O'Plaine College & Career News
October 17, 2024
College Fair TONIGHT at CLC!
CLC is hosting its annual college fair TONIGHT, Thursday, October 17 from 6 - 8 pm. This event is FREE and a great way for students and their families to visit with many colleges and get a lot of info at once. Click here to see the 150+ schools that will be in attendance and to register. BONUS! Swing by and see Mrs. McGahan and Ms. Hartley at the High School Counselor table to enter a raffle for a chance to win a Starbucks gift card! Hope to see you there! Click here for link to previous newsletter with future fairs listed.
Let's WIN!
I'm hosting a session on the college search for our next WIN day on Thursday, October 24. This session is for any student considering college. You will learn why finding the right fit in a school is important, how to do a college search in SchooLinks and receive helpful resources. Space is limited, so sign up soon if interested! Students can sign up for all WIN sessions by clicking on the banner in Canvas.
Free, Optional ACT Practice Test for Sophomores & Juniors, Nov. 9 - 10
WTHS is offering a FREE, online, optional ACT practice test for WTHS Sophomore and Junior students on Saturday, November 9 - Sunday, November 10. Compass Education Group will be virtually proctoring the practice ACT that morning, and students can take the practice test from the comforts of their own home. Click HERE to review the details & to register. Deadline to register is November 4 at 5 pm.
Are You First-Gen?
We had our first 1st-Gen Workshop this month. Here is the PowerPoint if you were not able to attend. Save the date for future workshops, which will be held in the College & Career Center (Rm 258) on November 1 (5th Period) and December 2 (6th period). First-Gen students are invited to attend University of Dayton's First-Gen Flyer Night, a virtual event for prospective first-gen college students on November 12 at 7 pm. Gain clarity about your next steps, meet other first-generation college students, faculty, and staff members. Learn more about campus life, support, and resources. Students will be sent virtual meeting information after completing the registration. Check out this interesting Forbes Article about being First-Gen.
Upcoming College Visits
To attend, students must have this pass signed by the teacher of the class they'll miss. Limit 3 visits per semester.
Tuesday, October 22nd
- Period 3: University of Oklahoma
- Period 4: Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Eastern Illinois University, Western Illinois University
- Period 7: University of Illinois Chicago
Tuesday, October 29th
- Period 2: Hofstra University
- Period 5: University of Arizona
Thursday, October 31st
- Period 3: University of Illinois-Springfield
- Period 5: Arizona State University
- Period 7: Marquette University
Career & Job Info
Navig8 Lake County Career Fair, Oct. 30
Explore a variety of career paths at the first Navig-8 Lake County Career Fair on Wednesday, October 30 at the Lake County Fair Grounds. Participants will engage in hands-on experiences to better understand the diverse career opportunities available within our community and beyond. Various businesses and professionals will be in attendance, each representing different career pathways. Exploring careers and networking with professionals can help guide you in your post-secondary exploration and goals. Click here for a permission slip (or pick one up from Mrs. Ellis in the Main Office or Ms. Hartley in Rm 258). Space is limited, so don’t delay! Times and additional details are included on the permission slip, which is due by Friday, Oct. 25.
Tech Campus Sign Up & Open House on Nov. 14!
Sophomores interested in taking a course at the Lake County Technology Campus next year as juniors, need to apply early as programs fill up quickly and the application is already open! Students can review all available Tech Campus programs here. Sophomores, click here and then click "apply" at the top to access the application. See your Counselor if you need assistance completing it. All interested families are invited to also attend the Tech Campus Open House on November 14 from 4:30 - 7:30 pm. The best way to learn more about the offerings at Tech is to go check it out for yourself! Interested students are highly encouraged to attend the Open House with their families. Some of the benefits of attending Tech include taking classes in line with your interest, learn essential skills and training to become skilled in a specific trade, qualify to take the State Board Exam to work upon graduation, the opportunity to earn high school and college credit at no cost and much more !
Black Student Nurses Day, Oct. 23
The University of Cincinnati College of Nursing is committed to graduating nurses who reflect the broader U.S. population. To achieve this, they have been purposeful in implementing efforts that impact inclusivity and belongingness, providing students with equitable opportunities and supportive resources. You're invited to Black Student Nurses Day at the University of Cincinnati on Wednesday, October 23 from 10 am to 1 pm. Attendees will have an opportunity to tour the College of Nursing and meet Black UC nursing alumni, students and faculty. Lunch is provided. Click here for more information and to register.
Differences Between Careers in Human Resource Development & Human Resource Management
US Military Reps Visiting O'Plaine Cafe
Representatives from the below branches of the U.S. Military will have an informational table in the Cafe during all lunch periods as indicated below. Stop by if you are interested, would like more info or have questions!
Marines: 1st Wednesday of the month
Navy: 2nd Wednesday of the month
Air Force: 4th Wednesday of the month
Army: 10/16, 12/18, 2/19 & 4/16
Previous O'Plaine Newsletters
For previous info and opportunities (some still available), visit newsletters below.