August 11, 2024
Principal Ponderings
What an incredible first week of school! We are all tired, but were able to accomplish a lot and enjoyed being back together. The building is a much happier place filled with your precious children here. I have included important information in this week’s message so please take a few minutes to review.
Joyful Learning
I am very excited to tell you about our new morning routine for all classrooms called Joyful Learning. Joyful Learning gives students and teachers an opportunity to interact through purposeful play during morning arrival. Joyful Learning fosters collaboration, language development, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students engage with high quality resources in free choice and play to enhance their social and emotional skills as well as their problem-solving abilities. There is a tremendous amount of research about how important play is for children’s development. Click here to see some highlights from the research.
Curriculum Night
K-2 parents will attend on Tuesday, August 15 and 3-5 parents will attend on Thursday, August 17. We will have two sessions each evening, 6:30-7:10 and 7:20-8:00, in hopes of giving you options that work best with your busy schedules. If you have children in the same grade level band, the two sessions allow you to attend Curriculum for each child.
School Council
In closing, I wanted to let you know that we are seeking family members interested in being a part of our School Council. This group meets with me at least four times a year to bring parents and the community together with teachers and school administrators to create a better understanding of and mutual respect for each other’s concerns and share ideas for school improvement. Please complete the brief form, linked here, to let me know you are interested. Our first meeting will be in September, and I look forward to partnering with each of you. Link: School Council Interest Form
Cafeteria Snacks and Seconds
Our cafeteria sells snacks in addition to the normal lunch menu items. If you do not want your child to purchase snacks or get “seconds” on the lunch line, please email Veronica Torres, veronica.torres@gcpsk12.org our cafeteria manager and she can note this in your child’s account.
Reminder from last week's WOW: Lunchroom and Parent Visitors
We are excited about the changes we have made to the lunch schedule for the 24-25 school year. Each grade level will have their own 30-minute time block in the lunchroom. This will greatly reduce the number of students in the cafeteria at one time, improving safety and the overall lunch experience for our students. For the first two weeks of school, while we are working on establishing our routines and procedures, we will not be allowing families to have lunch with their students. I appreciate your support and understanding.
PBIS Matrix
We have spent time this week orienting our students to Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). As a staff, we have collaboratively defined the expected behaviors throughout all areas of the school. As you move around the building, you may see posters that define the expectations for any given space. Below, you can check out our schoolwide matrix. We will spend time teaching these expected behaviors, and most importantly acknowledging the students who are showing Ready, Respectful, and Responsible behavior. All staff members recognize students by giving them Longhorn Loot. Students are able to use the loot to participate in various rewards through the school year. More information will be shared about PBIS during Curriculum Night.
In Partnership and Service,
Stacey Pickett
Welcome Back!
Save the Date - Curriculum Nights
All Pro Dad Breakfast - Join Us!
Join us for the first All Pro Dad breakfast of the school year!
Play 2 Learn
Play 2 Learn classes begin this week. This birth to age 5 program for parents and children is a wonderful way to learn and play together. Haven't registered yet? Contact Lisa Neal for more information.
Save the Date - August 19th Spirit Night
Back-to-School Forms
Thank you for taking a few minutes to complete the Back-to-School forms. This year, the forms are found in ParentSquare (they may be pinned to the top of your feed). Have questions about completing the forms? Click the link below for directions.
Free & Reduced Price Meal Application Update
The school year 2024-2025 Free & Reduced-Price Meal application is now available online. As a reminder, Free & Reduced eligibility from school year 2023-2024 will only carry over for the first 30 days of school (through 9/16). Families need to reapply each school year. Please note that only one application per household is needed.
Link: Frequently Asked Questions about the Free and Reduced-Price School Meals
White Oak Club Opportunities
3D Design Club - Semester One Sessions
Our 3D Design Club is open to all third, fourth, and fifth graders. This is a problem-based learning (PBL) club where we collaborate to solve the question, "How can we use 3D design and printing to solve problems in our community?" 3D Design Club is a "lunch and learn" club where we meet, eat, and learn during the lunch and recess block. Each club session meets once per week for six weeks.
Interest forms are available outside of Lab A or you can print a form using this link. Please note that there are a limited number of spots for each grade level. There will be other sessions offered later in the year. Forms for this first session are due no later than 8/23.
Please email Melissa Neely for additional information.
White Oak Fifth Grade Band
Love music? Want to learn how to play an instrument?
Club Sponsor: Seth Kuehn
Date and Time: Monday through Friday mornings 7:00a.m. until 7:45a.m.
Grade: 5th grade
Fee: Free to participate. Students must provide their own instrument. Instrument choices include saxophone, flute, clarinet, trumpet, and trombone. No prior instrumental experience is required to participate in band.
Fifth graders have been hearing about this club opportunity during their music specials class. More information and applications for band registration will be available outside Mr. Kuehn's classroom beginning Monday, August 19th. Registration will last two weeks.
White Oak School Garden Club
Where the Wild Things Grow!
- Garden Club is for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Students.
- We meet on Wednesday after school from 3-4 p.m.
- If accepted, there is a $25 club fee that helps cover supplies for each semester. This will be paid for on MyPaymentsPlus.
There are limited spots, so turn in your application by Wednesday Aug. 21st.
Fall Garden Club: Sept. 11-Dec. 11
Spring Garden Club: Feb 5- May 14
The White Oak Garden Club offers after school activities to extend students' learning opportunities. Our school garden clubs provide a great way for students to learn about gardening and environmental issues in our community. They also get hands-on experience growing their own food and tasting the fruits and vegetables of their labor. There are also opportunities for the students to harvest and prepare the food in the cafeteria to be served for lunch. We hope this encourages our White Oak students to try new foods and learn about a healthy diet.
Please email Tammi Adams for more information.
White Oak First Lego League Robotics Team
Attention 4th and 5th Grade Students
Are you interested in research, problem-solving, coding, and LEGOS? Then the White Oak First Lego League Robotics Team is just for you!
Students will develop an innovative solution to a real-world problem, design, build, and code a LEGO® robot to solve themed challenge missions. This year's challenge, Submerged, will challenge students to explore the layers of the ocean and bring their ideas to the surface.
The future is yours to create.
Any 4th or 5th graders interested in participating, please complete the application and return it to Ms. Luke (4th grade) or Ms. Johnson (1st grade) by Thursday, August 22nd. Per First Lego League rules, there are a limited number of spots available on our team. Please note, robotics team practices will be held after school on Thursdays from 3:15-4:30 p.m. Our first practice is Thursday, August 29th. Cost is $35 which includes a competition shirt and snacks. If you have any questions, please email our robotics coaches. Link: Robotics Application
Lisa Luke lisa.luke@gcpsk12.org
Nayo Johnson nayo.johnson@gcpsk12.org
Join White Oak PTA!
Thank you to our fabulous White Oak PTA for supporting our teachers and students. How can you help? Join White Oak's PTA today!
Stay connected with our PTA on Facebook!
Connect With Us - Spread the Word!
We're on social media! Make sure to like, follow, and engage with our posts to stay connected and be part of the conversation. Thanks for spreading the word and helping us to connect. Let's keep it growing!
Connect on Facebook: White Oak Elementary Longhorns
Connect on Instagram: White Oak Longhorns
School Security-White Oak Visitor Procedures
Gwinnett County Schools is committed to providing the highest level of safety for our students and staff. Please review the visitor procedures that we will follow for the 24-25 school year. White Oak visitors will have a three - step process for entry into the school.
1.Primary Door
- Visitors use the intercom to request entry, stating their reason for visiting (lunch, check-out, check-in, classroom volunteer, etc...) These intercoms have cameras, and the audio quality is excellent.
- Receptionist communicates with the visitors to grant access to the entry/vestibule.
2. RAPTOR System
- Once in the entry/vestibule, visitors scan their driver's license, government I.D. or passport.
- Everyone needs to have their identification upon arrival.
3. Secondary Door
- A second intercom is installed in the entry/vestibule area.
- If you are here for lunch, as a classroom volunteer, or for a scheduled meeting, the receptionist will grant entry into the school and provide you with a yellow sticker.
- If you are here for student Check-Out, you will remain waiting in the entry/vestibule area.
Our goal is to provide a welcoming atmosphere when you come to White Oak. We have added some seating, decor, and plants in our entry/vestibule for visitors' comfort. Again, we thank you for your patience as we work together to ensure safety for all.
Bus Lane Procedures 24-25
Student and staff safety are the top priority at White Oak Elementary. For the 24-25 school year, the bus lane and front parking lot will be closed off during active bus unloading/loading. As soon as all buses unload/load, the parking lot will be opened. You are welcome to wait in the middle school parking lot during the time the White Oak lot is closed.
The bus lane will remain closed off between the hours of 7:45-8:15 and 2:45-3:15. If you need to pick up/drop your child off your child, please use the car rider lane. We will be issuing car rider tags at Open House for anyone who needs one. Reminder, the last student check out occurs at 2:30 each afternoon. We appreciate your support and understanding with this process.
Last year GCPS adopted a new form of school-to-home communication called ParentSquare. This unified communications platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with Gwinnett County Public Schools.
ParentSquare is a unified communication platform that offers a whole host of tools that allows district leaders, school administrators, and teachers to communicate and engage
with families and students more effectively. Some features include:
- Mass notifications and Urgent Alerts with two-way communication
- Mobile application for administrators and parents (iOS and Android)
- Attendance notifications (district-managed)
- Teacher and classroom communication
- Direct Messaging with two-way translation
- Social (Facebook and Twitter) and website share
- And so much more!
New families should have received an activation email for their ParentSquare account by the week of July 21. Parents who download the app can interact by viewing photos, downloading attachments, leaving comments, messaging teachers, signing permission slips, and managing their communication settings and preferences.
Wondering about the difference between ParentSquare and ParentVUE? Check out this link to see how these GCPS tools help families support their student's learning.
White Oak Lanier Cluster Spirit Wear Store
It's official. Our NEW White Oak Elementary School Sideline Store is LIVE. Need some new spirit wear? Check out the link below.
Helpful White Oak Information and Links
White Oak Elementary School
Mrs. Stacey Pickett, Principal
6442 Suwanee Dam Rd
Sugar Hill, GA 30518
School Hours
7:45 AM - 8:10 AM Student Arrival
8:15 AM - 2:45 PM Instructional Time
2:45 PM - 3:00 PM Student Dismissal