Family Firebird Focus
August 2024

Welcome to the 24-25 School Year!
Welcome to the 24-25 School Year Firebird Families!
I hope this letter finds you all well and enjoying your summer making core memories together with your families. The first day of school is quickly approaching and I would like to officially welcome you back to Johnson Jr. High School and share my excitement for the upcoming impact we will have on our Firebird Scholars this year.
At Johnson Junior High School, we are committed to providing an inclusive and nurturing environment for all students and staff. Our dedicated staff is here to ensure that every student receives the support they need to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Our staff will all be trained in the best research-based instructional strategies to support Writing to Learn, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading to Learn.
We believe in the power of collaboration and teamwork. Together, we can create an atmosphere of trust and growth where both students and staff can excel. I encourage open communication and strongly value the contribution of parents and community members in shaping our school's success. We highly encourage you to stay engaged with your Firebird’s progress, attend their school events, and celebrate the many wins they will have throughout the year.
A priority this year is to foster a culture of excellence by promoting academic achievement, personal development, and a sense of belonging. Throughout the year, we will work together to provide engaging learning experiences, implement innovative teaching strategies, and celebrate the achievements of our students.
I am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead and the incredible potential of our students. With your support and active involvement, I am confident that we can make JJHS a place where every student can reach their full potential and be ready to cross the street on to South High School by the end of their 8th grade year.
It has always been an honor to be a part of the Firebird Family & South Triad community and look forward to the 24-25 school year!
Educationally yours,
Michaela S. Bradshaw
JJHS Head Principal
Upcoming School Days
August 26
- First Day of School for Students
- Doors open 7:00am
- Tardy Bell to Advisory - 7:45am
- WIN Bell Schedule for Aug. 26 - 27 for Advisories to go over all schoolwide expectations at Johnson including:
- iPad Expectations
- Cell Phone & Personal Electronic Policy
- Common Area Behavior
- Office Behavior
- Hallway Behavior
- Lunch Rec Time Behavior
- Lunch Behavior
- Field, Court, and South Triad Fan Behavior
August 28
- Daily Bell Schedule
August 29
- Daily Bell Schedule
- Open House 5:30-7:00
- Meet your Firebird's Teachers as they walk you through their daily schedule.
August 30
- Early Release Bell Schedule
Parent Drop Off & Pick Up
- The lane closest to the building is for LCSD1 school buses only.
- The second drive thru is for parent drop off and pick up. Two lanes available for parents to pick up their Firebirds.
- Please continue to move forward through the lanes as we do not want to cause an accident due to W. Allison Rd getting jammed.
- High School students are not permitted on Campus during drop off or pick up times (7:00-7:45 & 2:45-3:00). Students who meet their siblings must meet on the sidewalk at Johnson or South.
- Please do not drive through the Fire Lane around the building by the football field as we have students crossing that road before and after school for school activities.
LCSD1 Z-Pass for Students Using Transportation Services
- Students using the bus for any reason during the school day will receive a Z-Pass that will stay inside their badge on the lanyard they are given. This Z-Pass will notify the parent when they have checked into the bus or exited the bus. {NOT A TRACKING DEVICE}
- Students will not be able to board a bus that is not their assigned bus.
- Activity busses are provided for students in after school activities. Those activity busses will drop students off at their home elementary school.
- Z-Pass cards will be distributed the week of September 3rd.
Parent & Student Acknowledgement Forms
Read, Sign & Turn In to Front Office
Cell Phone & Personal Electronic Policy
Backpack & Locker Policy
Drugs, Fighting & Weapons Policy
Attendance Policy
In Case You Missed It...
Check out the presentation slides to learn all about Johnson and how we can partner to support our Firebirds Soaring through the 24-25 school year. Click the link below to access the presentation.
Breakfast & Lunch
Universal Breakfast and Lunch!
The South Triad students will have free breakfast and lunch each and every day. Students may choose from multiple menu options for both breakfast and lunch.
A la Carte Stand Available
After we get the start of the year settled with behavior expectations in the Commons during lunch, Nutrition Services will open up their A la Carte Stand.
Students will need to have money in their lunch account or cash to pay for those snacks and drinks. Students must have also been through the line for a meal before being allowed to purchase from the A la Carte Stand.
You can add money to your Firebird's account through LINQ Connect.
Activities & Athletics Schedule for August/September
Game Days
Sept. 4: Volleyball and Football vs. Carey
Sept. 11: Volleyball and Football vs. McCormick
Sept. 12: Volleyball vs. Laramie
Sept. 16: Volleyball vs. Carey
Sept. 19: Volleyball vs. Pine Bluffs and Football vs. Laramie
Sept. 23: Volleyball vs. University Prep
Sept. 24: Volleyball vs. Carey
Sept. 25: Football vs Carey
Sept. 26: X-Country Conference
Sept. 30: Volleyball vs. McCormick
Sept. 30: Football vs. Carey