways and other academic programs to assist you and your child. Please join us on April 24th! See the flyer below to know what time based on last name you will visit the high school. The event will take place in the auditorium.
Prom season is here and our Prom, "A Night to Remember, A Masquerade Ball" is scheduled for Friday Night, April 26th. Pease join us for the Class of 2024 Senior Parade. This exciting prom addition will take the place of the traditional senior walk. See the Class of 2024 Senior Parade flyer for more information.
The Georgia Milestones (EOCT's) are scheduled to start May 6th -10th and Honor's Day are Programs are scheduled for May 16th. Other year ending activities to follow will be announced once they are finalized. I will keep you updated on all upcoming events. If you have questions, please contact the school at 478-353-8040.
Go Irish!
Irish Baseball GHSA State Playoffs - Tuesday, April 23rd 4PM
Let's pack the park! Come out to Bush Perry Field tomorrow to watch our Fighting Irish as they play host in the GHSA State Playoffs for the first time in more than a decade. Dublin hosts Screven County in a doubleheader that begins at 4 p.m. Admission is $10, and tickets can only be purchased via GoFan. Let's go! #GoIrish
Ticket link: https://gofan.co/event/1503671?schoolId=GA11788
Miss Black Dublin Scholarship Pageant
Registration for the 2024 crowning of Miss Black Dublin Scholarship Queen and Court is underway.
Please contact Ms. Brenda Smith at 478-290-6714 for all questions that you might have in regards to becoming a contestant. Deadline for participation is April 30, 2024.
Dublin Exchange Club Youth of the Month/Year Special Recognition Ceremony
Fighting Irish Family, join us in honoring Drew Rozier, Walker Allen and Ka'Rethya Charleston! The Dublin High School-Georgia trio received well-deserved recognition during yesterday's Dublin Exchange Club Youth of the Month/Year Special Recognition Ceremony. The prestigious program honors local students who not only excel academically but also demonstrate remarkable leadership qualities. Drew, Walker, and Ka'Rethya serve as role models to their peers, showcasing scholastic excellence, respect for others and ambitious post-graduation plans. Let's congratulate them on their outstanding achievements thus far and commend them for their continued dedication to making a positive impact in our community!
#TheDublinWay #dontstopbelieving #GoIrish
Dublin Exchange Club Youth of the Month/Year Special Recognition Ceremony
Dublin Exchange Club Youth of the Month/Year Special Recognition Ceremony
Dublin Exchange Club Youth of the Month/Year Special Recognition Ceremony
AFJROTC Mock Interviews!
In an effort to equip students with essential life skills and prepare them for the professional world, the DHS AFJROTC recently completed its annual mock job interview lesson. This initiative not only aimed to enhance the cadets' confidence and communication abilities but also provided them with invaluable insights into the interview process.
The mock job interviews simulated real-world scenarios, allowing the cadets to experience the dynamics of professional interactions firsthand. Dressed in their best clothes, these young cadets showcased their poise and professionalism as they navigated through challenging questions and scenarios. "It is a cradle-to-grave process," said Col Bailey ``In a month's time frame, the cadets research a career, build a resume, learn how to interview, complete the interview, and then find out if they were selected for the job."
Reflecting on their experiences, many cadets expressed gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the mock job interviews. "It was an eye-opening experience," remarked Cadet Rucker, "I learned the importance of preparation and confidence in presenting oneself professionally." Another cadet, Cadet King, shared, "The feedback I received was incredibly helpful. I have an interview Saturday morning and I feel more confident that I can get the job!"
Aerospace Science Instructor
Dublin High School
If you are...Uncoachable...Unteachable and Unapproachable…you will be Unemployable.....HUA!!!
AFJROTC Mock Interviews
AFJROTC Mock Interviews
AFJROTC Mock Interviews
AFJROTC Mock Interviews
AFJROTC Mock Interviews
AFJROTC Mock Interviews
Kashonna Wright - April's Work Based Learning Student of the Month!
Kashonna is a senior who has been preparing for the military; however, she
recently decided to go to OFTC and work towards a degree in Nursing, and she
has already been accepted into the program! She has been a part of the JROTC
program all four years of high school and has been training/working with army
recruiters the past year through the Work-Based Learning program. I’m certain
this young lady will find a way to intertwine the medical and the military and have
a stellar career!
Kashonna has a very strong work ethic. She takes pride in keeping her grades
high, while working responsibly outside of school. She currently is employed at
Walmart, but has worked since the age of 16 in a variety of positions such as
Burger King, Zaxby’s and Golden Ticket Theater. Kashonna ranks 27 th in a class of
134, and holds a 3.7 gpa!
In addition, we recently held a Senior Mock Interview Session in which Kashonna
received a rating in the top scoring range, acing the interview! Way to go,
This is the second time in the past three years that I’ve chosen Kashonna, and it is
due to her work ethic, responsible nature and her awesome personality!
Shine on, Kashonna! I look forward to seeing what all you accomplish with your
career and in life!
Mrs. Newman
Congratulations to Ra'Nyya Washington for Receiving the ACE Award
On behalf of the ACE Committee of the Exchange Club of Dublin, I would like to recognize each high school's ACE nominee and the Committee's selection for representing the Exchange Club at the Georgia District level. Dublin High School's nominee is Ra'Nyya Washington.
As you know, each nominee will receive a monetary award and a plaque for being selected as their school's choice for the ACE award. The Committee has selected Ra'Nyya Washington to represent the Exchange Club of Dublin as the 2024 Georgia District level nominee.
The Exchange Club would like to invite your nominee to attend an awards ceremony to be held on Tuesday, April 23rd, 11:30- 1:00 at the Yates Lodge, 1461 Old Toomsboro Road, at the annual Child Abuse Prevention Luncheon, sponsored by the Exchange Club and the Stepping Stone Child Advocacy and Sexual Assault Center. The student can bring 4 additional guests. We suggest that two guests include family members (ex.-Parent, Guardian, Sibling) and two guests to include school personnel (ex.-Principal, Counselor, Teacher). Please let me know your school's total number of guests.
I want to congratulate Ra'Nyya. She represents what the ACE award stands for: Accepting the Challenge of Excellence, to overcome substantial barriers or hardships to complete her academic requirements to be eligible to graduate. She can be proud of her accomplishments, and recognized for her perseverance.
RESA Math/Writing Awards Banquet !
Congratulations to all of our students recognized at the HGRESA Annual Service Learning-Academic Awards Banquet that was held at the OFTC Porter Center!
Ka'Rethya Charlseston 2nd Place Writing
Amiria Thomas - 1st Place Writing
Rashun Waters - 1st Place Writing
Irish Senior Baseball Players!
Last Thursday night we celebrated all of our Fighting Irish Baseball seniors, as they prepared for their final home game vs. East Laurens. The Irish won that game 3-1 over East laurens. Thank you to Josh Guyton Eli Hartwell, Deago Jackson, Xavious Rolison, Kelvin Serrant, and Derrick Taylor for all you and your families have given to the and Irish Baseball Team . Let’s go!!!
Congratulations to Nutrition Manager Ricketa Carr & Director Pam Jones!
Our Dublin City School Nutrition staff is making itself known across the state, after Director Pam Jones was named Georgia School Nutrition Association District 1 President, and DHS manager, Ricketa Carr, graduated from the GSNA Leadership Academy at yesterday’s GSNA Conference in Augusta. They are two of the finest people inside and out, and we are so happy they are being honored for all the love they show our children each and every day!
Dr. Alicia May DHS Alumni Class of 2016
We are incredibly proud to introduce Dublin High School's Class of 2024 Valedictorian: Ka’Rethya Charleston, Salutatorian: Walker Allen, and Honor Grads: Lalah Brown, Taj Carswell, Sariya Coombs, Tinsley Curtis, Sha'Niya Denson, Jamari Hood, Deago Jackson, Lea Jarriel, Kate Kolbie, Emaley Landrum, Tahki Lowther, Derick McRae, Cormariona Mitchell, Malachi O’Neal, Shaliyah Parks, Robert Patisaul, Marcus Rayner II, Xavias Rolison, Drew Rozier, Kirsten Washington, Jasonia White, Paris White, Larissa Wilbur and Kashonna Wright! These exceptional Seniors have demonstrated unparalleled dedication, perseverance, and academic excellence throughout their journey with the Fighting Irish Family. Their high achievements and successes serve as shining examples of the remarkable talent and potential displayed across our school community. Stay tuned as we honor and celebrate their incredible accomplishments as well as those of every member of the Class of 2024 leading up to DHS's memorable graduation ceremony set for May 24th! 🎓💛☘️
Prom Update!
Our Dublin High School-Georgia 11th & 12th Graders will be preparing for prom. And, we're excited to announce that this year's traditional Senior Walk is getting a facelift! In celebration of the Class of 2024, parents & community members are invited to line the sidewalk between DHS's auditorium & front entrance to cheer on our Seniors during their Prom Parade! Spectators should arrive between 6:15 - 6:45, with the Parade beginning promptly at 7:00 PM! Prom is Friday night, April 26th!
Monday, April 22nd: Dublin High School Track AWAY @ Bleckley County for Region Track Meet
- Tuesday, April 23rd: School Bus Driver Appreciation Day!
- Wednesday, April 24th: Administrative Assistants Appreciation Day
- Wednesday, April 24th: Dublin High School's Freshman Transcript Review Day {9:00 AM for students will last names beginning with A-M; 1:00 PM for students with last names starting with N-Z}
- Wednesday, April 24th: Dublin High School Cheerleading Tryouts at 3:45 PM
- Friday, April 26th: Dublin High School’s Prom {Senior Parade Spectator Line-up from 6:15 - 6:45 PM; Parade begins at 7:00 PM and the Prom will start at 8:00 PM} all at Dublin High School
- Wednesday, May 1st: Dual Enrollment Night (5:00 pm) Rotunda
- Friday, May 3rd: Senior Signing Day ( Auditorium)
- Monday, May 6th - 10th: Georgia Milestones (EOCT) Administration
- Monday, May 6th, ELA GMAS
- Tuesday, May 7th, ELA GMAS
- Wednesday, May 8th, Algebra GMAS
- Thursday, May 9th, Biology
- Friday, May 10th, US History
- AP Exam Schedule: May 6th, 10h, & 14th
- Monday, May 6th - US Goverment and Politics
- Friday, May 10th - US History
- Tuesday May 14th - English Language Arts and Composition
Thursday, May 16th - Senior & Underclassman Honors Day Programs
Friday, May 24th: Dublin High School Graduation 6PM, Gym: Overflow Room - Auditorium
- 12th Graders: Renea & April Scholarship - Due: April 22nd (Visit DHS's Counseling Office for More Information)
- Joel Sanders Jr. Memorial Scholarship Deadline April 22nd
- 12th Graders: Alpha Delta Kappa Sorority Teacher Scholarship (only available for education majors) - Due: April 22nd (Visit DHS's Counseling Office for More Information)
- 12th Graders: Dublin South Central Area Albany State University Scholarship - Due: April 26th (Visit DHS's Counseling Office for More Information)
- 12th Graders: 2024 Sandy Mazur / Spherion Excellence in Leadership Scholarship - Deadline: April 30th
- 12th Graders: Dublin -Laurens FVSU Scholarship - Due: April 30th (Visit DHS's Counseling Office for More Information)
- 12th Graders: Dublin Civitan Club - Due: May 3rd (Visit DHS's Counseling Office for More Information)
- 12th Graders: Phi Beta Sigma Scholarship - Due: May 12th (Visit DHS's Counseling Office for More Information)
- 12th Graders: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Scholarship - Due: May 25th (Visit DHS's Counseling Office for More Information)
- 12th Graders: GEORGIA MATCH Initiative
- StudentScholarships.org - The Largest Collection of Scholarships on the web
- 12th Graders: Dr. Anthony Jaroy Stuckey University Scholarship - Seniors who plan to attend a 4 year university (Visit Dublin High School's Counseling Department for More Information)
- 12th Graders: Dr. Anthony Jaroy Stuckey Technical Scholarship - Seniors who plan to attend a 2 year technical college (Visit Dublin High School's Counseling Department for More Information)
- 12th Graders: Laurens-Dublin Retired Educators Association - For seniors who want to major in Education (Visit Dublin High School's Counseling Department for More Information)
- 12th Graders: 2024 Sandy Mazur / Spherion Excellence in Leadership Scholarship - Deadline: April 30, 202
- 12th Graders: Dublin -Laurens FVSU Scholarship - Due: April 30th
- 12th Graders: GEORGIA MATCH Initiative
- StudentScholarships.org - The Largest Collection of Scholarships on the web
- 12th Graders: 2024 Sandy Mazur / Spherion Excellence in Leadership Scholarship - Deadline: April 30, 2024
- 12th Graders: GEORGIA MATCH Initiative
- StudentScholarships.org - The Largest Collection of Scholarships on the web
- 16 to 18 Year Olds: Pilot Club Scholarship Pageant (Visit Dublin High School's Counseling Department for More Information)
About Us
Email: michael.overstreet@dcsirish.com
Website: https://dhs.dublincityschools.us/en-US
Location: 1127 Hillcrest Pkwy, Dublin, GA 31021, USA
Phone: 478-353-8040
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dhsirish
Twitter: @dublinhighga