K - 5 Newsletter
Omaha Virtual Elementary School
Mark Your Calendar!
MAP Testing Week of Oct. 17th
MAP Testing Science 3rd & 5th
Oct. 31-- No School for Students
Nov. 1-- No School for Students
Nov. 21-25-- No School for Students and Staff - Thanksgiving Recess
Inclement Weather
OVS is a part of Omaha Public Schools.
When OPS calls a snow day, OVS has a snow day. What will our snow days look like?
Learners will:
- Follow the pacing guide for the day/week and work independently at home
Teachers will:
- Be available "live" to answer questions during their online support time on TEAMS at 10am-11am.
- Respond to emails throughout the day
Mrs. Neville: Online Support from 10 AM - 11 AM
Mrs. Rogers: Online Support from 10AM-11AM
Mr. Dowling: Online Support from 10 AM - 11 AM
Digital Citizenship
This week is Digital Citizenship week! What is digital citizenship? Watch this short video to learn more. Click HERE to complete a family media agreement to practice digital citizenship at home.
PTO Info
Want to join PTO as a board member? Looking to volunteer when available? Email omahavirtualschoolpto@gmail.com!
Positions/Committees available: Spirit Wear, Teacher Appreciation, Student Engagement, Fundraising, Book Fair, Learning Coach Support
Fundraising info coming soon!
PTO Meeting Schedule for the 2022-2023 School Year:
Meetings will be Zoom/In Person Hybrid - Zoom Link: https://bit.ly/3dAIDpm
- Thursday, October 20th: 6:30 - 7:30
- Thursday, November 17th: 6:30 - 7:30
- Thursday, December 8th: 6:30 - 7:30 (Semester Recap, Brainstorm Semester 2)
- Thursday, January 5th: 6:30 - 7:30 (Welcome Back, Updates for Semester 2)
- Thursday, January 19th: 6:30 - 7:30
- Thursday, February 16th: 6:30 - 7:30
- Thursday, March 23rd: 6:30 - 7:30
- Thursday, April 20th: 6:30 - 7:30
- Thursday, May 18th: 6:30 - 7:30 (Final Meeting for this year, peaks and valleys recap, ideas for next year)
OVS Gear for the School Year!
Mrs. Neville (Kinder & First)
We had a lot of fun painting in class this week. Some learners painted pumpkins to enter in a contest in our building. Others painted the first letters of their names. They all turned out great, and we all felt proud of each other. Learners who come to school on Thursdays will be painting next Thursday.
I enjoyed speaking with all of you during parent-teacher conferences, and I feel very hopeful that our learners are going to have a great second quarter! Your children are lucky to have such supportive parents!
Please remember to send your learner’s charged iPad and school folder to school each week. We use the Clever code inside the folder during class. Also, please check the folder when they return from school. There are worksheets they have worked on in class and sometimes there are worksheets for extra practice.
I sent pacing guides home with students who had school this week. I also sent Book It reading logs. You and your learner can decide on a daily reading goal. He/she will color the days that the reading goal is met. If your learner reaches his/her goal, send the sheet to school. I will send home a coupon for a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut.
Email: katherine.neville@ops.org
Website: www.omahavirtualschool.org
Location: 3215 Cuming Street, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: 531-299-0269
Kindergarten Pacing Guide
First Grade Pacing Guide
2nd-3rd Ms. Rogers' Class
Week in Review:
It was a short week for learners! Thank you to all Learning Coaches & families for taking the time to visit during Parent Teacher Conferences. It's great to be able to share so many of the awesome things our learners are doing at home, online, and in class.
Looking Ahead:
Quarter 2 is underway! Be sure to keep on track with the pacing guide and Seesaw activities for your learner. It will be good to see everyone online and in person this week. We will continue our work with nonfiction text features and how they can help us understand nonfiction.
3rd Grade learners will take the Science MAP Test during in-person time.
Important Dates:
Week of October 18th - Science MAP Testing for 3rd Grade ONLY-during class time
Monday, October 31st & Tuesday, November 1st -No online or F2F classes-Teacher Professional Development
Email: megan.rogers@ops.org
Website: www.omahavirtualschool.org
Location: 3215 Cuming Street, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: 531.299.9367
Twitter: @OPS_Virtual
Pacing Guides For August & September
4th-5th Mark Dowling
Week in Review:
Thank you so much for taking the time to come and talk with me about your learner during Parent/Teacher Conferences. It’s hard to believe we’re already a week into the second quarter of school.
In class, we began discussions about our research project. Over the next few days, please sit down with your learner and see if you can narrow down a topic. It can be about ANYTHING!
Examples: Animals, Places (Grand Canyon, Disney World, Great Wall of China), Events, Holidays, Space, People, Inventions, Food, etc!
We will be having further discussions in class next week.
Looking Ahead:
We will be taking the Science MAP test in class next week. This will be the 3rd and final test this semester. Our next MAP tests will take place in January/February.
We are continuing to ask students to gather some pictures of people/items that are important to them. We will be spotlighting a different student each week. I have asked them to bring in their pictures in a Ziplock as soon as they can. Please help them remember. Thanks!
Important Dates:
October 31st – No school, Professional Development
November 1st – No school, Teacher Planning Day
Email: mark.dowling@ops.org
Website: www.omahavirtualschool.org
Location: 3215 Cuming Street, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: 531-299-9548