October 1, 2024
Sandwich High School, learning today, shaping tomorrow.
Last week was full of activity at Sandwich High School. The homecoming events were fun, the Powder Puff game and class games were competitive, and homecoming week ended with the student dance and over 300 attendees.
I think students are settling into their schedules and beginning to take full advantage of the FLEX period. FLEX is proving to be time well spent with teachers/students checking in and making sure students are on track in their classes. If you have any questions about FLEX, be sure and reach out, I’d be happy to talk to you about it.
SHS Highlights
Congratulations to the students who maintained a 3.6 GPA for the entire 2023-2024 school year. Listed below are the students who will be photographed for the newspaper on Friday September 13. If you see one of them (or live with one of them) be sure and congratulate them, it is quite an accomplishment.
Class of 2025
Grace Anderson, Jyff Baran, Jordan Bauer, Charles Beach, Devon Blanchard, Owen Bourke, Ava Casey, Jasmine Cruz, Aubrey Cyr, Payton DeWitt, Raegan Fischer, Payton Frieders, McKayla Gatenby, Skyler Gerencir, Caroline Gomes, Lily Goodbred, Jackson Heilemeier, Keegan Herren, Kaylie Higgins, Nathan Hill, Sofia Hill, Kamden Jungkans, Marc Kassing III, Hunter Krueger, Jazmyn Kubas, Payten Kuntz, Erin Lissman, Lillian Mitchell, Jasmine Nagy, Colten Oakes, Peter Popp, LilyAnn Richardson, Joanna Rivera, Nicolette Romano, Natalie Romo, Rachel Rupp, Nigel Sajulan, Emily Sanchez, Joshua Schaefers, Mckenzie Schinddler, Daniel Sparti, Alyssa Stacks, Savanna Strawn, Aleece Subat, Hannah Treptow, Marilyn Villa, Joseph Wengren, and Charlotte Wortman.
Class of 2026
Ann-Marie Aden, Teague Banike, Charles Behringer, Audryna Brain, Allanah Clancy, Kaden Clevenger, Kayden Corneils, Diego Diaz, Riley Dillenburg, Ruby Ferguson, Ava Frieders, Bailey Frieders, Hailey Gauer, Shayla Green, Hailey Halmagyi, Mackenzie Hemmingsen, Sofia Hernandez, Gavin Hinckley, Logan Hockings, Dylan Johnson, Kai Kern, Rachel Kraber, Trinity Kujawski, Alyssa LeaTrea, Fiona Legge, Zamelie Lesko, Haylee Lilliebridge, Ayden Lipsey, Saige Markou, Logan McManis, Nicholas, Michalek, Nolan Minard, Anthony Munoz, Nolan Oros, Autumn Owens, Alan Parkison, Scarlett Paul, Sophia Piedra, Luis Quinones, Jazmin Rios, Mandrake Robles III, Jonathan Rocha, Ayden Russell, Clara Schiradelly, Griffin Somlock, Kaitlyn Stryszyk, Carina Swanson, Emily Urbanski, Sadie Wallis, Victoria Walsh, Sundara Weber, Jayden Wedra, and Lily Young.
Class of 2027
Clayton Anderson, Fernanda Anguiano, Francisco Barajas, Michael Bustamante, Brynn Butler, Chase Clark, Isabella Considine, Cooper Corder, Addilyn Daniels, Alexis Dolin, Jacquelynn Elder, Jillian Freemon, Ethan Geltz, Chloe Heiman, Eddie Hernandez, Addison Hill, Bella Isadore, Jaidan Johnson, Gage Judd, Delaney Kotecki, Kayla Kressin, Chase Lackey, Ivey Law, Mikaela LeaTrea, Teagan Lederman, Kaelyn Leonard, Anthony Loconte, Riley Moore, Daliyah Oberhart, Jacob Rinehard-Bardesi, Jacob Ross, Peyton Slulski, Avah Sparks, Evelyn Sparti, Brody Stahl, Tegan Stryszyk, David Tilghman, Anna Timmerman, EJ Treptow, Andrew Trojanowski, Eleanore Vanatta, Norah Vick, Brayden Wachowski, and Anthony Wade.
SHS Highlights
Homecoming Co-Grand Marshalls
Superintendent Sodaro and Mr. Steve Miller
SHS Highlights
Sandwich High School Homecoming court included the following students; Freshman Attendants are Shelby Welbes and Brady Erickson. Sophomore Attendants are Cooper Corder and Teagan Lederman. Junior Attendants are Mikayla Brain, Sofia Hernandez, Braden Ballard, and AJ Parkison. Senior Attendants are Kalee Brody, Hannah Decker, Joanna Rivera, Devon Blanchard, Keegan Herren, and Jackson Heilemeier.
Congratulations to the 2024 Homecoming Royalty, Kaylee Brody and Devon Blanchard.
SHS Highlights
Homecoming Class Floats
SHS Highlights
Homecoming Football Float
SHS Highlights
Homecoming Class Games
Upcoming Dates
October 11, No students in attendance
October 21, Seniors meet with Jostens for cap/gown presentation
October 24, Fall play, 7:00
October 26, Fall play, 2:00 and 7:00
October 27, Sandwich Education Foundation 5k
October 31, Jostens will be here to accept cap/gown orders from students
November 1, Next Parent Newsletter
Sandwich Community Unit School District Core Values
This year Sandwich High School will be focusing on Sandwich 430’s Core Values: Growth Mindset, Responsibility, Respect, Collaboration, Empathy, Integrity and Citizenship. Each month we will emphasize a different value throughout the school year. The month of October we will be highlighting Growth Mindset. Having a growth mindset means that you can learn and grow through ambition, perseverance, determination, and guidance. We will be encouraging the students to build resilience and create manageable goals.
Free/Reduced Meals and Registration
From the district office
Free and Reduced Breakfast/Lunch
The carry over period for students who were receiving free/reduced lunch for the 2023-2024 school year ended on September 27, 2024. If a new 2024-2025 application was not submitted your child was automatically put on paid breakfast and lunch beginning September 30, 2024.
Please click on the link below to apply for free/reduced breakfast and lunch:
https://www.freereducedlunch.com/sandwich430 In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or
disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, and Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 or (202) 720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. English SpanishStudent School Pictures
If you miss the date to order your student’s school pictures or any event photos the directions below were provided to SHS from our Lifetouch coordinator.
Please direct Parents to mylifetouch.com Or call Customer Service at 1-800-736-4753. If you did not get pictures taken prior to school or do not like your picture you can have picture retakes Sept. 13
Bell Schedule for High School Students
Click here.
Safety Procedure
Sandwich High School values a safe educational environment for our staff and students. No persons other than the parent/guardian, parent designee, legal guardian, government officials, those pursuant to warrant or subpoena, or school personnel will have permission to see a student during school hours without being verified by showing a drivers license/state issued ID.
All visitors or venders who may need to go beyond the office are required to display a visitors’ badge during their stay and must provide a driver's license/state issued ID to be scanned in order to generate a name badge/ lanyard.Visitors must be escorted at all times while in the building.
Drop Off for Students
Only parents/guardians can deliver lunch for their child.
Students will not be called out of class to pick up their delivery.
All deliveries from parents should be labeled and left on the table in the foyer where their child can pick it up during the next passing period.
No deliveries will be allowed from anyone other than a parent/guardian.
Communication from the High School
Sandwich High School will generally email a monthly newsletter. The purpose of this communication will be to highlight the latest things going on at school while also keeping you up to date on future events.
Click here to follow SHS on Facebook.
The Sandwich High School instagram page can be located by searching Sandwich High School District 430.
Student Drivers
Students are not allowed to drive and park at school unless they have a parking permit. Parking passes cost $95 for the 2024-2025 school year.
The parking lot will be monitored for any cars parked without a school purchased tag in the window. Students parking without a parking permit will be assessed a fee.
If dropping off a student at Sandwich High School, students who are walking through the parking lot have the right away.
Student drop off and pick up is at the back of the school (door #1). Also, when a stop arm is out on a bus, it is illegal to pass it. Click here for information.
Phones and Book Bags
While phones and book bags are permitted at SHS, each teacher has a unique classroom management system. Phones and book bags in the classroom will be at the discretion of the individual teacher.
Principal Sandwich High School