The Marlin Messenger
May 2023 Edition
Gloria Marshall Elementary School
Location: 24505 Birnamwood Drive, Spring, TX, USA
Phone: (281)891-4900
Twitter: @MarshallES_SISD
Elementary School Hours: 8:05 a.m. - 3:25 p.m.
Students arriving after 8:05 a.m. are tardy.
Attendance is taken at 9:30 a.m.
Students arriving at school after 9:30 a.m. will be counted absent.
Please be sure to pick up your child on time by 3:45 p.m.
Marshall Attendance Goals
We need your help to reach our attendance goal of 98%. Each grade level, class, and student(s) will receive recognition and a reward for their attendance. Make sure your Marlin is N.E.A.T. - Never Ever Absent or Tardy to make sure they're eligible for attendance incentives. #WatchUsGrow
Our School Attendance Goal: 98%
The Month of March's Attendance: 95%
Click here to review the Attendance Plan.
Last week for REP YOUR Grade Level Marlins Attendance Initiative- 5/22-5/26
Thanks in advance for your support!
It's Teacher Appreciation Week- We love our Marshall Teachers!!!
In recognition of National Teacher Appreciation Week, we invite you and your family to help us celebrate our Magnificent Teachers who work tirelessly to ensure the success of our Marlins!
If you have to put someone on a pedestal,
put teachers.
They are society's heroes.
-Guy Kawasaki
Words From The Principal
Thank you for your support during testing. We have completed all STAAR testing. There are almost 18 days until the summer break! We have a busy month ahead! Please mark your calendar with the following important information for closing the 2022-2023 school year:
May 8th- May 31st- All grade levels will celebrate the days in May. Your students should have brought home their grade level May Day calendar. Please support them in participating!
May 22nd-May 26th- Week of Celebrations for 5th Grade headed to middle school.
Monday, May 29th- Memorial Day Holiday, the campus will be closed.
Please pay close attention to the Marlin Events and awards dates for your student.
We NEED your help for the Day of Awesomeness and Field Day:
If you would like to volunteer for the Field Day, please click here and complete the form by Thursday, May 18, 2023.
If you would like to volunteer for the Day of Awesomeness, please click here and complete the form by Friday, May 12, 2023. Please click to learn about the Day of Awesomeness.
Thank you again for all of your support in making this year a success!
Principal Eason
#MarshallMarlins #WatchUsGrow #PlantPositiveSeeds
May Marlin Events
5/24- Kindergarten Graduation 9-10:30 a.m.
5/24- PreK Celebration (11:00 a.m.-12:00p.m.)
5/24- 5th Grade Sneaker Ball
5/25- Bailey Campus Tour 5th Grade Only (9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.)
5/25- Pre-K & Kinder (8:30-10:45 a.m.); 3rd & 4th grade (12:00-2:15 p.m.) Field Day
5/25- 5th Grade Picnic
5/26- 1st Grade and 2nd Grade Field Day- 8:30-10:45 a.m.
5/26- 5th Grade Field Day 12:00-2:15 p.m.
5/29- Memorial Day Holiday
5/30- 4th Grade Awards Day and 5th Grade Walk
5/31- 5th Grade Graduation/Promotion Ceremony; PreK Graduation
June Days to Remember:
6/1- Last Day for Students
6/2- Last Day for Teachers
Counselor's Connection
Summer School
Burchett Elementary
June 6th - June 29th
1st-5th grade- 8:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Prek/K- 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Summer School participants are by invitation only. Please click here to learn information about summer school!
Summer Safety Tips
Marshall Volunteer QR codes
Spring Volunteer Form: District volunteer form must be completed in order to volunteer on any Spring ISD campus. Must be submitted. Confirmation is needed for approval of the background check.
Marshall Volunteer Form 22-23: Specific campus events for volunteers to sign-up for here.
Vine Mentoring Form: For volunteers interested in mentoring students for 30 minutes to 1hr a week. District training is mandatory. To mentor specifically for Marshall, please be sure to select Marshall as the requested campus on the form.