BIRCH Friday News!
October 18th
Bulldog Jog Movie Day!
Crochet Club
Attendance Letters
Yikes I received an attendance letter - now what!?! Each week the district looks at individual attendance records, including all the reasons for absences. When attendance becomes a concern, the school is requested to notify parents. We aim to work with parents/guardians to help improve a child’s attendance so that all children can benefit from being in school regularly and achieving their full potential. Remember after 10 absences no matter the excuse everything is considered unexcused without doctor documentation. Students who are absent for more than 3 days will begin to receive an attendance notice. All absences count toward those 10 days. For additional information please visit BVSD
Don't forget! The vision and hearing screening will take place this Monday, October 21st. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Ms. Carol.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Hello Birch Families,
Original Works order forms are HERE! In Friday Folders you will find a student specific order form with your child's artwork and special ordering code. Orders are 100% online and are easier than ever (less codes and clicks). All orders are DUE OCTOBER 30TH!!!
Original Works is a wonderful company that takes your child's art and prints it onto professionally made products. Your order form is accompanied by a color brochure full of NEW products!
This fundraiser supports Art here at Birch and makes great gifts and keepsakes for you and your family. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Hazzard at sharyl.hazzard@bvsd.org
Thank you for supporting Art at Birch and your child's creativity!
Battle of the Books Club
Battle of the Books Club will be starting Tuesday, November 5th! This is a club where students can explore new genres of books and read to compete in the district-wide competition on April 26th. This club will meet every other Tuesday, November - April, 2:50 - 3:30 in Ms. O’Brien’s classroom. Please sign up here!Game & Toy Donations Needed!
Dear Parents,
We are looking for donations of gently used games and toys appropriate for Kindergarten through 2nd grade to help keep our students entertained during the Wednesday late start time. If you have any puzzles, board games, or toys you'd like to contribute, please send them to school with your child or drop them off in the front office. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!
Thank you for your support!
Exciting news!! Birch will be holding their first ever winter craft fair! If you would like to be a vendor or learn more information, please follow this link (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfHzXzx8lWk08CZ16PNKxnmnw-6qQHwxFGPlZEBImaffpLDsw/viewform?usp=sf_link ) or email birchelementaryevents@gmail.com! All money raised will go directly back to the school! Registration will be open exclusively to Birch families for the next week and then we will open it to the public! We can't wait to see you there!!
- Vision & Hearing Screening-Monday, October 21st
- Virtual SAC Meeting-Monday, October 21st 5pm-6pm
- Birch Parent/Teacher Conferences- Wednesday, October 23rd 3pm-6pm
Birch Elementary
Counselor-Emily Tweten
Office Manager-Kristy Shanks
Registrar-Mary O'Brien
Health Assistant-Carol Bristow
Website: https://bie.bvsd.org/
Location: 1035 Birch Street, Broomfield, CO, USA
Phone: 720-561-8800