CES Weekly Communicator
Issue #6: September 13, 2024
Principal Corner
Happy Friday, Chapelfield families.
Thank you for 2 successful breakfast with buddy events and attending our Title 1/PTO meeting this week. Next week we will be celebrating Start With Hello. This is a campaign that focuses on the importance of saying hello to everyone so that all students feel like they belong especially at Chapelfield. Please pay attention to the flier that highlights the spirit week clothing down below! Every day next week, there will be special people welcoming our students and saying hello. It is a highlight of the year! Have a great weekend.
Nikki Miller
Mental Health Team Corner
Start with Hello Week: September 16-20th, 2024
Next week is our second annual Start with Hello Week! Please see below for each spirit day.
The purpose is to raise awareness and educate students on ways to reduce social isolation and increase connectedness, ensuring all students feel a sense of belonging.
Students are taught three easy steps:
1. See someone alone
2. Reach out and help
3. Start with Hello
Related Arts Spotlight
Physical Education update from Mr. Scheibeck
Hello CES Families,
As we continue forward in this exciting school year, we are thrilled to focus on two
essential components of our Physical Education (PE) program: Teamwork and
Sportsmanship. At CES, we believe that these values are fundamental not only to
sports but to life itself.
Teamwork is at the heart of what we do in PE. Through collaborative activities and
team-based games, your child will learn the importance of working together,
communicating effectively, and supporting one another. We’ll be engaging in a variety of
group activities that emphasize the power of collective effort, from relay races to
cooperative challenges. By working together towards common goals, students will
develop strong bonds and a sense of camaraderie.
Sportsmanship is equally crucial to our program. We aim to instill a sense of fair play
and respect for others, both in and out of our school. Our focus will be on celebrating
effort, acknowledging the strengths of teammates and opponents alike, and handling
victories and defeats with grace. Through structured activities and guided reflections,
we will explore what it means to be a good sport, demonstrating respect and kindness in
all our interactions.
Here’s how we will be fostering these values:
Collaborative Activities: Engaging in team games and exercises that require
communication, strategy, and mutual support.
Role-Playing and Discussions: Facilitating discussions and role-playing
scenarios to explore sportsmanship and conflict resolution.
Positive Reinforcement: Highlighting and celebrating examples of teamwork
and fair play during our classes.
Reflection and Growth: Encouraging students to reflect on their experiences
and consider how they can improve their teamwork, sportsmanship, and
communication skills.
Last week, we began this journey together by building hulu-huts. I presented several
challenges and encouraged all students to work together. Our main focus was on
learning that what you would like to communicate, is just as important as how you
communicate your idea. We also focused on how to handle failure, and how we can
learn from failure. I saw so much growth in each class.
We believe that these principles will not only enhance your child's experience in PE but
also contribute to their overall personal development. As always, your support and
encouragement at home can make a big difference. We encourage you to discuss the
importance of teamwork and sportsmanship with your child and share in their journey of
growth and learning.
Thank you for partnering with us to make this a positive and enriching year for all our
students. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our approach to
teamwork and sportsmanship, please feel free to reach out.
Thank you everyone!
Mr. Scheibeck
CES Physical Education
Related Arts-ABCD Calendar
New Staff Spotlight
Meet Taylor Delara, K-1 ELSS Intervention Specialist
What is your favorite color?: Blue
What do you like to do for fun?: I enjoy hanging out with my family and friends, coaching high school soccer, and traveling!
What is your favorite subject? I love literacy and social skills!
What was your favorite grade as a student and why?
I loved my high school years because I got to learn a lot through a wide range of classes, be with my friends, and play sports! I also loved 7th grade math because I had the BEST teacher!
What are you looking forward to at CES?
I look forward to getting to know and working with all the amazing students, families, and staff at Chapelfield! I also look forward to watching all students learn and grow throughout the year!
Meet Kristen Huenemann, 2nd & 5th grade ELSS Intervention Specialist
What is your favorite color?: Blue
What do you like to do for fun?: I love cooking, crafts, and gardening with my daughters. I’m the family planner, and I LOVE planning family gatherings and celebrations. I also enjoy attending anything music related, and spending time with my family and friends!
What is your favorite subject?: This is always so hard to answer. One of my favorite subjects is music. I love how music reflects culture and how it has shifted across history. I also LOVE how music connects to all of us in some way and can unlock communication and express emotions that can be hard to communicate with just words.
What was your favorite grade as a student and why?
I loved sixth grade. It felt so grown up to switch classes, start learning more about science/social studies, and most importantly, I had teachers that I knew believed in me and pushed me to do my best.
What are you looking forward to at CES?
I am so excited to be part of the CES family. I am most excited to be part of the team guiding students as they continue to grow and learn!
Kristin Pease, Grade 5 General Intervention Specialist
What is your favorite color?: Scarlet
What do you like to do for fun?: Read a good book on my porch!
What is your favorite subject?: English
What was your favorite grade as a student and why?
4th Grade because all of us got along really well!
What are you looking forward to at CES?
Watching my students grow as readers and spellers!
Title 1 Resources and Information
EMAS Due by September 30
All students MUST have their emergency cards completed by September 30th. They will not be able to have snacks or go on a field trip without it.
You can complete this on infinite campus.
Online Absence Reporting on Parent Portal
Infinite Campus Parent Portal - Please Update ASAP
Parent Portal Annual Update
Infinite Campus is our parent portal and student information system. This site will allow parents/guardians to access school information electronically. For example, Infinite Campus will allow you to update email addresses and other important information regarding your child as well as view your child's report card electronically.
ALL Families (either new to Chapelfield or returning families) need to update your information in the Parent Portal of Infinite Campus. Directions for how to update Infinite Campus are linked below:
Log into the Parent Portal on Infinite Campus at: https://gahannajeffersonoh.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/gahanna_jefferson.jsp
Click MORE from the left hand column
Click on ONLINE REGISTRATION from choices on the right
Click START next to "Existing Student Registration"
Go through each step to complete the registration
Families New to Chapelfield Elementary: If you are a new family to Chapelfield (including all of our kindergarten families), you will receive an email from Mrs. Gilzow, school secretary, soon detailing directions on how to log into the Parent Portal of Infinite Campus to update your information.
Returning Families: If you need assistance - please call the school office at 614-478-5575. Mrs. Gilzow will be happy to help.
Transportation changes by 2 p.m.
The front office is a busy place the last 30 minutes of school. We ask that parents NOT CALL to make transportation changes after 2:00 p.m. Please make sure students know your plan of pick up before they come to school.
PTO Updates
PTO Events
*Thank you to everyone who attended our first PTO meeting of the year. We were so excited to see so many new faces and can’t wait for a great year!
*Mum Fundraiser update: The mum sale was extended through September 13th. Today is the last day to order. Don’t forget to share your child’s personal link with friends and family as well as on your personal social media outlets. Let’s get everyone excited to buy some truly beautiful, hardy mums from your child! Mums will be delivered Thursday, October 3rd and we need your help for pickup. Please sign up below if you are able to help. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0F4CA9A82BABF85-44363234-fall
5th grade PTO committee
*Spirit wear is still available! Check out the site here: https://peprallyapparel.com/collections/chapelfield-elementary. All orders will be handed out to students in mid-October. If you would like your order to be a gift send a quick email to Andreaagan1@aol.com and we will hold your order. Spirit wear store will close Monday, September 16th.
*We still have blue Chapelfield paw print t-shirts in kid sizes (xs-l) available. They are $16 each. We will have them available at all events or you can email Andreaagan1@aol.com and she will get them to you.
*1st Skate Night is Monday, September 16th from 6:00-8:00pm. We can’t wait to skate the night away with you!
Community Connections
Free tutoring offered by OSU students
GJPS Families-
Dash & Stash!
- Dash on Sunday, 10/13 @ 11:00 a.m.
- Where: GLHS stadium
- Stash begins at 12:30 (early entry for Dashers)
- Who: ALL GJPS families and community members
- Businesses and GJPS building staff will decorate their vehicles and give away candy to the community children.
- MUST register for the Dash, www.gjef.org
- Costumes encouraged!
Come and join the fun, whether you dash, walk or run!
Come see the progress of the new GLHS!
Do you own a business or work at a business that would like to have a decorated trunk at the Stash?
If you would like more information, please contact Dianna Bessignano at bessignanod@gjps.org OR (614) 269-4262.
Thank you for your help!
Dianna and Tricia
Columbus Metropolitan Library is Your Student’s After-School Space
Columbus Metropolitan Library’s School Help Centers are now open, offering students in your family free after-school help.
Reading Buddies, 15 minutes of one-on-one reading practice for K-3 students
School Help Centers, offering K-12 students free help with their schoolwork plus use of computers, printers, digital research tools and other resources
HelpNow, connecting them one-on-one with a virtual tutor Monday-Friday, 2-11 p.m.
Online school help tools available 24/7
YouMedia, an open lab space at nine locations where teens can explore technologies
After-School Snack, offered at 16 locations in partnership with the Children’s Hunger Alliance
Learn more at columbuslibrary.org.
September Important Dates
Monday, September 16-20: Start with Hello Week (SWH) Activities
*Monday, September 16: Wear Blue and Gold
*Tuesday, September 17: Weear a shirt that connects you to someone else (sports team, band, activity)
*Wednesday, September 18: Wear Green for Unity
*Thursday, September 19: Wear your Class Color-K-Red; 1-Orange; 2-Yellow; 3-Green; 4-Blue; 5-Purple
*Friday, September 20: Wear your CES Start with Hello Shirt & Closing Assembly
Monday, September 16: PTO Skate Night 6-8 p.m.
Monday, September 23: NO SCHOOL-Districtwide Professional Development
Thursday, September 26: OSU Vision Screening for 1st grade from 8:15-10:30 a.m.
Friday, September 27:
*Our first learning community meeting-PACKS
*5th grade BizTown
Important District Links
280 Chapelfield Road
Gahanna, OH 43230