Husky Happenings " Family Edition"
October 13, 2024

Principal's Message
Last week brought a visit from the fire department for Kindergarten and Cheaspax trips for our 5th graders. Both groups exhibited great respect for the adults in charge during their special moments last week. There is nothing that makes a principal more proud than great reports when the students are engaged in the community. Thank you to the staff and parents as well for allowing these trips to be such a huge success. Band and chorus are in full swing for our older students and they are working hard to learn more about their voices and how to play their instruments. Our after school activities have also started with Girls Who Code, The Garden Club, and an outside organization called the Good News Club. Thank you to the staff members and parents that are volunteering to allow these experiences for our students. This week we have a 2 hour late start on Monday for teacher conferences to start. Friday is a professional development day and students do not report to school. I hope that everyone has a wonderful week.
Remember to wear ORANGE on Wednesday for UNITY DAY!
Are you on Facebook? Join Dowell PAWS on Facebook!
Click the link/title above to submit a shout out to a staff member that has gone above and beyond for your student since school started. These will be shared with staff in the staff weekly newsletter.
From Nurse West ** Repeat**
Students should not have any type of medication or ointments/creams in their possession. If your student requires medication to be given while at school, please bring in the medication with the authorization to administer medication form filled out by the doctor and signed by a parent/guardian to me. This includes all prescription and over the counter (OTC), routine and as needed medications.
Being in such close proximity to the power plant, the Health Department has provided the school with Potassium Iodine tablets should there be an emergency at the Power Plant. Some students may have already brought the form home. If you did not receive a form and would like to opt your child out of receiving the tablet, please reach out to me and I will get the form to you. ONLY RETURN THE SIGNED FORM IF YOU DO NOT WISH FOR YOUR STUDENT TO RECEIVE THE TABLET, should the need arise.
With cough and cold season coming upon us, everyone may have minor coughs and sniffles. Per the Health Services Handbook that was sent home with everyone at the start of the year, if you feel your child would need cough drops throughout the day, you may send in a note with the cough drops in the original packaging. Cough drops are only authorized to be given for 3 days
Feel free to contact Nurse West with questions at westl@calvertnet.k12.md.us or 443-550-9488.
Important Upcoming Dates
- 10/14: 2 hour Late Start
- 10/15: Gardening Club
- 10/16 Unity Day Wear ORANGE!
- 10/17: Good News Club/Girls Who Code
- 10/18: No School for Students PD day for STAFF
- 10/21 SMILE it is picture day!
- 10/23: Trunk or Treat (for Dowell families only)—enjoy Slim Chicken and Judy’s Food Express and Catering, along with Calvert Kettle Corn. 5:30-7:00
- 10/25: Horsmon Farm, 4:30-7 PM—featuring Slim Chicken and Big Boy Tacos.
- 10/25: Southern Calvert Legacy March for Kindergarten 10:00-11:15 at PHS Field
Please fill out the
School Lunch Application
Please see the bus locater link below. At this time bus routes are not published or finalized. Transportation should be communicating more information with parents/guardians once they complete bus routes. You can check back with the link at any time.