District eNews

Direction Determines Destination
Dear Arrow Academy Family,
Welcome back to school! This academic year our theme is "Learning Together, Leading Together". As your Superintendent, I am so excited to welcome all of our families and other stakeholders back to Arrow Academy! As a team, we have embarked on new adventures and opportunities over the last three weeks. Parents, join me in making this school year a memorable one, full of joy, learning, laughter, and growth. I am looking forward to seeing the wonderful things we will accomplish together, celebrating the milestones that our scholars will surely achieve along the way.
Audrey N. Sanders, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
We Love Arrow!
Some of our dedicated Arrow employees were hard at work ensuring a successful start to the school year for all of our scholars. To capture the joy of this special day, Dr. Sanders visited each campus and took pictures with employees' scholars, allowing their families to share in the excitement of the first day of school.
We are Lifelong Learners
Our teachers and staff have been learning together in professional development. The district is in a deep dive launch of high quality instructional materials that will best ensure that our scholars are accessing an on-grade level curriculum that is rigorous and relevant in all of our content areas of math, literacy, science and social studies. Our instructional staff is ready to help every scholar reach their full potential.
A team went to Denver, Colorado for a three day professional development conference this summer. Some of our principals, instructional coaches and teachers were able to engage in collaborative, hands-on learning with subject-matter experts and practical educator-led sessions. This team was inspired to bring the learning back to "Arrowland" to foster a shared commitment to improving student growth and achievement in the classroom. They also heard featured keynote speakers, Michael Bonner who is a top educator and Performance Booster; and, Steve Pemberton who is an author and Youth Advocate.
Another team of principals, instructional coaches and teachers attended the Teach Like A Champion Conference where they learned to leverage research-based strategies to raise academic expectations, increase cognitive work that our scholars do in the classroom, and make classrooms more engaging for the success of all scholars.
Campus Information
Award-Winning District
Campus Hours
Campus Doors open at 7:25 AM
Breakfast is served: 7:25 AM - 7:55 AM
School Hours K-6: 8:00 AM until 3:30 PM
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