École Polson Park PS Family Update
Updated: April 28th 2024
Revisit this newsletter to see calendar updates refreshed each week.
Happy Passover/Pesach to all staff, students & families who celebrate!
Peek at the Week of April 22nd -26th 2024
APRIL: Sikh Heritage Month & Autism Acceptance Month
Monday, April 29th Day 1
Pesach (Passover) continues until April 30th=Happy Passover to all who celebrate!
School Climate Surveys continue this week grades 4-6.
Staff vs. Student Basketball Game (Boys) at 10:50am)
Board Game Club for grade 5/6 students with permission 3:45 pm Last Day Celebration!
Tuesday, April 30th Day 2
Running Club Practice at 8:30 am.
Student council meeting at 10:50 am
lip Sync sign challenge sign up due -auditions will be scheduled beginning on Thursday, May 2nd.
Wednesday, May 1st Day 3
MAY -Asian (Southeast) Heritage Month, Jewish Heritage Month, Speech & Hearing Month Apraxia & CF Awareness MonthLCVI Road Race -Go Panthers!
Music Club at 1:20 in the Gym
Polson SAC meeting at 6 pm virtual & in person-see info below.
Thursday, May 2nd Day 4
Grade 6 Grad Photos
NO Running Club to recover from Road Race on Wednesday
- Start to Finish Program cancelled this week
Friday, May 3rd Day 5
Holy Friday (Eastern Orthodox)
Polson Pride Friday
Jacques and Carew to Baby Grand Theatre (1pm start time)
May 4th International Firefighters' Day recognizes the work and sacrifice of firefighters across the globe in keeping their communities safe and to remember those firefighters who have lost their lives in the line of duty.
May 5th Easter Sunday (Eastern Orthodox)-Happy Easter to all who celebrate!
May 6th -Holocaust Remembrance Day
May 6th -10th Mental Health Week & LDSB Education Week
May 7th World Asthma Day
May 7th Celebration of Dance
May 8th - Boys’ and Girls’ Junior Basketball Tournament
May 9th Welcome to Kindergarten event (4:00 - 6pm) for families who have registered!
May 10th- Polson Park , track and field day! Grade 3 to 6
Save the Date!
Welcome to Kindergarten Open House -May 9th
Families who have registered their children for Kindergarten at Polson for next year will receive an invitation to register for our Discovering Kindergarten Open House on May 9th 4-6 pm. Don't forget to register!
Grade 6 Celebration & Grad Photo Date (May 2nd)
Grade 6 Celebration will be sent out by classroom teachers, but save the date on June 21st. Grade 6 Grade photos will be taken on May 2nd.
Next Polson SAC Meeting: Wednesday, May 1st at 6 pm -Please join us!
Polson SAC is planning Fun Fair, June 5th! We still need volunteers to help out!
May Hot Lunch Order Program
We are excited to introduce a new lunch program for the remainder of the school year. Lunchbox provides lunches from a variety of restaurants. We will begin with Little Ceasar's and Pita Pit to start but we can adjust these options for September based on feedback from families in June. Lunchbox has been successful at a variety of schools throughout LDSB and we hope to provide a smooth transition. Our first order will be May 8th from Little Ceasar's Pizza. Once you have set up an account, you can order weekly, monthly or for the remainder of the year. Orders will continue to support our school with a small portion of each sale coming back to Polson. The website is very user friendly and it should only take a couple of minutes to set up an account and put your first order in. Click here to make an account and put your first order in.
Earlier this month:
School Hours Change
Team Awesome!
April 14th -20th is National Volunteer Week!
We celebrate the vibrancy and impact of volunteerism in our schools, communities and across our country including the wonderful members of our School Advisory Council at Polson Park and all parents, caregivers, and community volunteers who generously contribute their time and energy to our school! Thank you so much!
School Climate Survey- April 22nd -May 3rd
Information for families with students in grades 4-6 was shared with grades 3-6 families by email on Monday. This is a voluntary survey. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Polson Scholastic Book Fair!
Thank you to all our staff and parent volunteers who helped with our Book Fair & a special shout out to Mme Underhill for organizing. Funds raised will go towards Scholastic Books and Classroom resources for our school.
Go Panthers! Thank you Coach Carew & Coach Smith!
Wet & Wonderful Outdoor Education!
We Will Miss You, Robin!
Best wishes to Robin Ball who will be moving to a new position at LCVI this week. She has been an amazing member of our caretaking team and an important part of our Polson school community. Staff & students will miss her dearly!
Dear Families:
April 9th (sundown) -10th: Eid al-Fitr
Eid marks the end of Ramadan, the holy month of dawn to sunset fasting. This day is celebrated by Muslims with feasts, gifts, and prayers. Eid Al-Fitr falls on the sighting of the crescent moon at the end of the month of Ramadan. Happy Eid to all who celebrate!
International Day of Pink -April 10th
People around the world to put on a pink shirt and stand in solidarity with the 2SLGBTQIA+ community to continue fighting for equality and acceptance."
Solar Eclipse: April 8th 2024
No Parking in Designated School Zones
Parking is not permitted in designated areas of our school. Please do not drop off in school bus zones, accessible parking spots, or in the parking lot near the portables of our school. School safety is a team effort. Please note that you may be ticketed for parking or stopping in areas that restrict parking in our community. Please consider parking in designated areas in the neighbourhood and taking a short walk to drop your child off or pick them up!
Tie Dye Tuesday at Polson -Tuesday, April 2nd.
We're raising aware for World Autism Day on Tuesday. Wear your tie die accessories or t-shirts in celebration of neuro-diversity!
April Hot Lunch Orders
Look for information to be emailed about a new "Lunch Box" hot lunch ordering program that will begin in April.
Merci Polson SAC & KSOA for a fantastic Family Tree Art Workshop on March 26th!
Solar Eclipse Workshops at Polson!
We've been learning about the solar eclipse and how to protect our eyes and watch safely. Professor Robert Knobel, from the Department of Physics at Queen's University, deliveried Eclipse Workshops to many of our students. Kindergarten students have alrady received their eclipse glasses and the rest of our students in grades 1-6 will take them home on April 6th. Make sure to take good care of them until you need them on April 8th. Thank you to Queen's University for supplying protective glasses to LDSB students!
Ms B's class were all smiles exploring the equipment at Loyalist Gymnastics!
Manie Musicale!
Polson Park Public School is currently participating in Manie Musicale! Manie Musicale is an annual competition of songs modelled after the NCAA March Madness basketball tournament in the U.S. Students fill out brackets to try to predict which of sixteen songs will win the "championship”. Then, once the tournament starts, students vote for their favourite songs to see who wins. Throughout the tournament, the students are exposed to French music and culture from around the world, and are encouraged to explore la Francophonie and apply their in-class learning outside of school. Teachers are collaborating to create activities to support using the songs in class as a linguistic and cultural teaching tool. The “champion” of the competition will be revealed on Wednesday, April 10th.
We've Got Spirit!
Planning Ahead for Grade 3 and 6 EQAO Provincial Assessments-More info to come!
Kindergarten Registration now open! Open house to be scheduled in spring.
Information about Kindergarten Registration for French Immersion Program
École Polson Park School Advisory Council
We appreciate the funding that students have received for field trips, busing, outdoor equipment, classroom enhancements and more. We hope you join us virtually or in person at our next SAC meeting! Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 6th at 6pm -in-person & virtual. Stay tuned for agenda and virtual link.
Traffic Safety
A few reminders:
- Please do not park on the grass near portables or in no-parking zones!
- The parking lots have limited space; please do not linger and keep watchful for student who may be near parking areas at dismissal.
- Please remember that accessibility spots are for families with permits only.
- The area in front of the school is a Bus Zone. No parking, idling, or drop-offs are permitted.
- Yard supervision begins at 8:55 am. The school day begins at 9:10 am.
Safe Arrival & Visitor Protocols
It's a very busy time in the morning, and we want to make sure students arrive safely and are accounted for correctly in attendance. Students arriving during morning supervision should be dropped off on the school yard. Students arriving late, should report to the main office. If you are dropping off a younger student after the bell, please report to the main office. Please do not proceed into the school building beyond the main office unless an office administrator has directed you to do so and you have followed the visitor protocol of signing in and receiving a visitor tag. Thank you for following our visitor protocols!
Parents and caregivers should meet students at dismissal (3:40 pm) at their designated dismissal location on the yard. Please do not request early pick-ups at the main office unless you have an emergency or a scheduled appointment. Thank you for communicating appointments in advance.
School Day Schedule
Yard Supervision begins at 8:55 am.
9:10-10:50 - 100 mins
10:50--11:40 - recess/nutrition
11:40 -1:20 - 100 mins
1:20-2:00 - recess/nutrition
2:00-3:40 - 100 mins
École Polson Park Public School
Email: polso@limestone.on.ca
Website: https://polsonpark.limestone.on.ca/
Location: 165 Robert Wallace Drive, Kingston, ON K7M 1Y3, Canada
Phone: 613-542-5926
Twitter: @PolsonPark_LDSB