Clearspring Howl
Some thoughts for the starting school year

November 10th, 2024
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This week's Husky Howl provides information for the upcoming week to help you feel organized and prepared to support your students. Have a great week!
Important Dates
This Week’s Lunch Menu
Husky Hustle Fun Run Fundraiser
Clearspring Elementary Families,
We are excited to announce the kickoff of our Clearspring Husky Hustle Fun Run fundraiser! Our goal is to raise $18,000 to enhance our school’s resources and provide our students with the best possible educational experience.
This year we are raising funds for School Enrichment Opportunities for the Students and School Community Programming. Additionally, if we hit our $18,000 goal, students will get to SLIME Mrs. Graber and Mr. Currence
We encourage all families to…
1️⃣ Sign up TODAY at MyBooster.com.
2️⃣ Share about our fundraiser with friends and family.
3️⃣ Donate if you are able.
Thank you for your support!
Teacher Spotlight
Open House - Pre-Registration
We hope you can join us for Open House on Monday, Nov. 11th from 9:00-11:00. PRE-REGISTRATION is recommended but not Required. If you do not pre-register you will need to wait to sign into the visitor management system the morning of Open House. YOU CAN PRE -REGISTER HERE.
Shout out a Husky Staff Member
Thank you to those who shouted out Husky Staff Members last week! You made their days!
We'd love to hear from you, our Clearspring community, about staff members who have made your day, supported your students, or left a positive impact in your family's life. Please feel free to shout out a staff member at the link below. We'd love to share the love with them and hear from you!
🗼Passport to Learning: Cultures and Traditions Night - Interest Survey 🌐
Clearspring staff are teaming up with PTA to bring you an amazing night of culture and traditions from all around the world. We're looking connect the work our students are doing with our new curriculum learning about different cultures and tradition to the amazing cultures and traditions of their families. We want to start gauging interest from our families in preparation for this March evening event as well as activities we'll be doing during the school day. We hope you take a moment to fill out the survey if you have any interest in teaming up with us, even if you're not quite sure what that may look like. Please click the button below to share your interest.
Federal Impact Aid
This Form will be coming home with your student in the next week
Each year, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) is eligible to apply for Federal Impact Aid grant funds. Impact Aid is a federal formula grant program designed to assist local school districts that enroll federally-connected students. Federally-connected students are defined as children of active duty uniformed services personnel, children who live on federal property or federally subsidized housing units, and children whose parents/guardians are employed on eligible federal properties in Maryland. This includes contractors working on federal reservations and Non-Appropriated Fund employees.
The funds MCPS collects are a vital part of the school system’s general operating budget and are critical to helping all students. This year, we are working with our local federal partners, and we need your assistance to identify students with federal, military, and diplomatic connections to ensure MCPS is able to obtain its share from this program. If you believe your child qualifies as federally-connected, please complete the Student-Parent Survey for Federal Impact Aid form on the reverse of this letter for each school-aged student in your household. Please sign and date the form and return the survey to your child’s school, folded in half and stapled once or
🌟PTA 🍎
PTA Upcoming Events and Fundraiser
8th-18th - Husky Hustle Fundraiser
18th - Husky Hustle Fun Run Event During the School Day
Volunteer at Clearspring / Chaperoning on Field Trips
We need your help to provide our children with the best possible experience at Clearspring. Whether you want to volunteer regularly or just one time we have a spot for you. If you are interested in helping out please fill out this form https://forms.gle/vc9d6uN5AJ7gtxGZ7
and our volunteer coordinator will be in contact with you. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Natalia at nayquipa98@gmail.com
You can reach out to your PTA Board anytime with comments, questions, suggestions Clearspring.PTA@gmail.com
Visit the website: https://ClearspringPTA.com/
Like on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Clearspring.PTA
Follow us Instagram: @clearspringpta