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Reflections from Pastor Jennifer
It reminded me a lot of life. There are plenty of great, beautiful, comfortable moments. There are times when we feel as though we are barely moving - struggling to accomplish anything. Other seasons, life keeps rushing ahead, causing us to dodge and hold on tightly to what is keeping us afloat. There are even terrible times in which we fall - hurting ourselves in the process. But there is always Someone with us - Someone who knows where the rapids are. Be encouraged today. Stay on your float! And if you fall off, swim after it!
In the month of August, we are collecting school supplies for the shoeboxes. If you would like to get a head start on the items for September, a ball or a doll are requested. Please make sure that you purchase an item that is small enough to fit into a shoebox. You may choose to purchase a ball that can be deflated and include a hand pump.
August Focus
The next First Sunday Meal will be on Sunday, September 1. This is Labor Day weekend, and will also kick off our September focus of Rest. Join us for a service and meal following. Bring friends and family with you!
Acts tells of the acts or the actions of the apostles as they were led by the Holy Spirit after Jesus ascended into heaven. It tells the story of the explosive growth of the early church and the expansion of the gospel. Acts stands for progress and movement.
The same mission that began then is the same mission every believer is still part of now.
The same Holy Spirit that was alive and active then is alive and active now.
The Holy Spirit is often the most misunderstood Person of the Trinity. It’s natural to believe life would be easier if Jesus were still here with us, but Jesus Himself said, “Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you” (John 16:7).
A few things we need to remember about the Holy Spirit:
- All believers have access to the same Holy Spirit. There’s no such thing as half Holy Spirit for new believers or Holy Spirit Jr. for kids. Your pastor or favorite Bible teacher does not have a bigger version of the Holy Spirit than you do.
- The Holy Spirit is your power source. As noted here in Acts 1:8, the Holy Spirit’s power will lead you to spotlight the work of Jesus as His witness.
Take a moment to personalize Acts 1:8 for yourself.
Your“Jerusalem” is the city where you live.
Your “Judea” includes your surrounding areas.
“To the ends of the earth” includes every place you go.
Word order is important here. The goal should be for us to increase our circle of where we take Christ and to go in this order.
Confession: it’s often easier to go on a short-term mission trip and live sold out for Jesus and return home to a regular routine of living for yourself.
Your primary mission field is where God has you go daily: your neighborhood, your community, your workplace, your kid’s school, the gym, the local coffee shop, etc.
Let’s live on mission, Church.
God, thank You for allowing me to be part of Your work in the world. Anywhere You take me, I know You’re already at work there. Give me the courage I need to join You where you are working in my community and in the lives of those around me. Do more than I know to ask for or imagine. Amen.