Paw Print
Belmont Elementary: A PAWSitive Place to Learn!
How many of you know that we are proud to serve literally dozens of students with autism at Belmont? Our students have a wide variety of both typical and unique needs, receiving support through our Connections C program for students with significant communication needs, through our Discovery Room Resource program for students with slightly less significant needs and through general education support with or without speech language therapy or a 504 plan for students who are ready and able to communicate more typically with peers. Autism, as a diagnosis, includes a broad range of strengths and needs which can be different for each child. In the past, you may have seen campaigns aimed at finding a cure for autism. There is no cure for autism. It doesn't need to be cured, it needs to be understood. That's why we need to continue to learn more about how autism affects individuals and find ways to help all children feel acceptance of their neurodiversity in the general population, while also searching for the most effective ways to mitigate their sensory and communication needs to best support a life full of friends, learning, and future success. Please, join us in our efforts this month to raise the awareness of autism as a neurodivergent reality best met with acceptance, inclusion and grace. The gains our students are making within our learning community are truly beautiful. Not every day is smooth sailing, but with our Belmont students' increasing understanding and willingness to accept those who learn and communicate differently in our classrooms, students with autism are blossoming into their best selves. That, my friends, is a beautiful thing to experience.
Our Connections C program has grown to the point that our district will be expanding into a second Connections C program next year at Prairie Ridge Elementary. Both of our programs would love to put some of your gently used items to use in our academic lessons, stem bins and celebration stations. Please, check out the lists below to see if you have any of these items no longer in use at your home. We'd love to put them to use at Belmont and Prairie Ridge!
Also, join us as we celebrate Autism Awareness with a special spirit week April 22-26th!
Optional Free Dental Screening Opportunity
Dear Parents/Guardians:
The school district, in compliance with state requirements, will offer FREE dental screenings for students on Tuesday April 23, 2024 at Belmont Elementary.
If you wish to have your child participate, then simply complete the form at the bottom of the page and return it to your building school nurse by Monday, April 22. If your child does participate in the free dental screening, a copy of the results of the screening will be provided to you.
Thank you for your support for student health services. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Nurse Watts
___Yes, I wish to have my child participate in the free dental screening on April 23.
STUDENT NAME____________________________________ GRADE__________________
PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE_______________________________________________
I Need an Accountant!! We Found One...Who Wants to BE a Co-Treasurer?
Who can help? Please email pto@belmontpto.com
*no one is in actual danger with the IRS. We are looking for TWO financially minded individuals to serve our community as co-treasurers for next year's PTO. If you can manage a household, you can manage our simple budget! An actual degree in accounting is not required, but great communication and responsiveness is essential for maintaining a positive flow, consistent and accurate accounting and transparency.
The SHOW 2024 will Rock the DogHouse on May 21
Who wants to BE in the SHOW!? All Belmont Bulldogs may apply!
We love having the opportunity to showcase unique and individual talents that may not always have an occasion to be displayed during normal school activities. This year, the dates you need to know are: Applications due (May 1); Video Auditions due (May 6); Rehearsal during the school day (May 20) and LIVE PERFORMANCE (May 21, 9:15am).
- MUST include Belmont Elementary students ONLY
- Students may participate in ONE ACT ONLY so that we can fit in as many students as possible for the live performance (Exceptions may be made for teacher sponsored classroom performances.)
- MUST be 3 minute in length or less. Or 1 minute. Or a couple. Or even a 10 second stunt is fine.
- MUST be fully appropriate for all ages to view- think about song lyrics, attire...you know the drill.
Video Auditions:
- Videos may be emailed directly to Mrs. Hargrove at phargrove@usd232.org.
- 5th graders are eligible to apply as an emcee for the SHOW. I will communicate with students who sign up to be emcees directly to assign acts to introduce....so send in some acts for them to introduce!!
- Please Click here to let me know that your child wants to BE in The SHOW 2024!
Coming Up at BE:
April 15 PTO Meeting
April 18 No School, District Professional Development Day
April 19 No School, Buildings Closed
April 25 5th Grade Music Program, 9:00am and 6:30pm
May 1 Audition Videos for The SHOW 2024 due to Mrs. Hargrove
May 3 Family STEAM Night
May 8 BE Night at Papa Murphy's
May 13 PTO Skating Party, Skate City, 6-8pm
May 20 Yearbooks will be distributed to students
May 20 5th Grade Band Concert, 6:30pm
May 21 The SHOW 2024
May 21 5th Grade Celebration
May 22 Field Day (3rd-5th AM and Kdg.-2nd PM)
May 23 Celebration of Learning
May 23 5th Grade Last Lap
May 23 12:10 Dismissal, No lunch served
Visit the BE Online Calendar of Events (by clicking on the button below) for a more complete list of activities!
2023-2024 Lunch Schedule
11:25-11:52 Kindergarten
11:55-12:22 5th Grade
12:05-12:32 4th Grade
12:35-1:02 2nd Grade
12:45-1:15 3rd Grade
Reservations required to join your child for lunch- CLICK HERE to reserve your spot at a family table!
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To subscribe >> Click Here
Community partner Country Club Bank is providing support to ensure this service is available in USD 232.
You'll find us at:
Email: phargrove@usd232.org
Website: be.usd232.org
Location: 5805 Belmont Drive, Shawnee, KS 66226, United States
Phone: (913)667-1810
Facebook: Belmont Elementary Bulldogs
Twitter: @BEBulldogs