Flora Update
The Latest News and Information from AC Flora High School
Upcoming Events
Friday, May 31: Last Day of School/Early Release 11:45 a.m.
Saturday, June 1: Graduation
49 Falcons Earn the S.C. Seal of Biliteracy
The Seal of Biliteracy is an award that recognizes students who have attained a certain level of proficiency in both English and at least one additional world language by graduation.
In order to earn the South Carolina Seal of Biliteracy, students must meet the proficiency requirements specified for English and must also take a proficiency exam for one other language, achieving a minimum proficiency level of Intermediate Mid (as defined by the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines) in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students can earn a Bronze Award (Intermediate Mid), Silver Award (Intermediate High) or Gold Award (Advanced Low).
Congratulations to this year's recipients! Please see names and photos below.
School Improvement Council 23-24 Report
To see our 23-24 annual report from the School Improvement Council, please click here.
From School Counseling:
Class of 2024 Palmetto Fellows:
The Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Late Awarding Period for seniors has begun and continues until June 30, 2024. Students participating in the June SAT or ACT test should notify Ms. Porter ASAP. Ms. Porter will submit application packets for students testing in June and ALL PAPERWORK must be completed before leaving graduation practice. It is the student’s responsibility to send their test scores directly to the S.C. Commission on Higher Education (CHE). CHE’s SAT registration code is 4313 and the ACT registration code is 6326. The CHE will process pending applications and determine finally eligibility once test scores are received.
Click here to review the eligibility criteria for Palmetto Fellows, Life, and Hope scholarships.
Ordering your final transcript:
All graduates are encouraged to order their FINAL TRANSCRIPT after the 23-24 school year grades have been finalized. All transcripts MUST be ordered through Parchment. Transcripts will not be shared through any other process.
SENIORS…your transcripts must be ordered by June 17, 2024, to ensure your transcript is sent to your selected college/university before Ms. Porter leaves for summer break.
JUNIORS…you need to order a copy of your transcript in order to begin the college application process in August. Colleges will ask you for the information on your transcript when you apply, and some may ask you to upload a copy, so please make sure this is part of your “to do” list.
Click here for directions for ordering your transcript through Parchment. Follow these directions to make sure your transcript is requested correctly.
Please click here for the latest scholarship update.
Underclassmen laptop and book return
If a student has work left to complete for any class, they may keep their laptop until they have completed all work or TODAY, Thursday, May 30*. Students must turn in a laptop and charger. If a student has lost their charger, it will be a $35 charge. If a 9th grade student has removed the protective cover on a 23-24 model laptop, the replacement covers are $36. Please pay in the front office in cash with exact change.
Students may also be charged for a lost textbook or library book.
*If students are participating in summer school, seat time, a Virtual SC course, or the Einstein 2.0 PSAT program, they should still check in the laptop for the 23-24 school year. We will check it back out to them for the summer.
Alive at 25 Classes Available
Alive at 25 courses are filling up quickly! Click here to register you student so they will be ready to purchase their parking pass this summer. By registering your child for Alive at 25, they will receive comprehensive training on safe driving practices, defensive driving techniques, and the importance of making responsible choices behind the wheel.
From Midlands Tech: Financial Aid Workshops
Tomorrow and Saturday: Take advantage of FAFSA Workshops from Midlands Tech.
Please click here for more information.
From the PTSO
Pick Up Your Swag. Those members of the AC Flora PTSO who have not picked up their swag bags, stop by the Flora front office to pick it up or send an email to Sandi Graham at stgraham33@yahoo.com before the end of this month.
To join and support the PTSO’s ongoing efforts in the AC Flora community, please visit the following links:
Senior (Class of 2025) Portrait Sign Ups
Legacy Studios will be on campus June 5 & 6 and July 30 & 31 to take Senior portraits. Please click here to book your sitting.
Class of 2024: Graduation Information
Annual Parent and Family Engagement Survey
Please take a moment to complete this survey from Katrina Love, our Parent & Family Engagement Specialist. The survey is designed to gather information on how well we have implemented the District Parent and Family Engagement Program. We will use this feedback to improve our program. Thank you!
Still Need to Purchase a Yearbook?
If anyone would like to purchase a yearbook, we do have a limited supply left for sale today and tomorrow. First come, first served at the times listed above (Seniors first). The books are $95. Cash, check, or Venmo (via Jostens) are accepted at the time of purchase.
2023-2024 Falcon Business Partners:
Falcon Gold
Water Worx Pros
Falcon Silver
Freeway Music
Shives Funeral Home
Two Men and a Truck
Catalyst Architects
Brandon Davidson Interiors
Falcon Bronze
South State Bank
HLJ Creative
Brabham Griffin Insurance
Scooters Coffee
Hobbs Group Advisors, LLC
Falcon Friend
Bokesch & Tipton, LLC
Big Red Box
Bradley Insurance Group
Moe's Southwest Grill
Results Fitness
Contact Us
Email: jennifer.collins@richlandone.org
Website: https://www.richlandone.org/Domain/45
Location: 1 Falcon Drive, Columbia, SC, USA
Phone: 803-738-7300
Twitter: @acflorahigh