Conley Correspondence
Weekly Communication 10.18.2024
Bullying Prevention Month
A month long event to prevent childhood bullying and promote kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.
Big Red and the Little Bitty Wolf
Students worked to define bullying behavior and characteristics. They learned the difference between bullying and unkind/mean interactions or conflicts.
The Juice Box Bully
Students discussed standing up for others and holding others accountable for the way they treat each other.
The Not-So-Friendly Friend
Students will learn about defining and setting boundaries to have healthy friendships.
Menu Changes for Next Week
Monday-breakfast will be Lucky charms cereal bowl
Wednesday-lunch will be a cheese quesadilla
5th Grade Band & Orchestra Concert on Tuesday
October 22nd
Orchestra Concert: 6:00pm-6:30, call time 5:30
Band Concert: 7:00pm-7:30, call time 6:40
Both groups will perform in the Conley gym. Students should bring their instruments and books/music folders, and wear their band/orchestra shirts with black on the bottom. Please let Ms. Chally or Mrs. Searle know if you have any questions! Hope to see you there!
How Sick is Too Sick to Come to School?
Guidelines For Keeping Children Home From School
A sick child cannot learn effectively or participate fully in educational activities in a meaningful way. Keeping a sick child home from school allows your child to rest and recover and prevents the transmission of the illness to others. To help maintain a safe and healthy learning environment, please see the guidelines below on when to keep your child home from school for common illnesses that we may see in our schools. Other criteria can be found in the student handbooks or from staff in our health offices. When in doubt consult with your healthcare provider or our Health Care staff.
Any of the below criteria is subject to change based on requirements from MCDH, IDPH or the CDC.
If your child has a moist, productive cough, chest congestion, or thick nasal discharge, they need to stay home from school. If you see a continuous greenish discharge, that may be a sign of infection and you should consult with your healthcare provider.
Conjunctivitis (Pink eye)
A student who has been diagnosed with conjunctivitis may return to school 24 hours after their first dose of prescribed medication.
Per the CDC guidelines, an individual can return to normal activities when symptoms have been improving for 24 hours - and if a fever was present, it has been gone for 24 hours without use of a fever-reducing medication. Please check with your doctor if you have any questions.
Your child can return to school after being fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of any fever-reducing medications. A fever is 100.4 degrees or greater according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.
If your child has a rash that you cannot identify, it is recommended that you consult with your healthcare provider. The student should not return to school until the rash has been diagnosed and deemed not contagious.
Strep Throat
If your child has been diagnosed with strep throat they need to remain at home until they have been on antibiotics for a full 24 hours and fever free for at least 24 hours without fever-reducing medication.
Students need to remain home from school until they are symptom-free for 24 hours without any over the counter medication or antibiotic.
*If multiple cases of Conjunctivitis, strep, COVID-19 or other communicable diseases are reported within a classroom or school, we will evaluate the number and notify families as a proactive measure as recommended by the CDC or local health department.
Other situations where a student needs to stay home, or must be picked up from school include, but are not limited to: vomiting, diarrhea, open lesions that cannot be covered, lethargy, serious head injuries, undiagnosed persistent or disruptive cough, eye drainage or redness, undiagnosed or new rashes, and serious limb injuries.
Upcoming Winter Coat Drive
Halloween Costumes
Helpful Reminders
As you are selecting your child's costume, please keep these guidelines in mind:
- No inflatable costumes
- No props that would be considered a weapon
- No masks
- No excessive make-up that a student could not wear the entire day or would need to apply
Glasses Donations
Huntley District 158 has partnered with the Huntley Area Lions Club for the 2nd Annual Recycle for Sight Used Eyeglass Collection Drive at each school during the week of October 21 thru October 25.
Human Resources
Job Openings
Huntley 158 still has open positions for employment across the district. You can find current openings here. If you have any questions, contact Associate Superintendent of Human Resources, Adam Zehr, at (847) 659-6150 or Director of Human Resources, Karrie Baughman, at (847) 659-6178.
Upcoming Spirit Days
-Monday, October 21st: Wear Red
-Tuesday, October 22nd: Wear Sunglasses
-Wednesday, October 23rd: Wear College Gear
-Thursday, October 24th: Wear Neon or Bright Colors
-Friday, October 25th: Conley Spirit Wear
-Thursday, October 31st: Halloween Costumes
-Friday, November 1st: PJ Day
PTA News
Trunk OR Treat
Easiest way to join PTA
Art to Remember
Conley is participating in a fundraiser with Art to Remember that allows you to purchase keepsake products customized with your child's art. There are over 60 products and many are less than $20. These make great gifts and a percentage of every purchase goes to Conley. Click on the link below and enter the online order code shown on your child's order form or search for your child's artwork. For shipping to Conley, the order deadline is October 25th. Orders can still be placed to be shipped to your home until December 31, 2024.
Huntley 158 Virtual Bulletin Board
The Huntley 158 Virtual Bulletin Board (VBB) is a way to connect Huntley 158 families with enrichment and educational events and programs in the community. This year, rather than receiving a separate email, families can find these opportunities on the district’s Virtual Bulletin Board webpage in our weekly newsletter. We encourage you to click the link and check out what’s happening for students and families in the community!
To submit a program or event for inclusion on the Huntley 158 VBB, organizations must be not-for-profit or a taxing body based in Huntley 158 boundaries or a surrounding community. Please email your event flyer in PNG or PDF format to kimoore@district158.org and include "VBB" in the subject line. To ensure accessibility for all, flyers must be accompanied by a brief description of your event that includes the name of your event, date, time, location, call to action/website link (if applicable) as well as contact information. Thank you!
Helpful Links
Conley Elementary School
3-5 Elementary School in Huntley Community School District 158
Address: Dr. John Burkey Dr formerly, 750 Academic Dr, Algonquin, IL 60102
Conley Main Office: 847-659-3700
Conley Absentee Line: 847-659-3711
Principal: Katie Surjan
Assistant Principal: Jeremy White
Principal's Administrative Assistant: Kathy Michel
Attendance Administrative Assistant: Lindsay Brunschon