Lenox Elementary
Family Newsletter-February/March 2018
As we look forward to spring, there are many activities happening over the next few months. During the month of April and first part of May we will be having our Right Brain residency with artist BodyVox. They will be incorporating dance and movement to tell a narrative story in all grade levels. We have our STEAM/Science Family Night on April 19th where many activities and experiences will be available to participate in with your children. On May 24th we have our Celebration of Learning and Family Dance Night. This night focuses on learning about what your child learned this school year, as well as, learning some new dances as a family in the gym. Fun for everyone! State testing gets underway this week with 5th grade Science, then in April and May, 3rd-6th grades take the SBAC in English Language Arts and Math. We have two and a half months left of learning and experiences for our students.
Mrs. Gina McLain
Important Dates
- Tues., March 20th: 5th & 6th grade Internet Safety Night, 6:00-7:00 PM in the gym
- March 26th-30th: Spring Break, No School
- Mon., April 2nd: Booster Club Meeting, 7:00 PM in the Lenox library
- Thurs., April 5th: College Wear Day!
- Mon., April 9th: Principal Coffee & Conversation, 9:15-10:00 AM in the library. Coffee provided. Topic: Assessments (state, district & school based assessments)
- Thurs., April 12th: End of 3rd Quarter
- Fri., April 13th: No School, Teacher Work Day
- Tues., April 17th: Kinder Orientation 3:00-4:00 PM. For incoming Kinder families for the 2018-19 school year.
- Thurs., April 19th: Science Fair during the school day
- Thurs., April 19th: STEAM/Science Fair Night, 6:00-7:30
Music Notes
February and March are busy in the music room! The 4th, 5th, and 6th graders worked on all musical notation (too many to list here) symbols to read full scores and play them on their recorders. Mrs. Uecker was also a guest teacher and taught dances to get ready for Family Dance Night in May. K-3 are continuing to work on improving their singing voices and performing movements to “Hungarian Dances No. 5” by Brahms, “L”Arlesienne Suite No. 11” by Bizet, and “Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66-Waltz” by Tchaikovsky. Grade 3 had a meter test. The band is getting ready for the Liberty Festival March 15th at 7:00 in the Liberty Gym with “Indigo Rock,” “March Across the Seas,” “Banana Boat,” and “Lets’ Go Band.” Ipads will be the focus for the month of March. K-3 grades will focus on learning orchestra instruments by sound and name. Grades 4-6 will continue to practice staff names, orchestra instruments, and create loops on GarageBand, along with other apps like Staff Wars, ABC Music, TuneTrain, Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra, Blob Chorus, NoteWorks, NametheNote, Treble Cat, Rhythm Cat, mynotegames, Beatwave, EarWizard, Tenuto, My First Orchestar App by Naxos, goodEar, MonsterMusic, music4Kids, and Woodchuck Rhythm App.
Ms. Amber Young
Lenox General Music and Band Specialist
P.E. Zone
During the month of February both primary and intermediate grades finished up skills in basketball. All grades will now move into several weeks of floor hockey skill development. The primary grades also just completed our third 15 Meter Pacer Test (a fitness assessment) of the school year. The intermediate classes just completed a skill development assessment in the activity of basketball. We are looking forward to our jump rope skills and Jump Rope for Heart in the month of April.
Mr. Rick Karlin
P.E. Specialist
Important Info & Reminders
Kindergarten Registration
All Visitors Must Sign In at the Front Office
- walking your student in the building in the morning
- volunteering in the classroom
- visiting during lunch
- anytime you need to go past the front office
Do not go past the office without signing in and putting on a visitor badge. See below for the picture of the sign in and badges. This is in place for the safety of our school and for your safety as well.
Booster Club Information
Lenox Elementary School
Website: https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/lenox
Location: 21200 Northwest Rock Creek Boulevard, Portland, OR, United States
Phone: (503) 844-1360