East High News

January 12, 2025
Parent Advisory
East High School will host a Parent Advisory Meeting on Tuesday, January 14, at 6:00 pm in the College and Career Center (Room 402). All parents/guardians of EHS students are invited to attend. Topics will include:
- New Late Work Policy
- AP and IB Course Offerings
New Late Work Policy
The EHS Collaborative Decision Making Team has been working for several months to develop a new Late Work Policy. Learning is hindered if students rush to complete a lot of coursework at the end of a grading period. The new EHS Late Work Policy promotes the progression of learning, establishes clear and consistent expectations, and helps students develop time management and organizational skills.
The new policy will take effect during the second semester:
- Turned in: On or before the due date
Result: Full credit - Turned in: Late but within 10 school days of the due date
Result: Teacher can deduct up to 20% - Turned in: More than 10 school days after the due date
Result: Work will not be accepted
- Teachers will notify parents if a student does not turn in an assignment by the due date. This notification will also specify the last date that the work will be accepted.
- Extenuating circumstances will be handled by a principal.
- Deadlines for students with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 are outlined in the IEP/504 and will supersede this policy.
- Per board policy:
“Students shall have one attendance day, for each day absent, to complete make-up work. In the event of an absence exceeding one day, the student shall have a proportional number of attendance days to complete the make-up work.”
Important Dates
January 17
End of the semester and a normal "B" day with no flex period to accommodate final exams
January 20
Martin Luther King Jr/Equality Day-School Closed
January 21
No Classes - Planning (Secondary Only)
January 24
Semester Grades
Encore Electric - Careers in the electrical industry
On January 22, 2025, at 9:30 am a representative from Encore Electric will be at East to discuss careers in the electrical industry. Please use the link below if you are a senior and would like to learn more about a career in this fast-growing field. If you have any questions, please email Aimee Steil at aimee.steil@laramie1.org.
UNC Future Teacher Fieldtrip
On February 7, 2025, we will take students interested in exploring teaching as a profession to the University of Northern Colorado's Future Teacher Conference. This event is designed for high schoolers and offers a preview of what it takes to become a teacher, with a full schedule of workshops and presentations from the premier teacher education program in Colorado. Please use the link below to sign up if you are interested in attending this event. If you have any questions, please email Aimee Steil at aimee.steil@laramie1.org.
ASVAB Assessment
On February 12, 2025, East High School will administer the ASVAB for any students interested in taking this assessment. Use this link to learn more about the ASVAB and the link below if you are interested in signing up to take the ASVAB assessment. If you have any questions, please email Aimee Steil at aimee.steil@laramie1.org.
Pathways Day for Juniors and Seniors
Laramie County Community College will host a Pathways Day for juniors and seniors on February 19, 2025. This is an opportunity for students to have fun, hands-on experience in a chosen Pathway track. Lunch will be provided in the LCCC Dining Hall and there will be an awards and prize presentation (including a scholarship). There is limited space in some of the Pathways, so please sign up as quickly as possible using the link below. If you have any questions regarding this event, please email Aimee Steil at aimee.steil@laramie1.org.