Wolf Pack News
November & December 2024
School Information
Morning Bell
Monday-Friday 8:10 AM
Afternoon Bells
Kindergarten M-TH: 2:30 PM No School on Fridays
First Grade M-Th: 2:40 PM F: 1:10 PM
Contact the Office if your child will be late or absent
775-423-1999 LESAttendance@churchillcsd.com
What's Happening This Month:
November 3..........................................Daylight Savings Time ~ "fall" back and gain an extra hour
November 5..........................................Native American Assembly
November 7..........................................Sports Jersey Day ~ Wear favorite sports jersey
November 8..........................................No School - modified calendar
November 11........................................No School - Veteran's Day
November 12........................................Camo and Croissants ~ Veterans Day recognition - wear camo to school
November 22........................................No School - modified calendar
November 25-29...................................No School ~ Fall Break
December 5..........................................Wolf Pup Day ~ Wear Lahontan Shirt or blue and white
December 12........................................Winterfest Family Event ~ 5:30pm-7:00pm
December 13........................................No School - modified calendar
December 23-January 3.......................No School ~ Winter Break
January 6.............................................No School ~ Professional Development for Teachers
January 7.............................................No School ~ Teacher Workday
Visit our school website at https://lahontan.churchillcsd.com/ to learn more about our school.
There is a school Class Dojo page and all teachers have an individual Class Dojo page. This is the primary way that communication is shared with families. Parents can also communicate with teachers through Class Dojo. Make sure to check your child's individual Class Dojo regularly.
Facebook Page ~ Lahontan Elementary
Click on the picture above to see the breakfast and lunch options at Lahontan Elementary
Pants and Underwear Are Needed
Sometimes our kindergarten and first grade students have potty accidents at school and they do not have extra clothes in their backpacks to change into. Our health aid provides them with extra clothes but our supply of underwear and pants are running low. We are in need of new children's underwear as well as new or gently used pants. Sizes 5-8 are most needed. If you are interested in donating any of these items, please drop them by the office.
Box Tops for Education
Get the Box Top app and start earning today. Use code QSJX0MYQ to join and earn 25 bonus Box Tops.
NEW! You can now give credit to your student's class, check the Leaderboard to see who is in the lead!
How to Give Credit: In the app, click on your "my earnings" near the top of the screen. Under your "Earnings History" choose the earnings amount (shows as the store, date, and earning amount). Select "Give Credit" on the bottom, select the teacher.
Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting
We will meet in the library, there will be a Google Meet link if you are unable to attend in person https://meet.google.com/mfj-ccdq-hup
Tuesday, Nov 12, 2024, 03:30 PM
Lahontan Elementary School, Merton Drive, Fallon, NV, USA
WE NEED YOU! There are no membership dues and our volunteer hours are flexible. Whether you have hours or minutes to spare, there is a place for you. Our Parent Committee meets four times a year on a Tuesday at 3:30 pm in the Library. Please join us for our meetings to stay informed of what is happening at the school and to learn of ways you can be involved.
Book Fair and Family Literacy Night Update
On Wednesday, October 16 we had our Enchanted Forest Literacy Night and Book Fair. 460 people attended this event and there were 9 literacy activities set up in the lunchroom for families to complete together in conjunction with buying books at the Book Fair that was in the library. All of the literacy activities had a fairytale theme and focused on identifying or reading letters. sounds, and sight words. The goal of our family literacy nights is to share some fun ways that parents can help their child at home with learning their letters, sounds, and sight words. It was an enjoyable evening for all! Click below to see the fun activities that were completed during the event.
LES Canned Food Drive Update
At the beginning of October, Lahontan Elementary School was accepting canned food donations to help those affected by the Davis fire. Wow did we get a lot of food donated! The class with the most food donations in each grade level won a popcorn party with our Music teacher, Mrs. Sorensen.
The top 3 classes for Kindergarten:
1st Place - Davis 279
2nd - Ledesma 221
3rd - Moon 87
The top 3 for 1st Grade:
1st Place: Chappell - 694
2nd - Swisher 294
3rd - Young - 265
The Great American Shakeout
What to do if there is an Earthquake
Remain Calm. Stay Indoors, wherever you are, until tremors stop
Teacher calls out “Earthquake! Drop, Cover, Hold on” (under tables, desk, doorways, against inner walls).
If outdoors, move to open space away from buildings and power lines.
People in wheelchairs, keep head lower than the back of chair, turn chair away from hazards.
On school bus, stop the bus away from power lines, bridges, and buildings. Students remain in seats, lean over, protect head and hold on.
If gas is smelled, move everyone out immediately
Evacuate if instructed
Fire Safety
In celebration of Fire Safety Month, the Churchill County Fire Department visited Lahontan Elementary School on October 23rd. Students were thrilled to meet Sparky the Fire Dog and interact with local firefighters, who shared vital information on fire safety. During the visit, students learned essential tips on what to do in the event of a fire, the importance of smoke alarms, and how to recognize firefighters in their gear when they arrive to help.
Some tips that were shared include:
- Test your fire alarms regularly
- Replace batteries as needed
- Make sure fire alarms are installed on every level of your house
- Plan and practice your family's escape route in case of a fire
- Have your furnace professionally serviced and ensure your dryer vents are clean.
Students of the Month
October First Grade
October Kindergarten
Lahontan Staff Dressed Up For Halloween
Veterans Day Celebration ~ November 12
Come and join us for coffee or juice and croissants on November 12th. Kindergarten Veteran parents join us at 8:15 in the lunchroom and first grade Veteran parents join us in the lunchroom at 8:50.
Upcoming Events in December
Decorate an Ugly Sweater Contest
Tis the season to begin thinking about those ugly sweaters that come out during the holidays and winter. This year students at Lahontan will be participating in a competition to see who can decorate the most creative Ugly Sweater. Every child will be given a sweater template to take home to decorate with their family. Each child will receive their template before Thanksgiving break and it will be due before Winter Break. This is an OPTIONAL contest to participate in but we hope to see school-wide participation. More information about this family activity will be shared soon.
Thursday, December 12
WHEN: 5:30pm - 7:00pm
WHERE: Lahontan's lunch room
Please mark your calendar and plan on joining us for a fun-filled night of crafts, games, raffles, Santa pictures, cookies, and a hot chocolate bar.
More information about this fun event will be shared soon.