Welcome Back to School
August 14, 2022
Message from Ms Green
Our District Motto for the year is “Together We LIFT Up” (Learning and Innovation for Transformation). What this looks like in action at Rio is continuing to prioritize our own self care as adults, deepening our daily practices of social-emotional learning with our students, and creating a safe, joyful, and rigorous learning environment for all learners. New additions to lift our students and families include a new music program for all students through PVUSD’s partnership with Save The Music.
First Day of School
School now begins at 7:50 and ends at 2:15 for grades 1-6. Kindergarten begins at 7:50 and ends at 11:20. Wednesday is our restructured day and all students K-6 begin at 7:50 and end at 12:15. Please see the bell schedule here. Please note, there is no supervision of students before 7:30am. To keep our students safe please honor this.
Parents of K-2 graders are welcome to walk children to their classrooms on the first day back.
Please join the Parent Alliance for coffee and snacks in the playground after drop off on Monday. We'll be there 7:30 - 8:30 with Spirit Wear to buy and information on volunteer opportunities, as well as to share tales of summer adventures.
Be on the lookout for important paperwork coming home with your child. This includes the emergency card and other forms that need completing and returning by Friday August 19.
After School Program - Important Information
We are pleased to announce that our After School Program will begin on Monday, 8/15 for those students who registered before August. The student list is on our website and posted outside the library. Please take time to note that, at this time, our days and hours are as follows:
Monday- program ends at 4:30
Tuesday- program ends at 4:30
Wednesday- program ends at 2:15
Thursday- program ends at 4:30
Friday- NO after school program for 1st-6th graders. Kinder after school ends at 2:15
Kindergarteners who are registered will still have the opportunity to begin the afterschool program on Monday, which for them will start at 11:20am. Kinder end times are the same end times listed above.
Our program will continue to evolve throughout this year. If you are interested in registering your student for a future start date, please use this link.
Please directly communicate with Principal Green regarding any questions involving our program this year at meghan_green@pvusd.net.
Important dates
Instagram: @RDMPA
Latest COVID Protocols
Please visit this website for the most recent updates on COVID policies at schools: https://covid19guidance.santacruzcoe.org/ (pages 25-28).
Here is some basic information as of 8/12/2:
- No daily screening for staff or students
If student/staff is positive they should test on day 5, and can return on day 6 if they test negative from a medical provider and symptoms are improving
Masks are optional for all adults and students on campus regardless of vaccination status
Ms Green will still send exposure notices to classes if there is a direct exposure (15 minutes inside with someone with COVID). We offer testing to students but it is not required even after exposure.
Inspire Diagnostics will be at Rio on Mondays and Thursdays from 10-11 for optional student testing. For important information on opting your student into both surveillance testing and exposure testing please read this letter from Inspire. Students will not be tested without parent consent.
Please note - all volunteers need to be vaccinated, TB tested, and fingerprinted. More info on this process coming next week.
Seahawk News
Free School Meals
Visit the Food & Nutrition Services website at pvusdschoolfood.net for menus and more info 831-786-2325.
Rio Del Mar Elementary
Email: rio.pa.president@gmail.com
Website: https://www.riodelmar.pvusd.net/
Location: 819 Pinehurst Drive, Aptos, CA, USA
Phone: (831) 728-7838
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RiodelMarParentAlliance/