Wrangler Weekly
Week of January 5, 2025
Message from Mrs. Bratton, principal
Check the box -- this calendar year is done (almost). 2025! Wow!
As we embark on a new calendar year and a new semester, a few items to note:
- Grades for SM1 will be finalized by 4 PM on Tuesday, January 7 and report cards will be available on Friday, January 10. (If your student missed an exam, there is a make up opportunity on Monday, January 6 at 9 AM -- please email your child's counselor to get them on the list: vera.borg@comalisd.org (A-L) or yolanda.martinez@comalisd.org (M-Z).
- Campus "reset and remind" assemblies will be held Jan. 7-9 during Wrangler Time: administration will revisit behavior expectations with all students.
- We will have 2 APs on campus this spring to help us until we fill the open position; Ms. Troy Jones who helped us last spring (and is a retired principal from the Houston area) is returning and we welcome Mr. Dean Hofer who retired from SVHS just a few years ago. Both will provide us the support our campus needs this semester (see below to put a face with the name). These two will split time during the week; our team has a plan already set to ensure consistency with procedures on campus.
Thank you for a great first semester -- we look forward to cultivating our Wranglers even more in 2025!
Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
With Wrangler Pride,
Mrs. Bratton
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Attendance Matters. Every Student. Every Day.
Student attendance for the week of 12/16-12/20:
6th grade: 97%
7th grade: 96%
8th grade: 96%
Wrangler happenings this week!
Monday, January 6
Student holiday/teacher workday
Tuesday, January 7
Students return to campus
Wednesday, January 8
Thursday, January 9
Boys BB vs SVMS, 7th home, 8th away
Friday, January 10
FCA in main gym before school
Saturday, January 11
Boys BB vs MVMS 7th home, 8th away
Ranger Cheer clinic, 9am-12noon
Future Lady Ranger Basketball Clinic, SVHS 11am-1pm
Wranglers of the Week!
Nominate here!
Congratulations to students recognized for Community, Perseverance, & Excellence
FCA Shirt orders due Dec 22
SBMS Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) meets every Friday morning before school at 7:45 in the main gym and is open to all students. FCA is selling t-shirts that the officers have designed. Order here, but don't wait, or it will be too late. The link will close on Sunday, Dec 22.
All shirts will be delivered the week we return back from the holiday break.
Bulverde PD is bringing Santa - Dec 22
Santa Claus is coming to town and SBMS' very own Officer Serna may be giving Saint Nick a personal escort through the streets of Bulverde. The Bulverde Police Department, along with Bulverde Spring Branch Fire and EMS, are bringing Santa through the community on Sunday, December 22nd starting at our Bulverde Walmart at 5:30pm. Check the BPD's Facebook page as we track Santa on FB Live. Click on the pic for his route and approximate times.
Ranger Cheer Clinic - Jan 11
Come see what being a Ranger cheerleader is all about! On Saturday, January 11th from 9am-12noon, Ranger cheerleaders will be hosting a cheer clinic. Click here to register.
Future Lady Ranger Basketball Clinic - Jan 11
Calling all 1st through 6th grade girls who are interested in Basketball! SVHS will be hosting a FREE basketball clinic on Saturday, January 11th from 11am-1pm.
Email kathleen.johnson@comalisd.org to register. Clinic attendees will also have the opportunity to play during halftime of SV varsity home game on January 14th.
Comal ISD Job Fair - Jan 13
Comal ISD is hosting a job fair on January 13th from 5-6:30pm at the CISD Support Services building for various positions available throughout Comal. Visit comalisd.org/jobs for more information.
Dance Team Tryout Clinics - Jan 27
Your SVHS Silver Spurs and Silverado dance teams are hosting one more upcoming tryout clinic on Monday January 27th. Click here to register.
Active Duty Military Families - Federal Impact Aid Survey Available in Skyward
Under Title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Comal ISD is eligible for Federal Impact Aid funds as the district enrolls students whose parents are active-duty military. In order to apply for these funds, the district must collect information from parents who may fall into this category.
The survey is available online to all parents as a tile in their Skyward Family Access. Please help us remind parents to fill out this form electronically. Below is the image of the tile, as it appears on the Skyward Dashboard.
A Message from Nurse Keith
Please be aware of Comal ISD policy regarding fever, which requires that all students and staff be free of fever (100 degrees and above) for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever reducing medications, before returning to school. Thank you for working with us to help prevent the spread of illnesses at school.
Thank You Star State Plumbing
Sending a huge Wrangler thank you to Star State Plumbing for being a Silver Level Sponsor! Thank you for continuing to be such a great community partner! We appreciate your support of SBMS.
Our hometown plumbing experts, where quality counts! Please keep them in mind for all things plumbing!
Thank You JB Aire
Sending huge Wrangler thanks to JB Aire for being our Third Quarter Staff Appreciation Sponsor! Thank you for being such a great PAST & PRESENT community partner! We appreciate your support of SBMS.
Quality • Experience • Value. Please keep them in mind for all your heating and air conditioning needs!
Thank You GVTC Foundation
Thank you to The GVTC Foundation for very generously being our 2024-2025 4th Quarter Staff Appreciation Sponsor!
We appreciate all you do to support our community. Everyone say, “Rockstar!”
January 14: PTA General Membership meeting, 9am SBMS library
January 16: Winter pep rally, 10am
January 16: Girls soccer vs MVMS
January 16: Boys BB vs CMS, 7th away, 8th home
January 18: Boys BB tournament, 7th at DMS, 8th at CHMS
January 18: Girls soccer tournament at SBMS
January 20: Student/Staff holiday
January 23: Girls soccer at DMS
January 25: Girls soccer at PRMS tournament
January 27: SVHS dance team tryout clinic
January 30: Girls soccer at CMS
Spring Branch Middle School
Email: brandi.norton@comalisd.org
Website: sbms.comalisd.org
Location: 21053 Texas 46, Spring Branch, TX, USA
Phone: (830)885-8800
Facebook: facebook.com/CISDSpringBranchMS
Instagram: sbms_wranglers
Twitter: @SBMSWranglers