Happenings at the Hive
September 20, 2024
Dear Solon Stinger Families,
Welcome to this edition of our biweekly newsletter! We’re excited to keep you updated on all the wonderful things happening at our school, especially with the progress of our construction project.
We’ve made significant strides in the last four weeks, including:
- Completed Unit A addition brick and roofing
- Completed setting kitchen addition structural steel
- Completed roofing for kitchen and cafeteria additions
- Started painting the cafeteria addition
- Started installing playground equipment
- Started framing entrance canopies
- Started ceiling grid in the cafeteria
In the next four weeks, we’ll continue this momentum with several important milestones:
- Complete painting of the cafeteria addition
- Complete cafeteria flooring and ceiling grid
- Complete installation of playground equipment
- Complete tile and partitions in gym bathrooms
- Start installing gym athletic equipment
- Start painting the kitchen addition
- Start installing the gym floor
- Start installing the cooler/freezer
We appreciate your continued support as we work towards creating a fantastic environment for our students! We hope to see many of our families at the homecoming parade this afternoon!
Thank you for being a part of our Solon Stingers community!
Yours in learning,
The Solon Robinson Elementary Team
Important Dates:
20th - CPHS Homecoming Parade - 5:00)
- Line up at the administrative center/old Taft parking lot at 4:30; all students must be accompanied by an adult. Please wear Solon or CP colors!
23rd-27th - College GO Week! (See information below)
4th - October birthday sundaes
5th - Cafe Fresco Dine to Donate
9th - PTO Meeting - 4:00 (Media Center)
14th-18th - Fall Break
23rd - Mentor Son Night at Sparta Dome
24th - Parent Teacher Conferences; e-learning day for students
College GO Week! September 23rd-27th
Red Ribbon T-Shirt Orders -- Due Monday, September 23rd
Bully Prevention
Indiana Legislature requires that each public school shall provide age-appropriate, research-based instruction as provided under IC 5-2-10.1-12(d) focusing on bullying prevention for all students in grades 1 through 12. Crown Point elementary students will receive age-appropriate, research-based instruction using the Second Steps Bully Prevention Unit by October 15th. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to contact Julie Rivera, School Counselor with questions or concerns at (219)663-2525; jrivera@cps.k12.in.us.
Indiana legislature has adopted legal requirements that each Indiana public school, including charter schools and accredited nonpublic schools, shall provide age-appropriate and research and evidence-based instruction on child abuse and child sexual abuse to students in kindergarten through grade 12. Note that this expands the previous requirement from providing education in grades 2-5 to grades K-12. In order to meet the new requirements, Crown Point school counselors and home-school facilitators will be providing age-appropriate, research-informed student personal/body safety sessions from September 2024hrough December 2024. At the elementary level, students will learn the Protect Yourself Rules with their counselor in a classroom session of approximately 30 minutes. Parents can view the Protect Yourself Rules and related materials at the Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center Foundation website fightchildabuse.org. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to contact Julie Rivera, School Counselor, with questions or concerns at (219)663.2525 ext 17102 jrivera@cps.k12.in.us
Employability Skills Survey
Dear Crown Point Community School Corporation Families,
We thank you for being valued partners as we work together to educate our students.
While many people often think of student success in relation to grades or test scores, it is also important to consider the social and emotional growth of our students. During the weeks of September 23 or 30, we will ask students in grades 3-5 for their feedback via a 10-15 minute online survey completed at school.
The survey will ask students to reflect on their self-efficacy, emotional regulation, social awareness, and supportive relationships. The results from the survey support our ability to address individual and school-identified needs.
We have administered a similar survey in years past as part of our Ready To Learn student services work. The data was used to implement positive behavior supports and improve school culture and climate. We look forward to using new data from this school year to identify and align services for students.
If you have any questions about the survey or do not want your child to participate, please contact your school’s main office before September 20. Students who opt out of the survey will still be able to participate in programs or services created as a result of the data.
CPCSC Office of Curriculum and Instruction
Free & Reduced Meals
The carry-over period for last year’s free and reduced meal status will end on September 25th. If you haven't received a notice that your child is approved for free or reduced-price meals this year, you need to fill out an online application by September 24th to avoid being charged for meals. You can apply at MyMealTime.com. If you’re unsure whether you need to fill out an application, please contact our office at 219-662-6480.
What's Happening in Kindergarten?
Mrs. Choate's Class
Mrs. Choate's class participated in an activity examining taste buds while learning about their five senses in CKLA. They also learned a game in math called "Ten Frame Roll & Trace." Instead of using a traditional spinner, students used a ten frame dice then identified and traced the number.
Mrs. Jansen's Class
Mrs. Jansen's class has been busy learning new routines, listening, and working hard in kindergarten.
Mrs. Naumovic's Class
Mrs. Naumovic's class enjoyed singing, dancing, and having fun to celebrate the end of their CKLA Nursery Rhyme unit.
Mrs. Yeager's/Mrs. Bracken's Class
Mrs. Yeager's class participated in a fun culminating activity for their CKLA Nursey Rhyme unit.
PTO Corner
Chipotle Dine to Donate
We raised $428 at the Chipotle Dine to Donate night on Wednesday. Thank you to all who came out to support us. We are always blown away by the support of our students, families and staff! We couldn't do this without your support.
Volunteer Opportunities
We are looking for volunteers to help us deliver, set up, serve and clean up our Discount Card Fundraiser Class Pizza Parties. Details below.
1 Volunteer - Mrs. Rice (2nd Grade)
FRI SEPT 27TH @ 11:30AM - 12:05PM
2 Volunteers - Miss Leslie
FRI OCT 4TH @ 11:30AM - 12:05PM
1 Volunteer - Mrs. Filkins
FRI OCT 4TH @ 12:05 - 12:45PM
2 Volunteers - Mrs. Lopez
FRI OCT 4TH @ 1:55 - 2:30PM
1 Volunteer - Miss DeLaughter
FRI OCT 4TH @ 12:50 - 1:30PM
If you are interested in signing up, please text 219 661 7550.
Cafe Fresco Dine to Donate
Our next Dine to Donate coming up on Saturday, October 5th at Cafe Fresco. This is an all day event (8am-4pm) that will feature members of YOUR SOLON STAFF as Guest Baristas. Many teachers, paras and support staff have so generously donated their time to come out and mix up your favorite drinks to benefit the PTO.
The Guest Barista Schedule will be coming out soon, along with a flyer that will come home in backpacks before the event.
Please come out and show them your support and appreciation. All of them are so awesome.
Limited Amount of Discount Cards Available
We originally SOLD OUT of Discount Cards after the sale was over. However we were still receiving orders and getting messages about people wanting to purchase, so we produced a small run of Discount Cards that are available until they are gone. Only online sales will be accepted this time around. If you are interested, you can purchase using this link: https://tinyurl.com/srpto-dcsales. Thank you so much for all your support!
BEE on the Lookout...
...for events happening in October!
Our Department of Food Service is excited to announce the launch of online, digital menus for our district!
With our new MealViewer system, you can:
View what is being served each day
View the nutritional information for each meal
See if any of the Big 9 allergens are being served
Get notified when your student’s favorite meals are being served
Print menus by week or by month that include favorites and/or allergen information
Rate menu items to provide feedback for our Food Service team
Menus are always viewable without an account. Parents who want to sign up for an account can customize notifications, allergens, and more for each child in your family. Payments to your child’s meal account will continue through My MealTime.
Find more information and your school’s menu at https://schools.mealviewer.com/school/SolonRobinsonElementary. If you have questions, please contact our Food Service team at 219-663-3371 x 10601.
Our printable PDF menus will still be available on our website through the first semester. However, the most up-to-date menus will be the new digital version.
We look forward to the additional information and accessibility that this new tool will provide for parents and students!
Solon Robinson Elementary School
Melanie Pociask, Assistant Principal ext. 17103
Lisa Hovanec, Treasurer ext. 17000
Tina Rosenbaum, Secretary ext. 17002
Chrissy McNeil, Nurse ext. 17081
Email: bmerrill@cps.k12.in.us
Website: https://solon.cps.k12.in.us/
Location: 601 Pettibone Street, Crown Point, IN, USA
Phone: 219-663-2525
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soloncpcsc