The Panther Post
February 2025 Monthly Newsletter
Notes from the Superintendent
Hello Pleasant Hill Staff & Families~
I hope and pray 2025 is off to a great start for all of you. This month, I would like to point out a special week you all can get engaged in which encourages our nation to do random acts of KINDNESS! February 9th through the 15th is National Random Acts of Kindness Week, culminating with National Random Acts of Kindness Day on February 17th! This week and day was created to encourage us all to engage in small acts of kindness to spread positivity, compassion, and love!
How to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day?
- Perform a random act of kindness for someone
- Share your stories of kindness on social media
- Visit a senior home and bring a surprise
- Donate a book to a library
- Write a handwritten letter
- Leave a positive note for someone to find
- Be a friend to a neighbor
- Compliment someone
- Cook a meal for someone in need
Take a look at the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation Website for some great kindness activities, stories, quotes, and other resources that can be used at home, work, or school to promote KINDNESS!
February is also the month in which Pleasant Hill hosts student led conferences. Your child's teacher will be reaching out to you to sign up for a conference. We want to touch base with each and every family to share how students are progressing thus far in the school year. So, please ensure you have a conference time in your calendar. If you need any assistance in scheduling, don't hesitate to reach out to me at Lweaver@phill69.com.
I look forward to seeing you all in the month of February at conferences and our Family Paint Night on February 18th from 4:30-6:00.
Yours in Education~
Dr. Lisa Weaver
Notes from the Nurse
Important Reminders:
~Get your Flu shot and get your children their flu shots! Flu season is here!
~If you got a notice that medical records or a dental exam is needed for your student, please make those appointments and get them taken care of as soon as possible.
~If your child is in need of clothing or hygiene supplies, please let me know. We now have a store called the Panther Den with FREE items for those in need! :)
As always, please contact me for any of your needs or your student's needs. I am here to help!
Ms. K Naugle, BSN, RN, NCSN
District Nurse
Policy reminder ~ What to do when your student is sick
Please remember that our policy states that all students must be kept home if they have FLU, COVID symptoms, or a fever of 100.0 or higher. Please do not give your child fever reducing medication and send them to school. They are generally miserable, unable to learn, and spreading illness to others. If you are unsure if you should keep them home, please call me :) Thank you so much for your help in our efforts to keep everyone as safe and healthy as possible.
Cartwheel Webinar
Wednesday, February 5th, 6-7pm CT
How to Recognize Early Signs of Disordered Eating and What to Do
Content warning: Eating disorders can affect kids and teens across all genders, races, and household income levels, though some may be at higher risk. Join Cartwheel and Dr. Amy Egbert ahead of National Eating Disorder Awareness Week to explore the complex factors behind disordered eating and how to support a loved one when you think they may have an eating disorder.
This webinar will cover early signs and symptoms, practical tips for fostering supportive, non-judgmental conversations, and how to explore treatment options when you think that a loved one may have an eating disorder.
This virtual event is part of Cartwheel's free webinar series for parents, caregivers, and school staff.
Meet our speaker:
Amy Egbert, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and Assistant Professor at the University of Connecticut. She studies eating challenges in children and teens, especially those from underrepresented backgrounds. Her research looks at how factors like food marketing, access to healthy food, and experiences of discrimination can affect eating habits. Dr. Egbert is passionate about finding ways to adapt treatments so they better meet the needs of all families, including those who may not have access to specialized care.
LCHS Articulation Day 2025
Pleasant Hill staff participated in an afternoon of collaboration on Friday, January 17th with staff from Hollis, Monroe, Limestone Walters, Norwood, Bartonville Grade, Oak Grove, and LCHS today. The afternoon began with each grade school principal sharing some highlights from their school. Mrs. Priller did a fantastic job sharing all the great things that are happening here on the Hill! Two Pleasant Hill student alumni-Grant Kocher & Sierra May-had the opportunity to talk about their transition to high school and share their PANTHER PRIDE! Staff then met in small groups based on grade level or department and shared with/ learned from their peers. This was a great way for our area schools to unite and grow together in building future LCHS Rockets!
๐Pleasant Hill LOVES to Read!๐
Important Notes & Reminders
- Student led conferences will be held on Wednesday, February 12 and Thursday, February 13 from 4:00-7:00 PM. All conferences will be held in person, unless you request a conference be held via Google Meets or a phone call. We make every attempt to meet with all families in person. This is a great time for students to share the progress they have made thus far with you. Your child's classroom teacher will be reaching out to you to sign up for a conference time.
- There will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, February 14 or Monday, February 17.
- Don't forget that school does not begin until 7:45 AM. Therefore, students should not arrive before that time, as there is NO supervision and this can be a safety concern. Buses will drop students off first at 7:45 AM and then families will follow in their cars to drop their children off.
- If your child is a bus rider, please be sure he/she is out at their bus stop and ready for pickup. The bus drivers cannot wait on students who are not at their stops, as it makes them late for other pickups on their route.
- If your child is going to be absent from school, you MUST call the office (309) 637-6829 or email Mrs. Dimmitt sdimmitt@phill69.com to let her know that your child will be absent and why they will be missing from school. If Mrs. Dimmitt does not receive a call or email from a parent/guardian, your child will be marked absent unexcused. Thanks for helping us out with this.
Congratulations to Our Star Students of the Month
Bronx Montalvo-Jackson
Riley Eustice
Family Engagement Opportunities!
Mark Your Calendars
- February 1-Happy Birthday Ahnastatia (2nd)
- February 3-Happy Birthday Mrs. Dimmitt & Ethan (7th)
- February 8-Happy Birthday Starr McAllister (1st)
- February 9-Happy Birthday Shaylah (K)
- February 12 & 13-Student Led Conferences 4:00-7:00 PM-Progress Reports Sent Home
- February 13-Happy Birthday Maydeline Simon (8th)
- February 14- ๐๐Happy Valentines Day ๐ ๐NO SCHOOL-Happy Birthday Mrs. Riggs
- February 16-Happy Birthday Ariya (4th)
- February 17-President's Day-NO SCHOOL
- February 18-Family Paint Night 4:30-6:00-Board of Education Meeting 6:00
- February 19- LCHS Band, Choir, Color Guard, Performance 9:15 AM Happy Birthday Jamira (3rd)
- February 20-Happy Birthday Autumn (K)
- February 24-Happy Birthday River Stanton (K) & Charlotte Cho (4th)
- February 26-Happy Birthday Kyle (K) & Eviana (1st)
- February 28-PIZZA FRIDAY! Happy Birthday Ms. Bilgri & Bria (2nd)
Anything is Possible with Panther Pride
Email: lweaver@phill69.com
Website: www.phill69.com
Location: Pleasant Hill Elementary School, West Malone Street, Peoria, IL, United States
Phone: 309.637.6829
Facebook: facebook.com/PleasantHillElementarySchool
Twitter: @PHillPanthers