Daffron Dispatch
September 2 - 6, 2024
Thank you to the entire staff for sharing and collecting SBIC forms from parents. When we sent it out digitally, we only received one form turned in. When we sent out a printed copy, we received 25 more. We had an excellent representation of members that truly reflected the diversity of our campus community. - Admin
A huge “shout out” to Becky for helping me with Safari. I truly appreciate you going out of your way to trouble shoot the sound issue. - Paula
“Thank You” Elisabeth H. for planning math with me. Your expertise is so valuable to our team. - Paula
“Mil gracias” to Yumaura for stepping in to assist in PK. Your gentle heart is exactly what the students need as they transition to a school setting. -Paula
“Thank You” to Adriana and Maya for coming to my classroom to help organize and guide our friends so that they are successful academically. -Paula
Gracias Yumaura! For helping and supporting the PreK classroom. You are amazing! - Elsa
Gracias Hilda! For helping with MAP monitoring, making copies, etc. Thank you for checking with teachers and help them prep for next week. Elsa
Gracias Emiliano for always being super helpful and ready to be in action. -Elsa
Thank you PreK and Kinder for all your hard work. The students are in routine, learning and super happy to be at school. You all are Amazing! - Elsa
Xavier, thank you for being so prompt, kind, and loving to our precious deputies who need extra support. Daffron’s lucky to have you! -Bond
A huge thank you to the Kinder team for their patience, for welcoming me, and for all the help and guidance these first few days. - Anthony
Thank you to Emiliano for helping me MAP test my Kindergarteners this week! - Amanda Alvarez
So glad Ms. Coleman is finally here with us!- Kinder team
Thank you 3-5 teachers for being so patient as I navigate training and scheduling issues! ~ Ashley
Thank you, Connie and Mr. Gregory, for always picking up the daycare slack when I am off campus. ~ Ashley
Thank you Monica for your words of encouragement about all things DT, it put an extra pep in my step this week! ~ Ashley
Thank you, Christy, for putting up with all my training absences with daycare duty! ~ Ashley
Thank you, Chandler and Brookshire, for making me laugh every day so I don't drown! ~ Ashley
To Second Grade From Tracy Blanks
Thank you for all of your support! I truly appreciate each one of you. Thank you for being AMAZING!
Ms. Jacobs- Thank you for having your laptop handy for me when I left mine at home!~Patricia
Leadership Team- Thank you for being a rock star team of leaders! Admin
I want to give a big shout out to Hilda and Maru for always going above and beyond in supporting my dual language classroom! Whether it's assisting students with their work, preparing materials, or just being a positive presence, you're always there, making a difference every single day. Thank you! -Diana Munoz
I would like to thank Elsa, Staci, Christy and the entire Kindergarten team for their support and willingness to answer any questions I have. - Arlyn
Joanne, thank you for supporting Jessica and organizing the out of adoption books in front of my office. - Monica
Chen-Chen and Mrs. Miller, thank you for helping our students know the importance of taking care of our technology and teaching them how to be digital citizens. - Admin
Maru, thank you for seeking community members to help our students and community. - Admin
Adile, thank you for welcoming our families and registering them regardless of everything else you are doing. - Admin
Traci and everyone else who played a part of organizing Dress Up Days. Thank you for coordinating this and helping create a fun culture on our campus. - Admin
Kelley, you have been doing an amazing job coordinating meeting and MAP. Thank you for being a super star MAP coordinator. - Admin
Amy and Elsa, thank you for all your support with Kinder and making sure our students and new teacher are taken care of. - Admin
Sept. 2-6
Monday - September 2
- Labor Day No School
Tuesday - September 3
- MAP Makeup Window
- Pre- K Circle Wave 1
- MAP Science 3rd-5th
- 2nd Grade Pre Kid Talk Meeting
- Dual Language MAP Reading English
- Kinder, 1st, 2nd & 5th Grade Sept. 3-5th
- 3rd & 4th Grade Sept. 3-6th
- Dress Up Day: Wear your favorite sports/team shirt
- mCLASS Trainings for New K-2 Teachers: Second session
Wednesday - September 4
- MAP Makeup Window
- Pre- K Circle Wave 1
- MAP Science 3rd-5th
- Dual Language MAP Reading English
- Kinder, 1st, 2nd & 5th Grade Sept. 3-5th
- 3rd & 4th Grade Sept. 3-6th
- Committee Meeting 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Thursday - September 5
- MAP Makeup Window
- Pre- K Circle Wave 1
- MAP Science 3rd-5th
- Dual Language MAP Reading English
- Kinder, 1st, 2nd & 5th Grade Sept. 3-5th
- 3rd & 4th Grade Sept. 3-6th
- First Grade Pre Kid Talk Meeting
- Third Grade Pre Kid Talk Meeting
- 4th Grade Pre Kid Talk Meeting
- Mentor Meeting
- Monica Off
- PTA Board Meeting
- Pre- K Circle Wave 1
- Fifth Grade Pre Kid Talk Meeting
- Dual Language MAP Reading English
- 3rd & 4th Grade Sept. 3-6th
- Monica Off
PTA Membership
2024-25 Professional Learning Calendar,
Bookmark the 2024-25 Professional Learning Calendar, which includes staff development and campus dates for this school year. In fact, you are welcome to start planning now for October 17 and 18.
- October 17 consists of required, district-led professional learning.
- October 18 consists of required extended planning time for campuses. This means that all instructional staff will work within their professional learning communities to focus on analyzing data and assessments, as well as adjust practices in order to meet the needs of all students.
Did you know Daffron's clinic has a limited amount of COVID tests for staff, family members on campus, or students? Contact Nurse Bond for more information.
At the end of September, all US households will be able to order four free COVID test kits HERE for home personal use.
Resources For Teacher
This year, the Plano ISD Education Foundation will fund $150,000 in classroom grants for both single applicants and teams. Single applicants can apply for up to $2,000, and multi-campus teams can apply for up to $3,500! Grant requests can include new technology, after-school programming, materials or student experiences. Help us identify transformative and innovative methods in teaching and learning that will assist classrooms in serving the students of Plano ISD. Teachers, librarians, campus-based instructional specialists and counselors are encouraged to apply.
This year’s application, details on past awarded grants and more information on the grant process can be found at pisd.edu/grants. All applications are due on September 20, by 11:59 p.m.
Please contact the Foundation with any questions.