Online Education Newsletter
Kapi‘olani Community College | 1 June 2022
Aloha mai kakou!
Aloha mai!
As we enter the summer months of fun in the sun to refresh our minds, bodies, and souls, let's keep learning new innovative ways to enhance our online platform. Digital Accessibility is the "hot" topic, so check out The 8 Habits for Highly Accessible Course Content, a 4-week UH professional development program starting July 11th (apply by 6/15). Then, let's go to the Kapi‘olani Summer Camp in the first week of August where we will meet new friends and build new relationships. By then, it will be time to return to the "classroom" -- online that is!Enjoy some Summer reading or video watching at go2knowledge.org.
Leʻaleʻa nō Kau Wela!
Mahalo nui loa to Leigh Dooley!
Under her leadership, the campus recently received honors including:
---Celebrating Good Work---
Excellence in Online Teaching Award
Please join us in congratulating the winner of the 2021/22 VCAA Excellence in Online Teaching Award:
Kawehi Sellers
Hospitality & Tourism Education Program
The award recognizes outstanding educators for their extraordinary level of online teaching effectiveness, innovative online teaching practices visible through course design, meaningful and regular student engagement, and valuable assessment techniques that support online student success at Kapi‘olani Community College.
One of Kawehi’s students shared the following in their nomination:
“I have had the pleasure to have been Mrs. Sellers student on two occasions during my tenure at KCC. The classes were both online classes, but she had the ability and interaction to make it feel as we were in the classroom. She is a very engaging instructor who you can feel her true sincerity and passion for us as students and our journey in school. She has developed a very organized and student friendly curriculum that meets all the objectives and still manages us students to have fun. Instructor Sellers should be the standard for all instructors to follow and be used to teach the teachers.”
Congratulations and mahalo, Kawehi!
---Data to Ponder---
Kapi‘olani CC Enrollment Dashboard Updated Daily!
Check out the KCC Summer and Fall 2022 Enrollment Dashboard every single day to see how classes are filling.
---Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities---
The 8 Habits for Highly Accessible Course Content (July 11 to August 5)
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal law that applies to all digital resources used in our courses. Regardless of the delivery mode or the type of content we create, we are required by law to ensure that all of our digital resources are accessible to all learners.
The 8 Habits for Highly Accessible Course Content is an online, collaborative professional development program that will provide UH faculty and instructors with skills training, an accountability structure and individualized support. Program participants will actively apply the 8 ADA accessibility principles to their course content to ensure equity and reach all learners. The program will be facilitated by instructional designers and faculty volunteers from across the UH System.
Using the 8 ADA accessibility principles, this hands-on program will utilize small collaboration groups to help you:
Identify current accessibility issues in your course content
Revise current course content to comply with ADA accessibility standards for Laulima, documents and multimedia
Adopt the 8 habits for future and ongoing efficiency
Join us from July 11 to August 5 (four weeks) for this collegial and collaborative opportunity to update your digital content. All UH System faculty and instructors are eligible.
The program is entirely online and will include one synchronous online meeting each Monday morning from 10 a.m.–noon for collaboration, Q&A and overall support. We recommend selecting one of the courses that you teach to practice on during the program, as we will be collectively applying the ADA habits each week.
This program builds upon the “Fundamentals of Digital Accessibility” self-paced training offered by Kapiʻolani CC. However, this is a standalone program and the fundamentals program is not a prerequisite.
Mark Your Calendar! Kapi‘olani Summer Camp (Aug 1-5) ⛺️
Kapi‘olani Summer Camp is on again this summer for August 1-5, and we’d love for you to join us!
This is a free professional development event for educational faculty, admin, and staff from across Hawai‘i and beyond. Sessions focus on a diverse variety of topics, including instructional, cultural, health and wellness topics, and more! (Registration and program coming later this summer - see our website for info on past events and updates)
As always, the event will take place via Zoom on the mornings of Aug 1-4, but new this year will be a fun-filled Friday Field Day at Kaimana Beach Park!
Friday Field Day
This will be a fun day to reconnect with your colleagues in-person – talk story, play games, and learn new skills. We’re looking for folks that may be interested in hosting some in-person sessions such as lei making, yoga, Zumba, a ukulele jam session, or anything that would be perfect for a lawn/beach day in the sun. We’re up for anything that sounds like fun to you, so feel free to get creative! If you’re willing to help bring the fun to Friday’s Field Day, please contact our field day leads, Nadine Wolff (nwolff@hawaii.edu) and Romyn Sabatchi (romyn@hawaii.edu) at your earliest convenience!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the summer camp counselors at sumrcamp@hawaii.edu
ICoME 2022 (August 3-4) "Movin’ on with E-learning" - Extended Call for Proposals
Ready to present your ideas to an international audience without the hassle of traveling? TCC Hawaii, hosts for ICoME 2022, announces an EXTENDED Call for Proposals for ICoME 2022, to be held online on August 3-4, Hawaii time.
ICoME, the International Conference for Media in Education, is an annual conference for faculty and graduate students from Japan, Korea, China, and the US with the purpose of engaging participants in English and sharing multicultural perspectives about online learning. All sessions are conducted in English in order to provide everyone an opportunity to gain language proficiency and communicate across cultures. This online conference will feature roundtable (student) and concurrent sessions (faculty, other researchers) and requires a short paper according to the templates provided. A proposal, in the form of an abstract, is submitted for acceptance prior to completing a paper.
To submit your proposal, access the form on the conference website.
- Submission Form
- Paper Templates. Download the roundtable and concurrent paper templates.
For more information, contact Bert Kimura <bert@hawaii.edu>. We look forward to receiving your proposals. - Bert Kimura, Curtis Ho, Kitty Hino, ICoME 2022 Online Conference Coordinators
Conference schedule & important dates*
20 June: Deadline for abstract submission (All Sessions)
25 June: Send acceptances to roundtable session presenters
08 July: Deadline for the paper submissions (All Sessions)
15 July: Registration deadline
20 July: Program Announcement (all sessions, keynotes, and event)
3-4 August: Online Conference
*Subject to change, check the conference website for the latest information.
Free Webinars for Kapi‘olani CC Staff & Faculty
Currently, Kapi‘olani CC has a subscription with Go2Knowledge, which offers Kap‘olani CC faculty and staff free access to dozens of Innovative Educators webinars, both live and on demand (pre-recorded). Many of them are quite good! Here's a sampling to pique your interest:
Upcoming live webinars:
Implementing Universal Design To Support Your Campus’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Efforts (Tuesday 6/14, 7:00 - 8:00 am HST)
Navigating Retention From Pandemic Innovation To Post-Pandemic Success (Wednesday 6/15, 9:00 - 10:00 am HST)
Recently-added on demand webinars:
Intentional Self-Care For Higher Ed Professionals: How To Reduce Stress & Promote Overall Wellness (60 min)
Micro-Learning For Synchronous & Asynchronous Learning
(60 min)
And many, many more. Sign up at Kapi‘olani CC's G2K account page and browse through the offerings.
---Helpful Tech Tips---
Laulima Advanced Tips: The New Smart Date Manager Can Shift ALL Dates on Command
Laulima’s Date Manager tool (in Site Info) has improved again! After importing the content from the old to the new site (Site Info > Import from Site), now you can ask Laulima to shift ALL dates by entering the difference in the number of days.
At the top of the Date Manager screen, there is an option to “Shift dates by ___ day(s).” For example, after importing the course content from Summer 2021 to Summer 2022, you can calculate the difference between the first day of the terms by using Excel or using a Web app such as Timeanddate then enter the value in the Date Manager. You can choose to “Apply to all dates” or “Apply to expanded sections only.” Be sure to scroll down and save changes. If you need assistance or have questions, please contact ITS at help@hawaii.edu.
---The Best for Last---
What We Are Reading, Listening to, and Watching Now
EDUCAUSE QuickPoll Results: Leadership and Action for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (article, Educause, May 20, 2022)
The majority of higher education institutions and the units within them have now developed strategic plans and goals related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Stakeholders are asking leaders to move from aspiration to action, translating intentions into tangible outcomes.
4 Misconceptions of Online Learning (article, Educause, May 24, 2022)
How can faculty and instructional designers address misconceptions about online learning as they transition from reactivity to proactivity following the COVID-19 pandemic?
- Aspiring to Create Learning Experiences Students Remember (article, Faculty Focus, May 25, 2022)
---DE Newsletter Authors and Compilers---
ʻIwalani Koide
Hawaiian Language Kumu
Melissa Nakamura
Co-chair, Faculty Senate DE Committee
Jamie Sickel
Helen Torigoe
Youxin (Yoyo) Zhang
Kristie Malterre
Kara Plamann Wagoner
Kelli Nakamura
Nadine Wolff
Kawehi Sellers
Man Beryl Yang
Michelle Dela Cruz
Links to Previous DE Newsletters
- DE Newsletter - May 2022
- DE Newsletter - April 2022
- DE Newsletter - March 2022
- DE Newsletter - February 2022
- DE Newsletter - January 2022
- DE Newsletter - December 2021
- DE Newsletter - November 2021
- DE Newsletter - October 2021
- DE Newsletter - September 2021
- DE Newsletter - August 2021
- DE Newsletter - July 2021