Highland Park Senior High News
January 17, 2025
Message from Principal Dr. Winston Tucker
Highland Families,
It is hard to believe that the school year is almost half over. The last week of the quarter and grading period is upcoming on Friday, January 24. It is important that students stay on top of their assignments, studies and classwork and have a strong finish for the second quarter grading period. On Tuesday, January 28 (there is no school on Monday, January 27 as it is grading day for teachers), students will start the third quarter grading period and also the second semester. The second semester will result in some schedule changes for your student. Most electives are only half a year so most students will be enrolled in some new elective classes for the second semester and will continue with their core classes which are a full year long. We look forward to the new semester and the new opportunities for our students.
Mark Your Calendars!
Monday, January 20, 2025
- No School - Martin Luther King Jr Day
Friday, January 24, 2025
- End of Quarter 2
- Blizzard Ball 7:00-10:00pm
Monday, January 27, 2025
- No School - Grading Day
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
- Start of Quarter 3
Click here to see the 1/17/25 CCRC Newsletter! This newsletter highlights upcoming college and career-related opportunities.
Highland Park CCRC - The CCRC is here to help students with college and career planning! The CCRC provides the following resources to students:
College and Post-Secondary exploration tools
Career Information
College Admission, Career and Military Representative Visits
College Admission test information such as ACT
Resume Help
- Scholarships
- Financial Aid
- Summer and Community Opportunities
- And more!
CLICK HERE to check out the new CCRC website! This site will be updated throughout the year with important information, resources, and opportunities.
Quarter 3 Schedule Message from the Counseling Department
Hello Highland parents and guardians, please check your student's quarter three schedule in Campus to make sure their schedule is complete. All core classes and world language classes should be correct, but if you notice any errors, or if your student needs to change levels or has a hole in their schedule, please have them see their counselor by Friday, January 24th.
Exploring the Teaching Profession students shadowed and did their own mini lessons at Highland Elementary this week.
This class is for Juniors and Seniors and they will receive college credit through the University of MN.
Senior Class Council is hosting Blizzard Ball, (an all school dance).
When: Friday, January 24th from 7-10pm.
Where: Highland Park Field House
Cost: Seniors $15, 9-11th grade: $20. Tickets will be sold during lunch through Wednesday January 22nd.
Attire: Semi-Formal dress
Contact Ms Esso or Ms Hedwall with any questions or concerns.
Volunteer for the Grant Committee and help influence the future of HPSHS
The PTSA Grant Committee is looking for both student and family member volunteers to help determine how the funds raised through Give to the Max should be used this year. Beginning in December, any teacher or student group can apply for a grant from the PTSA. We are seeking both students and family members who are willing to sit on the Grant Committee to determine which applications will receive grants this year.
This is a short-term commitment (about a month) beginning at the end of January. All meetings will be held online in the evenings.
Volunteer tasks include the following:
- Attend an evening online introduction meeting in January to learn about the committee and the grant review process.
- Review the grant applications after the January 17th grant application deadline.
- Attend up to two evening online meetings in February to discuss the applications and award the grant money.
This is an easy way to have a real impact on how the money raised through Give to the Max impacts HPSHA. If you're interested, or have any questions,
please contact Matt Ryg at: mattryg@gmail.com, Karen Vander Sanden at karenvandersanden@yahoo.com or HPSHSPTA at hpshptsa@gmail.com.
Thanks for your consideration and support of the PTSA and HPSHS.
Yesterday, Acelan Lee and Sorya Peterson competed in the first every only SPPS Entrepreneurship competition. They did a presentation on their product, Quacker. Quacker is a business that will allow people to keep track of their belongings while having it be hidden from the public eye.
Dental Services at School- Sign your student up!
Saint Paul Public Schools (SPPS) partners with Children’s Dental Services (CDS) to provide dental care to students while they are at school. This dental care may include exams, x-rays, cleanings, fluoride treatment, sealants, silver diamine fluoride (SDF), fillings, crowns, extractions and other treatments as needed.
If you would like your child to receive dental care at school, please have them stop in the health office OR talk to their advisory teacher to get a consent form for the parent/guardian to complete.
To learn more about CDS and the dental services they provide to people of all ages, regardless of family income, please visit https://childrensdentalservices.org/ or call 612-746-1530.
They have staff members available who speak 20 different languages
Please see flyer below for information on our 6th annual music program fundraiser.
FFA Results
On January 15th, we had 7 students compete in their events at the regional level held at Princeton High School!
The Soils team earned 1st place at the regional event. Individually, Audrey Marsh earned 1st place, Ash Reinhart earned 3rd, Trump Vang earned 7th, and Rose Tapia earned 9th. The amazing results exhibited by the Soils team has earned them the opportunity to compete at the state level. The Soils CDE provides students with the opportunity to evaluate different pits of soil based on physical and chemical properties.
At this regional event our Fish and Wildlife team earned 16th place. This team consisted of Henry Behr, Jeremy Taylor, and Brennan Schuman. As part of the CDE, students learn to identify hundreds of fish and wildlife species, including mammals, birds and even insects. Students also complete an issues practicum exercise that is based on a topic that is announced by the state each year, followed by a written test.
Construction Update
Yearbook Ordering Deadline
MN Bilingual Seal and Certificate Testing
If your child can read, write, speak and understand another language, they may be eligible to earn free college credit at any MN State College or University! In order to participate in this opportunity, they can take a Seals of Bilingualism Assessment during the school day at Highland. Testing is open to 10th, 11th & 12th graders. Testing will occur at Highland from February 10th - 13th 2025.
Assessments are available in: Amharic, Arabic, ASL, Bulgarian, Czech, Dakota, Dari, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Hmong, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Karen, Korean, Lakota, Mandarin Chinese, Ojibwe, Oromo, Pashto, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Tamil, Ukrainian, Vietnamese
Interested in signing up or learning more?! CLICK HERE
Deadline to sign up is January 31st!
To Parents of students testing for the IB Exams in May 2025
Please encourage your student(s) to see the posted exam lists in the hallway outside the library to double-check for their name on the exams they plan to take. If they see a mistake, they can contact Mr. Stagg at randolph.stagg@spps.org, or see him in his library office. Please attend to any questions by or before January 8th.
ACT Test Prep with Community Ed
Prepare for the ACT with in-person instructors presenting test-taking strategies, critical review, and time management for all testing areas of the ACT. Great for those that are uneasy about their test-taking skills or unsatisfied with previous ACT results. Course consists of four, 3-hour classes. All class materials provided.
Class Details:
Open to all 10th -12th graders
Location- Humboldt High School
Dates- Every Saturday from February 8- March 8 2025
Time- 8:30am - 11:30am
Cost- $180 *Discounted prices available for families with financial need*
Important Senior Class Information
This information was shared with seniors during their class meeting:
Graduation - Wednesday, June 4th at 8:00 pm at Roy Wilkins Auditorium in the River Center, Downtown St. Paul. Rehearsal will be at 8:00 am that day.
Caps and Gowns - Please fill out Highland's Cap and Gown order form. Caps and Gowns are provided to all seniors, free of charge. Please fill out the form. If questions arise, please check in with Ms. Hedwall or Ms. Esso.
Other graduation stuff: Jostens is our graduation supplier for SPPS. Visit the Josten's Page if you're interested in purchasing HP Graduation announcements or other graduation items.
Yearbook - Please send in your senior quotes, baby pictures and senior pictures. The deadline is January 10th, but why wait? Do it today!
Photos for yearbook (Senior pics, baby pics):https://photos.jostens.com/7YYAJC
Senior Quotes:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdC-wpgHPTxfnAF3oemYZ3Jwlw-F8jeO3-5Uajpm-K10meHZw/viewform
Need to order a yearbook? Link to order Yearbook
IG: hpseniorclassof25
Highland Park FFA Alumni and Supporters Program
Dear FFA alumni and supporters,
Have you or a Highland Park student you know benefitted from being a member of FFA? Please consider making a donation!
The Highland Park FFA club supports over 150 active members who attend monthly chapter meetings. Every year, many of those members prepare for and participate in local, regional, state, and national competitions, where they have excelled. At this year’s national convention, Highland Park FFA was recognized with the three-star National Chapter Award for growing leaders, building communities, and providing educational experiences for the entire membership.
Highland Park FFA club is open to all students and does not charge any fees. Your donation will help support club activities, buy “blue jackets” for members, and help pay for registration and travel for students attending FFA competitions. If you are able to contribute, we sincerely thank you. Tax-deductible (Tax ID number: 41-0901311) donations can be made at this link: https://spps.cr3.rschooltoday.com/public/costoption/class_id/8130
If you can also contribute your time, adults are needed to help students prepare for competitions before and after school. No prior experience necessary! If you can commit to an hour a week, please let Ms. Braun know by emailing her your availability at harley.braun@stpaul.k12.mn.us
Finally, if you would like to donate snacks for an upcoming monthly meeting, please sign up here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Yz1uSfAad_fQLUSu35b44sjM4ijTjnb-tnzRdiY43M0/edit
Thank you for your support,
The FFA alumni and supporters board
2025 Graduation Date Announced
Highland Park Class of 2025 commencement ceremonies will be held at Roy Wilkins Auditorium on Wednesday, June 4th at 8:00pm.
More information can be found on our website here. This page will be updated as we get closer to graduation.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Dear Families,
We are sharing an overview of our PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) Matrix of Expectations for student behavior. This matrix outlines the behavior we expect from students in various areas of the school, focusing on being respectful, responsible, and safe. It provides specific examples for each area, such as classrooms, hallways, and the cafeteria, to help guide students toward positive behavior.
We kindly ask you to review the matrix with your student to reinforce these expectations and support a positive school environment.
Thank you for your partnership.
Food Deliveries Not Permitted During School Hours
Parents please remind your student that no outside food deliveries are allowed during school hours. Any food that is delivered to students during school hours will be confiscated and returned to the student at 3pm. Breakfast and lunch are served free to all students each day so they have the opportunity for a healthy and nutritious meal.
Follow Highland on Facebook and Instagram
Highland Park Senior High has both a Facebook and Instagram! Follow us to receive important reminders and to see what our Highland Scotties are up to, both at school and in the community. Follow us at @highlandparksr.scots.pride on Instagram and Highland Park Senior High on Facebook.
Highland Park Senior High Cell Phone Policy
Recent state legislation requires all school districts to implement a cell phone policy. Highland Park Senior High requires cell phones to be put away and out of sight in classrooms during instructional time. Students may use their cell phones between classes and at lunch. Highland Park Senior High and Saint Paul Public Schools are not responsible for lost or stolen cell phones, Airpods, and other accessories. Please review these expectations and support your student by not texting or contacting them during the school day. In the event of an emergency, please call the main office, 651-293-8940, and we will get a message to your student as soon as possible. If a student needs to contact a parent, they can use the phone in the main office. For more information, please reference the complete Highland Park Senior High cell phone policy.
Parent Portal - Access Your Student's Progress
Use Parent Portal and see your child’s attendance, homework assignments, grades and more. Log on to spps.org/onestop. This valuable tool will provide both information on your student and a means of communicating with your student’s teachers. Report cards are not mailed to homes.
For access, please contact the main office at 651-293-8940.
Nutrition Services
In-person students will receive free breakfast and lunch under the Minnesota Free School Meals program. All students are eligible to receive one free breakfast and one free lunch each school day. Second meals, incomplete meals and single item purchases, such as milk only, must be purchased.
Student Second Breakfast: $3.00
Student Second Lunch: $5.25
Milk Only: $0.50
For a complete list of prices, visit spps.org/ns.
Student Attendance
To report a student absent, please call 651-744-3803 to leave a message or email us at highlandparksenior.attendance@spps.org
Once enrolled in a public school, a child 5-17 years old must attend school every day, every class, on time, unless lawfully excused.
- Sickness - too sick to be in school
- Medical/ Mental Health/ Dental Appointments (when possible, schedule outside of the school day and attend school before or after appointment)
- Religious Holidays
- Extreme Family Emergencies (house fire, death, etc.)
- Travel/Vacation
- Tired from work/travel
- Weather: Too hot/cold
- Babysitting
- Car Trouble
- Missed Bus
- Overslept
- Not immunized
- Needed at Home
• On those rare occasions/emergencies when you must pick up your child early please follow these procedures:
If a student is being picked up for early dismissal it must be done before 2:30 PM. Once you arrive, stop in the school office and school personnel will contact your child’s classroom. All students must be signed out in the office before leaving the building. Unless these procedures are followed, students will proceed to their regular dismissal.
• Please send a note with your child or call the school as soon as possible to inform us if you plan to pick up your child early.
• The school will not accept dismissal changes from a student.
• Students’ instructional day ends at 3:00 PM and attendance is taken through the end of the last period.
• Repeated early dismissal can directly affect your student’s academic success and result in truancy concerns.
A Message from Saint Paul Public Schools Nutrition Services
While all in-person students will receive free breakfast and lunch under Minnesota’s Free School Meals program, it remains critical that all families complete an Application for Educational Benefits each school year. These applications determine how much funding your child’s school receives for educational programs and supports. Additionally, eligible families can qualify for other benefits. The application can be completed online at schoolcafe.com/spps. Paper applications are available at your child's school.
Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for Students and Families
SPPS strives to create welcoming schools where each and every student is seen, known, and valued. There are rights students are guaranteed when they are at school as well as responsibilities that accompany those rights. Both are summarized in the Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. In addition, the Rights and Responsibilities Handbook outlines the work SPPS is doing to build a positive school culture and hold students accountable for behavior that is not appropriate.
Highland Park Senior High School
Website: https://www.spps.org/highlandsr
Location: 1015 Snelling Avenue South, Saint Paul, MN, USA
Phone: 651-293-8940