The O So Good Update
Nov. 5, 2023
Principally Speaking...
I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful Fall season. In all of the classrooms, we have been very busy learning new skills and practicing past skills. Again, we were very lucky to have Holly Hill Farm visit with us again this week to continue planting and harvesting with our students.
We have been very fortunate to have some great learning activities provided by parents during our classroom Fall Festivals. Thank you to all of the families that volunteered to support our teachers and have fun with our students - you help us make learning fun and meaningful.
It was great to see many parents at the Fall PSO meeting last week, Thank you, Selectwoman Dippold for sharing information about the upcoming town meeting.
Please make sure you check out the Nurses' Corner and From The Cafeteria... both of these areas will update you on important information.
Please do not forget to check out our Bloomz information.
Be Well, be Happy, and Spread happiness,
Lisa M. Farrell
Please Remember....
* Please label your children's clothes, when things are left behind it is easier to locate the owner if there is a name on the article.
* At the end of the day please do not park your car to come to get your child as a walker, please use the existing system. Walker doors are for children's parents who walk them to school. Car pick-up is for car riders.
* As many of you know, the Osgood Office is always bustling; please make sure that you send in all notices about dismissals or call the office before 2:00 pm. We start getting ready for the end of the day at 3:00; we do not want any children to be confused by last-minute changes; it causes anxiety for students.
* If your child is going to be out for the day, please call the office to let us know.
* We serve breakfast to students from 9:10-9:25 each morning.
From The Cafeteria...
Office of Food and Nutrition
Free Breakfast Information and additional snacks
Hello parents/guardians,
Students at Joseph Osgood will be able to get breakfast at the beginning of the day from 9:05am-9:25am each morning.
Food offerings will include cereal, muffins, pastries, breakfast specials, yogurt, fruit, juice, and milk. Students will utilize the POS computer system to record their meals for both breakfast and lunch. All first meals are free for all students daily.
Students may get additional meals and snacks, for an additional charge, this charge will be made to student accounts, students must have money in their accounts to purchase these items. Charging of second meals and snacks is not allowed.
A la carte items can be purchased at both breakfast and lunch times with money on student accounts or cash.
Nurses' Corner...
Thank you
O So Good Pizza Celebration
Dr. Sullivan celebrates our awesome students!
Listening to our youngest Student Voices!
CMS 8th Grade Students read to our Kindergarten Friends
November dates to remember...
Save The Date.
Nov. 8th Picture Retake Day
Nov. 8 &9th - Book Fair 4:00 - 6:30 pm Osgood Cafeteria
Nov. 10th - No School -
Nov. 13th - World Kindness Day
Nov. 22nd - Early Release - Thanksgiving break starts
Nov. 23 &24 - No School
Osgood Elementary
Location: 210 Sohier Street, Cohasset, MA, USA
Phone: 781-388-6117
Twitter: @JOsgoodppal