Titans' Times
Week-at-a-Glance (WAAG) for May 21-24, 2024
Celebrating Success: Track Day for Grades 4-9 Students!
We're thrilled to celebrate the success of our recent Track Day for grades 4-9 students! A big congratulations to all participants for their enthusiasm and sportsmanship. We thank the volunteers for their invaluable support and our dedicated teachers for their planning and organization. Together, we created a vibrant event filled with teamwork and joy.
Let's continue to celebrate our students' achievements and the supportive community that makes it all possible. Well done, Titans, on your well-earned ribbons! Several students are going to districts on May 28th. Good luck to all of you!
We look forward to many more opportunities to come together as a school community and celebrate the talents and achievements of our remarkable students.
Blessings for a wonderful long weekend,
Mrs. Kleparchuk & Mrs. Crowston
Week of May 20-24, 2024
Monday, May 20:
- Victoria Day - No School
Tuesday, May 21:
- JH Titans Block
Wednesday, May 22:
- Feast of St. Émile
- Hold & Secure Weather Emergency Drill
Thursday, May 23:
- Titans Spirit Wear
Friday, May 24:
- No Kindergarten Classes
- Grades 1-3 Swimming AM at Westlock Aquatic Centre
- Healthy Hunger - Subway *must be ordered by the 19th
Check out our monthly school calendar on the website.
Birthdays at Legal School
May 20 - Easton M. (Gr. 3) May 20 - Mason F. (Pre-K) May 24 - Jane L. (Pre-K)
Parent Information
May 27 - Living Rosary Religion students block 6
May 28 - Grades 4-9 swimming am
May 28 - District Track Meet (Grades 5-9)
May 29 - School Council & FOLSS Meeting
May 30 - Div. 2 Field Trip to Fort Edmonton
June 3 - Dynamic Options Field Trip to Lions Park
June 4 - Div. 1 Field Trip to TWOS
June 3 - Div. 3 Rec. Field Trip Lone Spruce Driving Range
June 4 - Div. 1 Field Trip to TWOS
June 5 - Div. 2 Rec. Field Trip Lone Spruce Driving Range
June 7 - JH Field Trip to Alberta Museum
June 10 - PD Day - No School
Hot Lunch - Healthy Hunger
Upcoming Hot Lunch Orders:
May 24- Subway** This must be ordered by Sunday, May 19th
June 7 - McDonalds
** Please make sure you order a hot lunch on the dates above!
Thank you to the School Council for organizing this for our families!
Save the Date - June 26th
5-5:45 - Dinner for Gr. 9 Students & Immediate Family Members
6-6:45 - Grade 9 Farewell Presentation (All are Welcome)
7:00 - JH Awards Presentation
School Council & FOLSS Meeting - May 29, 2024
School Council Meeting @ 6:15 pm
Friends of Legal School Society (FOLSS) @ 7:15 pm
School Library
Check out all School Council information linked on our school website.
Filling Your Child’s Emotional Cup
Do you ever wonder how and why your child can go from happy to total meltdown in less than 5 minutes? Well, it might be for reasons we haven’t considered before!
For many of us, we find our days over-scheduled with appointments, errands, and meetings that have us thinking about all of the things we would rather be doing instead! Although it may not be an important business meeting that is hijacking your child’s day of fun, children often have to forgo things they would like to do due to a busy schedule that leaves them with a feeling of lacking control in their day. When these unexpected meltdowns hit, it could be the underlying lack of control in their day that is the root cause. When we over-schedule, we miss out on things that can fill our child’s emotional cups such as free play time, spending quality time together, playing with friends, or getting to run around outside. When their emotional cups are empty, it’s more likely that we will see a rise in moody and more irritable behaviours.
Yes, life can be busy! But let’s not forget to squeeze in some time to do the things we all enjoy in our busy lives and keep those emotional cups filled.
Check out this guide from Big Life Journal that shares more examples of things that both empty and fill our children’s cups.
Faith News
St. Emile Parish
Youth Group Night:
Come celebrate with us at the end of the school year and
our last youth group night! We will have games and
snacks galore and maybe even some prizes! Friday, May
24th, 7 – 9 pm at the Legal school.
Legal Titans Yearbook 2023-24
We need to SELL 50 copies to make this happen! Get a copy for your family today!
Scan the QR code in the image above or go to https://YBPay.lifetouch.ca and enter the Yearbook ID Code: 14690824
You can also send in $21 cash to order the yearbook directly from the school.
Student Recognition
Titans Rockstars of the Week
Track Day Event Ribbons
Principal Positive Calls of the Week
Community Events
Lemonade Day Event Details
Legal School
Email: lsinfo@gsacrd.ab.ca
Website: https://www.ls.gsacrd.ab.ca/
Location: 5122 46 Street, Legal, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-961-3791
Facebook: facebook.com/legalschool
Twitter: @LS_GSACRD