EWRSD Weekly Update
February 7, 2025

February 7, 2025
Update on Ways to Pay for School Meals:
- Student may bring cash in envelope with name and Pin and provide to cashier during meal service (No fees)
- Check made out to: EWRSD with student name/Pin number in the notes section and provide to cashier during meal service times (No Fees)
- Online via www.payschoolscentral.com, call 18773936628 for assistance with account set up. (Fees apply per transaction)
Happy Counseling Week from EWRSD!
This week, we celebrated our dedicated counselors. Whether helping students navigate academic challenges or offering a listening ear during tough times, your compassion and expertise shine brightly daily.
Check out The heARTbeat, our quarterly online newsletter, where you can see all the great things happening in the world of Arts Education here in the district!
The heARTbeat February 3, 2025: ENGLISH VERSION
The heARTbeat February 3, 2025: VERSIÓN EN ESPAÑOL
Thank you to Hightstown Key Club students who assisted with Kidcare last week!
PLD has a new group of published authors! Students who completed the summer Written Out Loud program received copies of their original books this week. Congraulations to all of the students who participated.
Teamwork during KidCare, “Let’s make a tower taller than us!” They reached their goal by working together!
Come SHAKE IT UP at MHK this weekend with James and the Giant Peach Jr.! There are still two more chances to see the show: tonight Februay 7 at 7:00 p.m., and tomorrow February 8 at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 general admission and $5 for students. Tickets can be purchased at my.hometownticketing.com.
Last week, underclass HHS students explored electives and course options for 2025-2026 during their lunch periods. Teachers and students shared insights, answered questions, and helped guide future schedule choices.
On Chinese New Year Mr. Ma taught students Chinese history and then they created lanterns!
Community Flyers
The weekly update may get shortened in email due to size. Please click to "View entire message" to read all community flyers.
“These materials are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the East Windsor Board of Education. The distribution or display of this material is provided as a community service.”
Board of Education Meetings
As of October 11, 2021, all board meetings are in person and may be viewed remotely via live stream. Action will be taken during the open session at all meetings.
A copy of the meeting agenda may be obtained on the EWRSD website within 48 hours of the meeting.
Board meeting dates can be found here.