Williston Weekly

Week at a Glance
Monday, June 3rd:
Tuesday, June 4th:
8th Grade Promotion Ceremony 10AM-12PM
Wednesday, June 5th:
LAST DAY & 1/2 Day for students!
Upcoming Dates:
June 17th - Report Cards Mailed Home
June 17th - June 28th - Cape Fear Community College Career Academy
8th Grade Promotion Ceremony
Musical Theater Showcase
On Thursday our Musical Theater students held their FIRST annual showcase and rocked the house! These performances featured music from musicals such as “Hamilton”, “Newsies” and “Hairspray”. It was amazing to see our students shine on stage! What a way to end the school year…. Bravo!
EOG Raffle Winners!
Congratulations to our EOG WINNERS! These students worked extremely hard this year and on our end-of-grade tests. This group had their names drawn for some amazing prizes including iPads, JBL Speakers, Sports Equipment, Bikes, Haircut Gift Certificates, and Snacks. We are so proud of your hard work this year! Go Tigers!
Important: Laptop Collection Details
As we approach the end of the school year, we would like to remind all students and parents that we will be collecting student laptops, cases, and chargers. This process is essential to facilitate summer repairs, upgrades, and/or software installations to ensure all students have access to fully functional devices when classes resume in the fall. Students will be expected to turn in their laptop, case, and charger before or on their last day of school. A due bill will be sent to students who do not turn in all three items by June 5.
The cost of the three items is:
Laptop: $673.89
Charger: $25.00
Case: $39.00
If your device was stolen, please turn in a police report indicating it was stolen.
Please be advised students who need a device for NHCS-approved summer programs will still be required to check-in their device. The device will be checked back out to that student for remote or off-site summer coursework. Registration will be verified prior to checkout. Summer school students will receive a device on the first day of summer school.
Career and Leadership Development Academy
Exciting News for Williston Middle Rising Seventh Graders!
NHCS is partnering with the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce to bring the Career and Leadership Development Academy (CLDA) to seventh grade students across the district next year!
Thanks to special funding from the State Legislature for workforce development, this program is completely FREE for students and includes meals, transportation, and all materials.
Through this program, your seventh grader will:
Explore local career clusters through industry exploration field trips to various sites throughout the school year
Identify their top career clusters and learn what education and experience they’ll need to enter their chosen field
Build leadership skills
Share their career research with their peers and attend a CLDA graduation ceremony
This program has already proven to be a personal and academic game-changer for our students who have participated the last two years, and we're excited that Williston seventh graders will get to participate next year.
Stay tuned for more information from us at the start of the 2024-25 school year, and don't hesitate to reach out to Jo McDonnell with any questions.
¡Noticias emocionantes para los estudiantes que ingresan al séptimo grado de WillistonMiddle School!
¡NHCS se está asociando con la Cámara de Comercio de Wilmington para llevar la Academia para Desarrollo de Carrera y Liderazgo (CLDA) a los estudiantes de séptimo grado en todo el distrito el próximo año!
Gracias a los fondos especiales de la Legislatura Estatal para el desarrollo de la fuerza laboral, este programa es completamente GRATIS para los estudiantes e incluye comidas, transporte y todos los materiales.
A través de este programa, su hijo de séptimo grado:
Explorará grupos profesionales locales a través de excursiones de exploración de la industria a varios sitios durante el año escolar.
Identificará sus principales grupos profesionales y conocerá qué educación y experiencia necesitarán para ingresar al campo elegido.
Desarrollará habilidades de liderazgo
Compartirá su investigación profesional con sus compañeros y asistirá a una celebración de graduación de CLDA.
Este programa ya ha demostrado ser un gran cambio personal y académico para nuestros estudiantes que han participado en los últimos dos años, y estamos entusiasmados de que incluso los estudiantes de séptimo grado de Williston puedan participar el próximo año.
Estén atentos para recibir más información nuestra al comienzo del año escolar 2024-25 y no duden en comunicarse con Jo McDonnell si tienen alguna pregunta.
Explore your future at CFCC for FREE this summer!
Cape Fear Community College Career Academy will be June 17th - June 28th (M-Th 9-3, F 9-12). We will begin formal recruitment next week. Here is the link to the online registration if your are interested in attending this FREE Summer Program: Career Academy Online Registration. If you have any questions please contact our CFCC Career Liaisons; Brittany Mack at brittany.mack@nhcs.net OR Allen Cameron at allen.cameron@nhcs.net.
Contact us
Website: https://williston.nhcs.net/
Location: 401 South 10th Street, Wilmington, NC, USA
Phone: 910-815-6906
Facebook: https://shorturl.at/cdisT
Instagram: https://bit.ly/47B76Sm