The Cub Hub
The weekly newsletter for Bear Creek Elementary.
December 20, 2024
Dear Bear Creek Families,
Wow! We are half-way through the school year. This year has flown by. This first semester has be a joyous one. On behalf of the Bear Creek Team, I want to thank you for entrusting us with your children.
Wishing each and everyone of you a restful Holiday Break.
See you Tuesday, January 7th.
Important Dates:
STAAR Reading (3rd - 5th) April 10, 2025
STAAR Math (3rd - 5th) April 24, 2025
STAAR Science (5th only) April 16, 2025
Theressa Engel Lewis
Come join Mrs. Lewis in the cafeteria to unpack middle of year MAP data and discuss our mid-year progress. Please RSVP so that we can prepare the space accordingly.
Thank you, Polk Family!
Bear Creek Faculty and Staff greatly appreciate East Side Pies providing us with lunch today! It was fantastic.
PTA Sponsor Survey
CAC Meeting
Thank you all who attended the December CAC Meeting. Our next meeting will be held on Monday, February 3rd at 3:30 pm in the Library. All are welcome to attend.
Questions? Email us at: BearCreekCAC@gmail.com
Citizens have opportunity to be represented on the agenda and heard during the meetings. Please use this form to submit your topic.
Rachel Cottingham, CAC Co-Chair - Faculty Representative
Kristin Stockfisch, CAC Co-Chair - Parent Representative
📚Library News 📚
Congratulations, Mrs. Saenz!
Our Bear Creek Team is excited to hear of the joyous birth of Baby Ayden. Zonia Smith will serve as our librarian these next few months. Mrs. Smith may be a familiar faces to many. She was a librarian in Austin ISD for40 years. Twenty-six of those years were at Kiker Elementary. Mrs. Smith will be a wonderful support for our Cubs while Mrs. Saenz is on leave.
Krisha Brown
Samantha Schmidt
Casey Ford
Theressa Lewis
Bear Creek Elementary
Email: bearcreek@austinisd.org
Website: https://www.austinisd.org/schools/bearcreek
Location: 12801 Escarpment Boulevard, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-414-0040