Friday Highlights
September 6, 2024
Mark your Calendar:
September 12: Performing Arts Information Night - 6:00 p.m., Auditorium
September 18: Picture Day for Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors
September 19: Senior Parent College Night - 5:00 p.m., Auditorium
September 19: Meet the Teacher Night - 6:00 p.m. - Early Dismissal, 11:00 a.m.
September 20: Professional Development Day - Early Dismissal, 11:00 a.m.
Next Week's Schedule at OHS:
Tuesday: Periods 1 - 4, A Day
Wednesday: Periods 1 - 4, B Day
Thursday: Periods 1 - 4, A Day
Friday: Periods 1 - 4, B Day
New Staff at OHS:
Principal: Heather O’Brien
Athletic Director: AJ Huston
Library Media Specialist: Jenna Duetzmann
P.E.: Elliott Via
Social Studies: Jamison Kulesa
Social Worker: Maria Mauriello
Paraprofessional: Jennifer Lewis
OHS Athletics:
To view the list of athletic schedules, go to the OHS Website and select the tab for Athletics. Use the drop-down arrow and you will find schedules for each sport that is offered.
This upcoming week in athletics will bring a start to our OFFICIAL home season. Boys soccer hosts Torrington Monday night at 6:00 p.m., followed by the Girls soccer team hosting Shepaug Valley on Wednesday, also at 6:00 p.m. Girls Volleyball will take on Watertown on Thursday at 5:15 p.m. and the Swim team will take on St. Paul on Friday at 4:00 p.m. Football will open their season on the road at Wilby on Thursday night at 6:00 p.m. #OxfordStrong
OHS Health Office
As a friendly reminder from Nurse Dani, please log into your student’s PowerSchool account and sign off on the use of Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen and Tums if needed while in school. When you log into PowerSchool, go to forms and check off the boxes if you would like your child to receive any of these medications when in need. These medications may only be administered if the forms are completed on PowerSchool. Verbal permission is not accepted. Lastly, please forward your student’s Medication Administration and Asthma Action Plans. Connecticut does not allow medication to be administered with an outdated form.
CT State law requires that all students in 10th grade have a physical assessment. This assessment serves to document adequate immunizations and any health issues that may impact your child while they attend school. The physical exam must be dated after January 01, 2024. The front of the HAR form must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian. The second page must have all *asterisks areas completed.
As a friendly reminder your child must be fever free (without medication) and has not vomited within 24 hours before returning to school.
Early Dismissal Procedure:
As we start the new school year, we want to remind you of the procedure for early dismissals:
1 - Early Dismissal Note: If your student needs to leave school early, please send them in with an early dismissal note. This allows us to give your student a dismissal pass, enabling them to sign out on their own. There is no need for you to come into the school.
2 - In-Person Pick-Up: If you need to pick up your student in person, please bring your driver’s license. You will need to complete the dismissal process through Securly Visitor for security purposes.
3 - Contact Information: Ensure that your contact information is up-to-date, including who is permitted to pick up your child.
We appreciate your cooperation in making the early dismissal process smooth and secure.
Meet the Teachers:
Meet the Teachers is scheduled for Thursday, September 19th beginning at 6:00 p.m. This event will afford you the opportunity to meet with each of your student’s teachers. Each class presentation will last approximately 10 minutes and there is passing time built in the schedule. Meet the Teacher is not a student conference, rather an opportunity to meet the teachers that will be working with your Wolverine. You will receive more details as we get closer to the date.
Performing Arts Information Night:
There is a Performing Arts meeting for parents and students next Thursday, September 12th at 6:00 p.m. in the auditorium or you can join them online using the link below:
Dial in (audio only): (US) +1 209-783-9677
PIN: 839 570 112#
They are looking forward to an arts-filled year and hope to see you there! Please direct any event questions to marquardte@oxfordpublicschools.org.
School Counseling
Parent College Information Night: The OHS School Counseling Department is having their annual Parent College Night on Thursday, September 19th at 5:00 p.m. in the auditorium. They will be reviewing the program’s procedures, policies, tips, strategies and resources to make the college application process as seamless as possible for everyone involved.
Senior/College Application Information:
Assembly on the College Application Process - An assembly will be held on September 18th during Advisory to review the process.
Parent Email - An email outlining pertinent information regarding the College Application Process will be sent next week.
Common Application Support - The Counselors will be visiting senior Capstone classrooms this month to provide support.
Senior Conference - Seniors are encouraged to set up a Senior Conference with their School Counselor through our appointment calendar links.
Counseling Caseloads
Grade 9: A - C
Grade 10: A - C
Grade 11: A - C
Grade 12: A - C
Grade 9: D - L
Grade 10: D - M
Grade 11: D - M
Grade 12: D - L
Grade 9: M - Z
Grade 10: N - Z
Grade 11: N - Z
Grade 12 M - Z
Mancinone - https://appt.link/mancinonea
Angeley - https://appt.link/sarah-angeley
McRae - https://appt.link/mcraea
Social Work Spotlight:
Student Support Staff send a warm welcome back to all students and families. In addition to your assigned School Counselor, your student support staff include three School Social Workers and one School Psychologist:
Nicole Connolly, OHS School Social Worker
Randi Kubick, OHS School Social Worker
Maria Mauriello, OHS School Social Worker
Ken Krenke, OHS School Psychologist
Each month, we will use Friday Highlights to inform families of mental health matters and resources, communicate Social/Emotional Learning, and provide accessible community resources. Please continue to check back!
Picture Day:
Premier Portraits Studio will be at Oxford High School on Wednesday, September 18 to photograph freshmen, sophomores and juniors.
Senior Portraits:
Premier Portraits Studio will be at Oxford High School for the final time on Thursday, September 12 to photograph any senior who has not had their senior picture taken. Seniors need to schedule an appointment through the studio’s website at www.ctpremierphotos.com and click on “Seniors Book Here”. If you have difficulty scheduling an appointment, you can contact the studio by calling 860-223-4126.
Booster Club
The Booster Club is excited to welcome everyone back for another fantastic school year. Whether you are returning or joining us for the first time, we are thrilled to have you as part of our amazing community.
Who We Are: The Booster Club is a non-profit organization committed to enhancing the experiences of our students, teachers and school programs through a variety of initiatives, events and fundraising efforts. Our mission is to support Oxford High School’s activities, arts and athletic programs that directly benefit the students. We are focused on enriching the school environment and building a strong sense of community among OHS families.
Upcoming Meeting Dates: We invite you to join us at our upcoming Booster Club meetings, where you will have the opportunity to share ideas, get involved and stay informed about what is happening at OHS. Listed below are the meeting dates for this semester:
- Tuesday, October 1, 7:00 p.m.
- Wednesday, November 6, 7:00 p.m.
- Tuesday, December 3, 7:00 p.m.
All meetings will be held in the OHS cafeteria. We encourage all parents, guardians and staff to attend.
Upcoming Events: Please mark your calendars to come out and support the groups and the Booster Club.
Girls Soccer Car Wash - Sunday, September 8
Girls Swim & Dive Car Wash - Saturday, September 14
Boys Basketball Fall Clean-Up - See attached flyer
Girls Basketball Mum Sale - https://bit.ly/OHSGirlsBasketballMumSale
Girls Volleyball Dine-Out at Oxford House Tavern - September 23
OHS Pink Games (October)
- Boys Soccer - October 1
- Girls Soccer - October 9
- Girls Volleyball - October 10
OHS Booster Club Halloween Designer Bag Bingo - October 24: https://bit.ly/Booster-Bingo-2024
Performing Arts - “Twelve Angry Jurors”: November 15 and November 16
Pizza with Santa & Festival of Trees: December 13 and December 14
These events are great opportunities to support our school and students, and meet fellow parents and have some fun!
Get Involved: We are always looking for volunteers and new ideas to help make our school even better. If you are interested in getting involved, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Your participation, no matter how big or small, makes a huge difference. Our next meeting is Tuesday, October 1 at 7:00 p.m. in the cafeteria. Let’s work together to make this school year the best one yet! Sign up to be a member today at: https://bit.ly/2024OHSBCMembership
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you soon.
Baseball Fundraiser: The OHS Baseball Team is holding a Fall Clean-Up Fundraiser. Tickets are available to purchase and the winner will receive two hours of yard work at their home, courtesy of the baseball team. A flyer is attached with more information.
Girls Soccer Fundraiser: The OHS Girls Soccer Team is holding a car wash on Sunday, September 8, 2024 at the Old Center School on Route 67 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The cost is $10 for cars and trucks. A flyer is attached with more information.
Girls Basketball Fundraiser: The OHS Girls Basketball Team is holding a Mum sale on Saturday, September 21, 2024 at the Old Center School from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. A percentage of the sales will be donated toward the “Re” Beautifying the Town of Oxford. A flyer is attached with more information.
From the Principal's Office:
Thank you for a great first two days! I want to reiterate my appreciation for everyone’s patience and flexibility with our new traffic pattern.
In an effort to further enhance school safety, Oxford High School has added Detex door prop sensors to our exterior doors. When a door is propped open, these sensors emit an alarm as well as generate a text notification to our SRO. With the exception of an emergency, students should not exit the building through a door with an “alarm will sound” sticker. Furthermore, students should not prop or open doors for anyone, including other students. Everyone must be buzzed into the building and all visitors must enter through and report to the main office.
In addition to the door prop sensors, Oxford High School has also installed vape sensors in all restrooms. These sensors detect vape, aggression, and tampering. In the event vaping, aggression, or tampering is detected, an alert is sent to school administrators and our SRO via text and email. Any student caught vaping, fighting, or tampering with the vape sensors will be subject to disciplinary consequences as outlined in our Student Parent Handbook and Board of Education Policies 5111, 5200, and 5500. Please CLICK HERE for a letter with more information specific to the vape sensors.
Finally, Oxford High School sends our thoughts and prayers to Apalachee High School. Words cannot fully express the grief and sorrow that arises in the wake of such a tragedy, and we extend our heartfelt condolences to the students, staff, families, and community of Winder, Georgia.