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2024-25 Wildcat News
Week of December 9, 2024
Taylor Talk
Wildcats, this is it—our final week before semester exams! Let’s use this time wisely to review, ask questions, and prepare to showcase everything we’ve learned. Remember, attendance is crucial, and we need everyone here, focused and ready.
A quick reminder about our attendance policy—excessive absences can impact your success, so let’s finish strong by showing up every day. Additionally, for those struggling with tardiness, please be mindful that repeated tardies will result in afterschool detention. Let’s work together to be on time and stay accountable to ourselves and each other.
I know it’s December, and the holiday break is near, but let’s remain consistent with our goals and push through to the finish line. Stay focused, Wildcats, and let’s make this week count! 💙 🤍
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Thank you to Trim-A-Tree Farm for donating our beautiful 13ft. Christmas tree! We love it! Thank you to Sharon Geiger for arranging the donation and to our elves for decorating it! It's a great day to be a Wildcat!
This Week's Poll
What is your favorite Christmas song?
Last Week's Favorite Christmas Movie Results
The Grinch: 35%
Home Alone: 21%
Polar Express: 15%
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation: 13%
Elf: 10%
The Santa Clause: 3%
Christmas Story: 2%
First Priority Message
Tuesday (Tomorrow) will be our last First Priority meeting of this semester! You don’t want to miss this. There will be breakfast and lots of giveaways! Everyone is invited.
Begin with the End in Mind
Semester Exam Schedule
I hope you have been working hard to keep you grades and attendance up so you can exempt semester exams. On the first day of school, I talked about beginning with the end in mind. Many of you have done just that! You will enjoy being out of school on the 18th, 19th, and 20th. For those of you not exempting, you will receive exemption forms soon.
Student Handbook Attendance Policy Reminder
Chronic Absenteeism
Have you missed too many days?
Chronic Absenteeism
To address problems with chronic absenteeism, students in Grades K-12 who accumulate 18 or more absences, whether deemed excused or unexcused, are by definition chronically absent and will not be allowed to participate in non-academic school activities (e.g., prom, in-school games, dances, field trips, and field days). Doctor’s notes and health plans will be taken into consideration when reviewing status for participation in non-academic school activities only when a student has not accumulated 3 or more unexcused absences.
Field Trips
To address problems with chronic absenteeism and behavior, students in Grades K-12 who accumulate 3 or more unexcused absences per semester or more than one day of out of school suspension and/or four or more days of in school suspension will not be allowed to participate in field trips. Exceptions will be district-wide field trips.
National Civics Bee
Calling all middle school students! Share your ideas and flex your civics knowledge in the National Civics Bee®.
About the Bee
Alabama Chambers is partnering with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and 5 chambers of commerce across Alabama to host a nonpartisan statewide civics competition. The 2024-25 National Civics Bee® encourages young Americans in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade to engage in civics and contribute to their communities.
The competition, modeled on traditional spelling and geography bees, gives students the chance to win recognition and earn cash prizes by sharing ideas for improving their communities and showing their enthusiasm for civics. The winner of the National Civics Bee® Alabama State Finals will receive a trip to Washington, DC to compete in the National Civics Bee® national championship in Fall 2025.
Why Civics?
We are hosting the National Civics Bee® Alabama State Finals because we believe that informed and active citizens make for a strong country, a strong economy, and a strong workforce, and that our continued prosperity depends on the strength of all three. Through the Bee, we are promoting greater civic knowledge throughout Alabama and celebrating our civic pride.
How To Enter
Any 6th, 7th, or 8th grade student residing in Alabama with an idea about using civics to improve their community may submit their essay to participate in one local competition in our state. All essays must be submitted by Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at 11:59pm Eastern Time (10:59CST). Visit www.nationalcivicsbee.org for the latest news on the application portal, entry deadlines, and resources.
Students should review the Contest Rules and Essay Guide below and then apply using the following link: 2025 National Civics Bee®Application Link
Lunch Information
Lunch Debt: -$?????
Need Your Help!
Please check your child’s email and add funds to their account as soon as possible.
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Employees of the Year Banquet
Miss Merry Christmas: JuliAnn Kyle
Mark your calendar
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay & Art Contest
Computer Programming Competition
Each year, Lockheed Martin hosts Code Quest, an annual computer programming competition where teams of two to three high school students work together to solve problems using Java, Python, C#, and/or C++ programming to complete the “quest”. The problem set consists of 20 to 30 challenging problems created by Lockheed Martin engineers and computer programmers. We want to make sure Limestone County is represented. The competition is in March, and the registration opens in December.
2024-25 Yearbook Information
FAFSA has opened a little earlier than expected with "beta testing." This means it is officially open, but they will just have some technical issues that they will need to work out along the way. I have attached some notes below for you and your families. This break may be an opportunity for you to get started or submit together!
1. I came into all of the senior classrooms a few weeks ago to assist you with your FSA IDs, but if you missed or had any issues, here are the steps again (with links):
"These are the steps we recommend you take as soon as possible:
Students should create their FSA IDs (How to Create an FSA ID)
Students should determine their Dependency status (Dependency Questions)
If the student is dependent (most students are), the student then needs to determine who else should contribute to their FAFSA (use the Parent Wizard Tool)
The parent indicated by the wizard should also create an FSA ID
Please do not instruct all parents to create an FSA ID— use the Parent Wizard Tool to advise the correct parent to do this task
If the student is independent, the student should proceed to the next step
2. I also had several students have an error message about their SSNs already being in the system. If you were one of these students go here and "live chat" with the helper to get it resolved: https://studentaid.gov/help-center/contact
3. Remember, as you fill out the form that you are completing the "2025 - 2026" version since this is when you will be a freshman and to use your personal email addresses. You will need your SSN and parent/guardian information handy. You should not need your family's tax return information. Your parent/guardian's section should link the information in for them.
4. Here is the official form's link: https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa
5, Additional resources:
- "2025 - 26 FAFSA Checklist" attached!
- These are amazing tutorials on FAQs: https://www.youtube.com/user/FederalStudentAid
- The whole website can be toggled to Spanish at the top right of the screen. Spanish resources and information here too: https://studentaid.gov/es/resources
- Here is a link too for a helpdesk that usually works better than trying to get in contact with FAFSA staff: https://alabamapossible.org/programs/alabamagoestocollege/students-and-familes/
- I will start having appointment slots for assistance and main event days in January. This will give their system time to work out some of the technical bugs. If you need your form done quickly for offers or performance scholarships, let me know!
Good luck and I'm here if you need me!
Mrs. Tara Ellis
We write today with a reminder that this year’s Coolidge Scholarship application deadline is now just six weeks away – Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 5:00 PM Pacific time. More information about the scholarship is included below. Thank you for sharing this opportunity with high school juniors at your school.
The Coolidge Scholarship is a full-ride, four-year, merit scholarship that may be used by recipients for undergraduate study at any accredited college or university in the United States. Any current high school junior who plans to enroll in college in the fall of 2026 and is an American citizen or legal permanent resident is eligible to apply (current high school seniors are not eligible to apply). Winners may use the scholarship to pursue any academic major. Academic excellence is the primary criterion considered by the Coolidge Scholarship. Secondary criteria include an interest in public policy and an appreciation of the values President Coolidge championed. Successful candidates will also demonstrate humility and have a record of genuine service to their communities. A complete description of the scholarship’s criteria is available here.
The competition for the Coolidge Scholarship is significant -- only a few new Coolidge Scholarships are awarded each year from a pool of candidates that spans the entire country. Even so, students have reported to us in past years they were glad to have applied even if they didn’t win because the experience helped prepare them for college applications later on. Furthermore, the Coolidge Foundation invites one hundred of the top Coolidge Scholarship applicants to participate in the Coolidge Senators Program, which includes an all-expenses-paid Summit and a $1,000 scholarship. Scholarship applicants are automatically considered for the Senators Program.
Alert: the application requires that candidates read President Coolidge’s Autobiography and complete a few other reading assignments. While the book is not overly long, we encourage students to begin the application early. Candidates who begin the application at the last minute are unlikely to be successful. Again, please note the submission deadline: 5:00 PM Pacific time, Wednesday, December 11, 2024.
We hope you will share this opportunity with outstanding high school juniors at your school. The scholarship application, along with additional information, can be accessed on our scholarship site: www.coolidgescholars.org. We are standing by to answer any questions as your students work through the application. We can most effectively be reached by email at coolidgescholars@coolidgefund.org and also by phone at (202) 827-4291.
Kind regards,
The Coolidge Scholarship
Go to balfour.com
Search “West Limestone High School.”
Click on “Grad Packs”, scroll down, and click “Shop Caps & Gowns and Senior Gear.”
Click on “Cap & Gown.”
Click on “Graduation Essentials.”
You are only required to order the “essentials package” which includes cap, gown, tassel, diploma, and diploma cover. You may certainly order larger packages, just read to be certain they include “graduation essentials”.
Cap/gown and cover will be shipped to the school, but if you order other items, they will be shipped to your home.
Orders are due by December 20th.
Senior Ad Letter due 2-15-25
Senior Awards Night
Mark Your Calendar!
Friday, May 16 at 6pm
2024-25 Graduation Schedule
Begin with the End in Mind
May 20: Graduation at THS and ELHS
May 22: Graduation at EHS and AHS
May 23: Graduation at CHS and WLHS 7pm
Counselor Corner
Use these codes to enroll in Counselor Watson aka Pops' Schoology Courses to find out valuable information regarding your class.
- Seniors: Class of 2025: 2GJG-KKMX-FTQRR
- Juniors: Class of 2026: PHSX-X7MZ-FJZVT
- Sophomores: Class of 2027: VMT4-QHKK-TQ433
- Freshmen: Class of 2028: Course not created just yet....in progress
Notes from the Nurse
West Limestone Wildcats Athletics
Join us on Facebook at WLHS Wildcat Athletics
Athletic Ticket Price Increase
At the last Limestone County Board Meeting, the cost of adult athletic tickets for regular season home games increased. Here are the new prices:
- Adult HS Football Tickets: $10
- Adult Athletic Tickets for any other sport: $8
- Students Tickets: $5
- FREE Parking this year!
West Limestone Basketball
9: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Karen White!
9-15: Computer Science Education Week
10: Senior Baby Picture, Quote, and Last Will & Testament Submission Deadline
10: Board Work Session 5pm
10: Board Meeting 6pm
11: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Bethany James!
11: 8th Grade Honors Field Trip to A Christmas Carol 9am
11: Art Field Trip with Ms. Chrisman
11-16: Book Fair
12: PD for Taylor, Gibbs, & Campbell
12: Robin Hood Play at 9-10:20am - $2 admission per student; 6pm - Tickets are $5
12: "Ugly Sweater Shuffle" - Middle School Dance 6-8pm
13: Robin Hood Play for Sugar Creek Students in West New Gym at 8am
13: Happy Birthday to Mr. Chuck Hood!
14: Robin Hood Play at 6pm - Tickets are $5
14: ACT Test
16: Happy Birthday to Mr. Kerry Gowan & Mrs. Leonah Kyle!
16: Working with ELs in the Classroom PD at Owens 8:30-3:00
17: Christmas Band Concert at 6:30pm
18: History, English, & Scheduled Electives; A-Day CTC Semester Exam
19: Math, Science, & Scheduled Electives; B-Day CTC Semester Exam
19: Happy Birthday to Coach Shelby Davis!
20: Any Elective and All Makeup Day Semester Exams
20: End of the 2nd Nine Weeks
20: Cap & Gown Orders Due
21: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Sherry Mashburn!
21: First Day of Winter
23: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Laine Morris!
23: Christmas Break begins
24: Christmas Eve
25: Merry Christmas!
25: Happy Birthday to Coach David Young!
29: End date of Winter Art Show at Huntsville Museum of Art
30: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Debbie Anderson & Mrs. Laura Mashburn!
31: New Year's Eve!
January: School Board Recognition Month/Get Organized Month/Mentoring Month/Poverty in America Awareness Month
1: Happy New Year! 2025!!
1: Happy Birthday to Mr. Greg Burchell!
2: Christmas Break ends
3: Teacher Work Day
3: ACT Registration Deadline without Late Fee
6: Local/District PD
7: Board Meeting Items Due
8: Report Card
8: Principal's Meeting
9: PM Drill
12: Happy Birthday to Mr. Brandon Wallace!
13: ACCESS for ELLs Window Opens
14: Board Meeting 6pm
16-17: West ACAP Practice Test
16: Guest speaker fro Mr. Ferguson's Class
17: Deadline to apply for Junior Job Shadowing Day
18: Winter Formal at Southern Charm
19: National Popcorn Day
20: Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday/ No School
20: ACT Late Registration Deadline
22: Classified Advisory Meeting at Central Office from 9:30-11:30am
22: Certified Advisory Meeting at Central Office from 1-3pm
23: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Amanda Gibbs!
23: Guest speaker fro Mr. Ferguson's Class
23: First National Bank Student Advisory Meeting
23: National Handwriting and National Pie Day
25: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Bethany Matthews!
27: iReady Training for MS teachers
27: NAEP Testing Window Opens for West Limestone 8th grade Math/ELA
31: National Hot Chocolate Day
31: Window Closes for MOY MS/HS Reading & Math Benchmark Assessment Grades 6-10
February: Black History Month/American Heart Month
1: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Anita Kyle!
2: Happy Birthday to Mr. Ryan Griffin!
2: Groundhog's Day - Will he see his shadow?
3: Happy Birthday to Mr. Doug Ezekiel!
3: Deadline for submitting ALL Senior orders with Balfour
3-7: School Counselor Appreciation Week
4: Board Meeting Items Due
4: Principal's Meeting
5: Progress Report
6: Guest speaker fro Mr. Ferguson's Class
8: ACT Test
9: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Sarah Carr!
9: National Pizza Day
9: Super Bowl Sunday
11: Board Work Session 5pm
11: Board Meeting 6pm
11: Safer Internet Day
12: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Sarai Bender!
12: Lincoln's Birthday
14: Happy Valentine's Day
15: School Resource Officer Appreciation Day
17: Happy Birthday to Mr. Brad Dean!
17: Presidents' Day/ No School
17: Random Acts of Kindness Day
20: First National Bank Student Advisory Meeting
23: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Kecia Maddox!
23: Digital Learning Day
26: Yearbook Staff and Golf Team Field Trip to Huntsville Havoc Showcase
28: ACT Registration Deadline without Late Fee
March: Women's History Month/National Reading Month/Music in our Schools Month/American Red Cross Month/Nutrition Month
2-8: School Social Work Week
3: Read Across America Day
3: ACAP Alternate for grades 6th-8th, 10th, 11th Testing Window Opens
4: Board Meeting Items Due
4: Mardi Gras
4: ACT WorkKeys Online Retest- 12th Grade
4: Principal's Meeting
5: TRAIL will visit 7th Grade Classes at 12:45
6: National Oreo Day
7: National Cereal Day
7: End of the 3rd Nine Weeks
7: NAEP Testing Window Closes for West Limestone 8th grade Math/ELA
9: Daylight Savings Time Begins
10: Happy Birthday to Mr. Brayden Clem!
11: Board Meeting 6pm
11: ACT with Writing - 11th Grade testing only
12: Life South Blood Drive
13: First National Bank Student Advisory Meeting
13: Junior Job Shadowing Day
14: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Benita Andrews!
14: Pi Day
14: ACCESS for ELLs Testing Window Closes
14: Report Card
15: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Christi Bolton!
16: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Shelley Kennemer!
16: ACT Late Registration Deadline
17: Happy St. Patrick's Day!
17: ACAP Summative Grades 6th-8th Testing Window Opens
17-22: Band Trip to Disney!!
20: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Phyllis Malone!
20: First Day of Spring
20: 1/2 Day for Students/Parent Conferences
21: Professional Learning Day
22: Happy Birthday to Coach Zane Campbell!
24-28: Spring Break
30: National Pencil Day
April: Autism Acceptance Month/Poetry Month/School Library Month/Month of the Military Child
1: Board Meeting Items Due
1: Principal's Meeting
1: April Fool's Day
2: Paraprofessional Appreciation Day
4: School Librarian Appreciation Day
4: ACAP Alternate for grades 6th-8th, 10th, 11th Testing Window Closes
5: ACT Test
6-12: Library Week
7: World Health Day
7-11: Assistant Principals Week
8: Happy Birthday to Mr. Tim Ferguson & Mr. Weston Stewart!
8: ACAP 6th Grade Science 1 & 2 at 8am; Makeup session at 10am
8: Board Work Session 5pm
8: Board Meeting 6pm
9: ACAP 8th Grade ELA 3 & 4 at 8am; 7th Grade Math 1 at 10am
10: ACAP 7th Grade Math 2 at 8am; 8th Grade ELA 1 & 2 at 10am
11: ACAP 7th Grade ELA 3 & 4 at 8am; 8th Grade Math 1 at 10am
11: Prom at the Lofton
12: ACAP 8th Grade Math 2 at 8am; 7th Grade ELA 1 & 2 at 10am
12: Happy Birthday to Mr. Greg Gray!
12: Drop Everything and Read Day
14: Window Opens for EOY MS/HS Reading & Math Benchmark Assessment Grade 6-10
15: ACAP Makeup Session at 8am; 8th Grade Science 1 & 2 at 10am
16: ACAP Makeup Session at 8am; 6th Grade Math 1 at 10am
16: Progress Report
16: First National Bank Student Advisory Meeting
16: Classified Advisory Meeting at Central Office from 9:30-11:30am
16: Certified Advisory Meeting at Central Office from 1-3pm
17: ACAP Makeup Session at 8am; 6th Grade Math 2 at 10am
18: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Stacy Cook & Mr. Russ Gant!
18: ACAP 6th Grade ELA 3 & 4 at 8am; Makeup session at 10am
18: National High Five Day
19: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Nancy Christopher!
19: ACAP 6th Grade ELA 1 & 2 at 8am; Makeup session at 10am
20: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Lisa Davis!
20: Happy Easter!
20-26: Administrative Professionals Week
21: Happy Birthday to Nurse Gina and Mrs. Verena Owsley!
21-25: National Public School Volunteer Week
22: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Molly Fenn!
22: School Bus Driver Appreciation Day
22: Earth Day
23: ACAP Makeup Session at 8am and 10am
23: Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day
24: ACAP Makeup Session at 8am and 10am
25: Arbor Day - Plant a Tree!
25: ACAP Summative Grades 6th-8th Testing Window Closes
26: National Pretzel Day
27: National Gummy Bear Day
28: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Shirley Messer!
28: Pay It Forward Day
29: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Karen Murray!
30: Día: El día de los niños/El día de los libros (Children's Day/Book Day)
May: Teacher Appreciation Month/Inventors Month/Mental Health Month/Physical Fitness & Sports Month
1: May Day
1: School Principal's Day
2: School Lunch Hero Day
3: Astronomy Day
4: Star Wars Day - May the fourth be with you!
4-9: Teacher Appreciation Week
5: Cinco de Mayo
6: Teacher Appreciation Day
6: Principal's Meeting
6: Board Meeting Items Due
7: School Nurse Appreciation Day
7: Junior Beta Club Trash Panda Educational Day
9: ACT Registration Deadline without Late Fee
11: Happy Mother's Day!
13: Board Meeting 6pm
14: Window Closes for EOY MS/HS Reading & Math Benchmark Assessment Grade 6-10
14: SENIOR History, English, & Scheduled Electives; A-Day CTC Semester Exam
15: SENIOR Math, Science, & Scheduled Electives; B-Day CTC Semester Exam
15: Senior Class Partner-in-Education Field Trip
16: SENIOR Elective & CTC Exams
16: Senior Awards Night at 6pm
17: Armed Forces Day
18: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Magan Stewart!
18: Speech Pathologist Day
19: Underclassmen Awards Day Times TBD
19: SENIOR Makeup Semester Exams
19: Career Tech Awards at Athens Courthouse at 6pm
20: Happy Birthday to Deputy Cody Lewter!
20: History, English, & Scheduled Electives; A-Day CTC Semester Exam
20: Tanner & East Limestone Graduation
21: Math, Science, & Scheduled Electives; B-Day CTC Semester Exam
21: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Trinity Tennison!
22: All Makeup Semester Exams
22: Board Meeting 7am
22: Elkmont & Ardmore Graduation
23: Happy Birthday to Mr. Brady Clay!
23: Teacher Work Day
23: Clements & West Limestone (7pm) Graduation
26: Happy Memorial Day!
26: ACT Late Registration Deadline
28: Happy Birthday to Ms. Makenna Birdsong!
1: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Tina Coats!
1: Say Something Nice Day
3: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Olivia Hardy!
6: National Doughnut Day!
6: ACT Registration Deadline without Late Fee
7: Happy Birthday to Ms. Leslie Harbison!
9: Happy Birthday to Mr. Bryan Jach!
14: Flag Day
14: ACT Test
15: Happy Birthday to Mr. Austin Hyde!
15: Happy Father's Day!
17: Happy Birthday to Mr. Jaret Britt!
18: Happy Birthday to Mr. Eric McGee!
19: Juneteenth
20: ACT Late Registration Deadline
21: First Day of Summer
1: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Lori Thomas!
4: Happy 4th of July!
4: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Sharon Wallace!
8: Board Meeting Items Due
9: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Tammy Jones!
10: Happy Birthday to Dr. Brittian Anderson!
12: ACT Test (2025)
15: Band Camp 1:30-8:20pm
15: Basketball Camp 9am-noon
16: Title I Retreat 8-3pm at Toyota Field
16: Band Camp 1:30-8:20pm
16: Basketball Camp 9am-noon
16: Board Meeting 6pm
16: Senior Schedules for Last Names A-M: 9-11am; N-Z: 1-3pm
17: Junior Schedules for Last Names A-M: 9-11am; N-Z: 1-3pm
17: Band Camp 1:30-4:30pm
17: Printed ISR and labels delivered to districts
18: Sophomore Schedules for Last Names A-M: 9-11am; N-Z: 1-3pm
18: Band Camp 1:30-8:20pm
18: Happy Birthday to Mrs. LeeAnn Reed!
19: Freshmen Schedules for Last Names A-M: 9-11am; N-Z: 1-3pm
19: Band Camp 1:30-8:20pm
20: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Heather Gough!
22: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Alex Chrisman!
22: Fall Sports Picture Day: Starting at 3:30pm
Fall sports team/individual and senior banners
- 3:30 volleyball 3 teams
- 4:30 cheer
- 5:30 football both teams
- 6:30 band
22: Board Meeting Items Due
22: Band Camp 1:30-8:20pm
23-24: Leadership Academy
23: Band Camp 1:30-8:20pm
24: Band Camp 1:30-4:30pm
25: Band Camp 1:30-8:20pm
26: Teacher Work Day
26: 504 Training for Counselors at West
26: Band Camp 1:30-8:20pm
29: High School Principal's Meeting at Noon
29: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Cheyenne Bonner!
29: Local PD Day
30: District PD
30: Elkmont Elementary Ribbon Cutting at 2:30pm
30: Johnson Elementary Ribbon Cutting at 3:30pm
30: Board Meeting 6pm
30: Possible Band Rehearsal and Parent Meeting/Performance
30: Happy Birthday to Mr. Hunter Camp!
31: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Laura Black & Mrs. Jessica Colbert!
31: District PD Day
August: Immunization Awareness Month
1: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Andria Francis!
4: National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
4: Friendship Day
12: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Karen Carter!
13: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Lunetta Reyer!
28: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Traci Daniel!
4: Happy Birthday to Mr. Bob Watson aka Pops!
5: Happy Birthday to Coach Justin Taylor!
12: Happy Birthday to Coach Kim Cooper and Mrs. Dana Moore!
14: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Dedi Rolin!
15: Hispanic Heritage Month Begins
16: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Tracy Jackson!
17: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Ashley Pressnell!
18: National Rice Krispie Treats Day
30: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Katie Wilkerson and Mr. Buford Bates!
October: Bullying Prevention Month/Down Syndrome Awareness Month/Dyslexia Month/Principals Month
7: Happy Birthday to Dr. Anderson!
14: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Monica Hobson and Mrs. Terry Whitt!
17: Happy Birthday to Mr. J. Ruiz!
20: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Kari Carter!
22: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Tobie Craig!
23: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Chasity Legg!
24: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Jaime Emerson!
25: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Jessica Crumbley!
31: Happy Halloween!
1: Happy Birthday to Mr. Davin Kyle!
3: Happy Birthday to Mr. Chuck Chiriaco!
9: Happy Birthday to Mr. Matt Taylor!
11: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Jammie Patrick!
11: Veterans Day/ No School
13: Happy Birthday to Mrs. Arlene Adkins!
24: Happy Birthday to Mr. Bob Barber!
2: Happy Birthday to Mr. Ben Campbell!
4: Happy Birthday to Mr. Greg Gray!
5: Happy Birthday to Mrs. LaTunga Clemons!
CONTACT INFORMATION: You may find a complete list of our staff on our website www.westlimestonehigh.org. There are direct links to each staff member to help make it easier for you to communicate with any one of them.
ARRIVAL TIMES: Please be aware of our arrival schedule.
7:20am: Arrival time - Students arriving on campus must either go to the gym or cafeteria until 7:45. Staff will report to the assigned duty role.
7:45am: Bell Rings to go to 1st Period
7:50am: Tardy Bell Rings/1st Period Begins
DISMISSAL TIMES: Please be aware of our dismissal schedule.
3:00pm: Dismissal Bell - Students will remain in seat until the bell rings.
3:15pm: Teacher Dismissal Bell
STAY UPDATED: To stay updated on what's happening at West Limestone High School or any Limestone County school, please keep your child's information up-to-date in PowerSchool when you enroll and throughout the school year. If your phone number or email changes throughout the year, please email Anita Kyle at Anita.Kyle@lcsk12.org to make those corrections.
LUNCH INFORMATION: If you need to add money to your child's account, please use the following link: https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/getmain?requestAction=home
Breakfast: FREE for all students
Student Full Paying Lunch: $2.60
Student Reduced Lunch: $0.40
Visitor Lunch: $5.00
TITLE I STATUS: We are a Title I School. Our status as a Title I School is determined by the percentage of students who qualify for free/reduced lunch. Title I Schools are provided federal money based on their rank of the percentage of free/reduced lunches within our school district. This money provides schools with the necessary funds to hire staff to reduce classroom sizes or interventionists who work with students to close achievement gaps. Some schools use the money to purchase software, provide professional development, or provide other instructional materials needed.
Based on last year's free-reduced lunch count, our school will receive about $149,130 which will be used to hire two teachers and two interventionists. Of that amount, $2319 will be used for Parent & Family Engagement. The committee chose to purchase paper that will be used to print i-Ready reports, progress reports, report cards, and other school-related activities to share with parents.
These funds are highly beneficial to our school, so please complete the free/reduced lunch application today at https://www.myschoolapps.com/Home/PickDistrict. The link is found on our webpage www.westlimestonehigh.org and on the District webpage www.lcsk12.org. Choose "Alabama" and then choose "Limestone County BOE" for our school district to start the application.
MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES: If you feel your child could use some school-based counseling or you would like some recommendations for outside services, please see our school counselors Mr. Bob Watson and/or Mrs. Verena Owsley.
ATTENDANCE INFORMATION: When your child is absent, you have 3 days to return a note for it to be counted excused. Notes after 3 days will not be accepted. Attendance
CHRONIC ABSENTEEISM: To address problems with chronic absenteeism, students in Grades K-12 who accumulate 18 or more absences, whether deemed excused or unexcused, are by definition chronically absent and will not be allowed to participate in non-academic school activities (e.g., prom, in-school games, dances, and field days). Chronic Absenteeism
E-LEARNING DAY: Each student who meets the requirements of the E-Learning Day Policy, can use up to 6 days a year without being considered absent. See the E-Learning Day form below for the requirements.
STUDENT SUCCESS: Check out these AMSTI Family Guides to Student Success