The Branch
A Monthly Newsletter from RootEd
Future Spirit Days!
So while we are choosing not to gather, we are still working with the elementaries and middles to bring the high school spirit. The students can still get excited, they can learn through videos and shout-outs from the teachers. Plus it's a simple activity you can do for kids at home and on campus. Let's bring the spirit!!
Churchill vs. Reagan Future Spirit Day was a success! It was so fun to see pictures of elementary and middle school students in their spirit gear! Loved seeing the signs Harmony Hills Elem made and the social media spirit throwdown that Bush MS put out.
Coming up is Clark vs. Johnson's Future Spirit Day on Dec 3rd. Please share the graphic on your socials and get your students excited!!! Can't wait to see who brings the spirit!
Future Charger Video
RootEd Expands!
Need a RootEd Rep for your school?
Use this link to send to the parent who would be a great RootEd Rep for your school:
Opinion piece by RootEd Co-Founders
Keeping the BUZZ alive!
Skate Club
Outdoor teaching
RootEd out in the Community
RootEd at Brandeis
#RootEdBrandeis #RootEdNISD
Churchill Extravaganza
RootEd Reps Social Media Training
RootEd Podcast Discussion Group
Ready to dive into some podcasts that either may get you fired up or ruffled about public education?
Come listen with us!!
Rep Spotlight!
"I am so thankful for the many educators who devote their time and gifts to teaching our students, it is easy to want to share all the wonderful things happening at our schools! I grew up in a very diverse school system, and loved my experience - learning to appreciate people of all races, backgrounds and socio-economic levels - all bringing their unique gifts to a community. My husband and I wanted that for our children as well. When I learned about RootEd and that they "believe a strong public school system for all children creates a robust economy and well-connected community," I wanted to be part of it! When you don't live in a neighborhood, it's easy to prejudge a school by it's rating or STAAR testing ... but RootEd helps tell about the true heart of a school, it's students and their families that make up that community.
Harmony Hills Elem is a small neighborhood school with incredible teachers and staff! We've been blessed by educators that invest in our children not only as students, but as individuals and future leaders. We didn't know what to expect starting middle school, but Eisenhower MS has amazing staff that care so much about their students and have been very supportive and helpful! I'm happy to be a RootEd Rep at both Harmony Hills Elem and IKE, because both campuses have great things going on that need to be celebrated! It's important for parents to show appreciation for what educators are doing for our students everyday...they deserve our recognition and encouragement!"
#RootedHarmonyHills #RootEdIKE
About RootEd
For past newsletters:
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Phone: (210) 617-0824
Twitter: @RootEdSA