NCE Eagle News
January 2025
Normandy Crossing Elementary Monthly Newsletter
Happy New Year!
We hope you had a restful and enjoyable winter break. This is a reminder that school resumes tomorrow, Thursday, January 9, 2025, marking the beginning of the 3rd nine weeks and the start of the second semester.
We are excited to jumpback into learning and continue to Soar to New Heights. Let's work together to make this semester a success.
Students may wear Warm ups and/or Sweats on Thursday, January 9, 2025.
View below for some Important Housekeeping Items:
- Backpacks must be clear or mesh
- Doors open at 7:00 am
- Class starts at 7:35 am
- Attendance Matters
- Label all of students' personal belongings
Attendance Matters
90% Attendance Rule for Credit/Final Grades
Texas Education Code Section 25.092~Minimum Attendance for Class Credit or Final Grade
What Does 90% Rule Mean for your Child?
In addtion to Texas Compulsory attendance laws, districts are required to enforce the 90% rule which states that students in grades Kindergarten through 12th must attend a class for 90% of the time it is offered to receive credit or a final grade. This rule applies to all students.
Important Dates
School Board Recognition Month!
January 9: Students Return!
- Brighter Bites Distribution
January 10: 2nd Nine Weeks Report Cards Post in Skyward
January 10: Bilingual Spelling Bee at GPISD Administration Building
January 15: 5th grade Symphony Field Trip (District Field Trip, staff/students only)
January 17: PTA Concession sales
January 20: MLK Holiday/No school- Celebrate and enjoy your 3-day weekend!
January 21: Spring Tutorials begin ( invitation only)
January 23: 5th grade Field Trip to COBB (District Field Trip, staff/students only)
- Brighter Bites Distribution
January 24: 3rd/4th Grade Eagle Soccer team vs Sam Houston at North Shore Elementary
January 27: January Parent Breakfast 7:00-7:30 am (Parents must pre register)
January 30: Kindergarten Field Trip to the Zoo (parents must have a background check on file to attend and check in with the front office for a badge on the day of the field trip)
- 3rd/4th Eagle Soccer Team vs Cimarron at NCE
January 31: Student Holiday/Teacher Workday
February Testing Dates
February 3-7 2nd Grade CogAT Testing
February 18-21 2nd-4th Grade Science Benchmark Assessment
February 19 and 21 TELPAS State Assessement
February 26 3rd-5th Reading, Language Arts District Assessment #2 (Shutdown)
Warm Up Wednesdays
MLK Holiday will be observed on January 20, 2025
Lost and Found
It's COLD outside! Have you LOST your sweater or jacket? We will put tables outside the cafeteria next week (Jan 13-16) with lost and found items. Students should stop by to see if their missing sweater, jacket, or lunch kit has been found.
January 17th -We will host a Lost and Found Drive Through on Friday, January 17th from 11:00-1:00pm at the front of the school.Lost and Found items will be availabe outside the front office for parents to drive up, search through, and claim. All items remaining after January 17th will be donated.
NCE's January Breakfast 2025
Attendance Awareness
We would like to remind you of the importance of good attendance for all students. Being in school as much as possible is vital for your child's learning. Every day a student is absent is a lost opportunity for growth. Last year, our attendance rate was 94.34%, meaning our students missed approximately 8days each. This year, our goal is to reach 95% or higher.We will be monitoring attendance closely, and we know that together, we can improve attendance and enhance student success!
Grade Level Weekly Attendance Competition
Each time the grade level's attendance is 97% or higher they will earn a letter to spell "NCE Eagles". Once they spell out "NCE Eagles" they will earn a grade level incentive.
For example, 1st time- Free Dress, 2nd Time-Ice Pops, 3rd Time-Popcorn, 4th Time- Chips, 5th Time- Snack Cakes, 6th Time- Dance Pod Party
End of Day Procedures
The latest time were able to check-out students is 2:30 pm. After 2:30 pm, they will need to be a part of our regular dismissal. If you need to pick your child/children up from school early, please contact the front office at 832-386-1600.
If you need to change the way your child is going hime (car rider, bus, walker, daycare or ace) please send a note with your child's name, grade, and teacher's name along with the date of the change, indicating if it's a permanent change or not and how they will be going home. Please sign and date the note and provide a phone number in case there are any questions we may have for you. All transportation changes must be received in the front office by 2:00 pm. You are also welcome to call the front office to make a transportation change.
Thank you for understanding and for your support, this helps our staff ensure that we are able to dismiss students safely and efficeintly.
Lunch Visitors
- Parents must use the preregister link sent out prior to the day to visit for lunch.
- Please arrive 5-10 minutes to prior your child's lunch to allow time with your child.
- Parents or Guardians may join their child for lunch after having their ID verified by the office staff and placing the visitor pass on their shirt (must be visible to staff).
- School-aged guests will not be allowed on campus as visitors.
- This is a dedicated time for parents and their child or children only. Friends will not be able to join for lunch.
- The last 5 minutes of lunch are known as "focus and finish" where students are finishing their lunch and throwing away trash. Please have your child return to their classroom table during this time.
- At the end of lunch, please exit the building through the cafeteria entrance/exit.
- Students are only allowed lunch visitors on their grade level designated days.
- Clear Bag Policy is enforced.
- To ensure there is enough seating for each family, no more than 2 guests per family.
- Emergency contacts may be a lunch visitor if the parent sends in a letter allowing them to have lunch with the child on the designated day.
- Parents will not be allowed to visit for lunch if they do not arrive within the first 15 minutes of their child's lunch.
Free Breakfast and Lunch
All students at Normandy Crossing Elementary are eligible for free breakfast and lunch.
Breakfast is served beginning at 7:00 a.m. School begins at 7:35 a.m. Students who arrive after 7:30 a.m. will not be able to pick up breakfast. Please plan accordingly to allow time for your child to have breakfast. Pre-K/Kindergarten will eat together in the cafeteria from 7:00-7:30 am, 1st -5th grade enjoy breakfast in their classroom. Parents are allowed to eat breakfast with their child at school on designated days.
24-25 Dress Code
Please remember students should be in dress code Monday-Friday.
Wisdom Wednesday- Wear College Appreal on Wednesdays.
Students can wear NCE spirit shirt any day.
Clear/Mesh backpack only
We would like your Feedback! Please click the link below
Contact Us
Our regular office hours are Monday-Friday 7:30 am-3:30 pm.
Location:12500 Normandy Crossing Drive, Houston, Texas 77015
Phone: 832-386-1600
Facebook: facebook.com/NormandyCrossingElementarySchool
Principal: Ashleigh Barrett
Assistant Principals:
Dr. Brian Keil
Cristina Vasquez