January Parent Newsletter
Dr. Malinda McKillip, Principal
Happy New Year
Dear French Creek Families,
I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful winter break. I wish you all good health and much happiness in the new year. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.
Malinda McKillip
First Friday Fun Day
Calling All Empty Cereal Boxes
The STEAM Lab is looking for donations of EMPTY cereal boxes. We will use this thin cardboard for cutting with our new, safe cardboard saws. A collection box will be placed outside the STEAM Lab (Room 145A) for students and staff to drop off any boxes. If possible, please break down the boxes before dropping them off. We will also accept any thin cardboard similar in thickness to cereal boxes. However, we are unable to use corrugated cardboard, as it is too difficult for the machine to handle.
Thank you,
Mr. Brewer
Yearbook Club
Yearbook Club is for students in 5th and 6th grade. We will meet on Monday afternoons starting in February until 4:15 pm. Students will need to be picked up in the main lobby at 4:15 pm. Members will design event pages, choose photos to be included in the yearbook, and plan the yearbook's layout and content. To sign up for the yearbook club, you will need to go to School Pay. Students must sign-up by January 24th- spots are limited. Any questions contact Mrs. Troutman (kristatroutman@ojrsd.net) or Mrs. Torres (ttorres@ojrsd.net).
Title I Corner
The French Creek Family Engagement Committee is hard at work organizing our upcoming Title I event. We’re excited to invite Title 1 Reading and Math students to Breakfast and Books, a morning filled with great reads and delicious food! Mark your calendars for February 12, 2025, and join us for this special gathering. Stay tuned for more details coming soon—we can’t wait to see you there!
School Closings
OJR schools and offices will be closed on Monday, January 20th in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Additionally, there will be no school for students on Monday, January 27th for teacher professional development.
Great Kindness Challenge
French Creek will be participating in The Great Kindness Challenge January 27th through January 31st. The Great Kindness Challenge is a proactive and positive bullying prevention initiative that promotes improved school climate and increased student engagement. Challenge is one week devoted to performing as many acts of kindness possible.
FCVPTA News and Updates
Welcome to 2025 from the FCVPTA! Please click here for the January edition of 'PTA On The Prowl'. Our next PTA General Membership Meeting on Tuesday, January 28th at 7:00 PM.
Click On The Flyers to Sign Up For Upcoming Clubs & Events!
💡 Reminders
Winter Weather Alerts
Colder temperatures are quickly approaching and we may soon be faced with inclement weather. Please take a moment to check all of your emergency contact numbers and emails in Skyward. It is important that you receive up to the minute information regarding school closures, delayed opening, or early dismissals.
Winter Weather Dress
Please make sure your child arrives to school appropriately dressed for winter weather. Students will be expected to wear whatever they were sent to school wearing when they go outside for recess.
Citadel Heart of Learning Award
The Citadel Heart of Learning Award program honors exceptional teachers throughout the Greater Philadelphia area. Teacher nominations are now being accepted! Please take a moment to nominate a French Creek teacher who has touched the lives of others. We are extremely proud that Mrs. Hess and Mrs. Troutman were selected to represent OJR in recent years. Please click here for more information and to submit a brief nomination form.
Student Absences
Please make it a priority to call the Attendance Line at (610) 469-5688 to report a student absence. In addition, please make sure to send in an excuse note any time your child is absent from school. Many, many thanks in advance for your cooperation. Click here for more information related to attendance related matters.
Pick Up Patrol
Please remember to update Pick Up Patrol if your child is staying for an after school activity.
Lost and Found
Please label lunch boxes and winter coats. We have an entire closet filled with beautiful clothing that we would love to return! Feel free to stop by the Lost and Found when you visit to look for any missing items.