Amy's Weekly Writeup
What you need to know for the week ahead (2/26/20-2/28/20)
Shout Out!
This week's Shout Out goes to Chris Goddard who went above and beyond the call of duty this week by making sure the fish in 1st grade were fed each day! Thanks, Chris.
To nominate someone for a shout out, just email me!
On Deck For Next Week; CCS Events and Holidays (based on holidayinsights.com)
Monday: National Tortilla Chip Day
Tuesday: Mardi Gras
Wednesday: K SST meeting, 1:50 dismissal: behavior check-in and PLC time
Thursday: "No Brainer Day"... If a project requires thinking, study, or analysis of any kind, then its not the chore to do today.
Friday: National Chili Day
Friday Fun
Friday Fun for Feb. 28 is a mailbox treat. Be sure to check your mailbox on Friday for a special treat.
News, Updates, and Reminders
- FY 21 Budget update: After reviewing feedback from the public hearing and much discussion about how much money to use from reserves, etc, the budget sub committee has decided to move forward with the budget that would not cut wood shop and instrumental music. It will be voted on next Wednesday by the full school committee.
- Pearson Access Next: Over break I created new accounts for MCAS folks in Pearson Access Next. You should have received/be receiving an email from them stating that your password has been reset. Please let me know whether or not you've received it. This is only for folks who may be participating in MCAS.
- #PublicSchoolProud: Next week is Proud of Public Schools Week. Carla Potts is trying to use this as an opportunity to highlight the Mohawk Trail district. She sent me the following link https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2220977368209232 and is asking for our help. If you are willing to share why you are proud to work in a public school, please let me know. As she said, "with budget season, it's important to let folks know why we ARE proud to be a public school serving the community."
- The district Student Showcase of Learning is scheduled for Tuesday, March 3rd. If you plan to have a presence at the showcase, and have not yet filled out the form Sarah Jetzon sent out, please do so right away. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. This is a great way to show the community some of the amazing things happening in our school.