Smokie Says....
A bi-weekly newsletter for SHE families
Safety is our first priority at SHE!
The teachers and staff at SHE work hard to meet the academic and social emotional needs of each student, but nothing is more important than your child's safety. We are incredibly grateful to have Officer Chris Buchanan with us on campus all day every day. You will find him out front each morning, helping with traffic in the afternoons, visiting with classes, walking the halls, and spending time with students at recess. He facilitates our emergency safety drills and keeps administration up to date on important information. We thank you for understanding that each procedure we have in place is there for the safety of our Smokies. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Together We're Better,
Molly Rice
Dates to Remember: Mark your Calendars!
September 9-13th- Book Fair!
September 12th-ELL Family Night (Dinner and program provided for our English Language Learner families)
September 20th- Fall Carnival 5-8
September 26th- Smokie Way Assembly
September 27th- MHS Homecoming Parade at 9:00 a.m. on Cedar Street
Author Visit for 2nd and 3rd Grade
September 30- 6p.m. Kindergarten Program (Spence, Perkins, Sunderland)
October 1- 6 p.m. Kindergarten Program (Shiver, Natoli, Hunt)
October 7-15th FALL BREAK
October 26th- Story Walk at SHE 10 a.m.
Watch DOGS and Family Involvement support school safety!
Thank you to all "father figures" who were able to show up at the Watch DOGS kick off pizza party last night. We love this night and the excitement it brings for parent involvement. The purpose of the program is twofold; bring positive male role models into the school and enhance school safety. If you are interested in donating ONE day this year to be a Watch DOG please sign up by clicking the link below.
Family Involvement makes a difference. Thank you to the PTO, room parents, and countless volunteers that show up weekly at SHE! If you want more information about helping with our upcoming school carnival, please call the front office and we will help get you connected!
Arrival and Dismissal Reminders!
- Please do not get out of the car.
- Please have your child exit and enter on the right side of the vehicle under the awning.
- Please always display your car tags at dismissal.
- During arrival out front please have pull as far forward as possible and have your child exit wherever your car stops. We want to unload at least 8-10 cars at a time and then keep the line moving. Thank you so much for helping us.
- Kindergarten families and kindergarten siblings: Remember you can also arrive out back after 7:35 a.m. This is especially great when you have a child who needs help getting out of the car still or a child who needs easier access to their classroom.
- Please be at school by 7:45 so your student(s)will not be late.
Bus Reminders
Smokies practiced bus safety this week in Lifeskills!
Our first Smokie Way Assembly was a BLAST!
Students who receive free and reduced lunch do not need to pay school fees. Please click below to apply for school meal benefits. This is confidential.
School Fees are$45 per child. Please click below to pay those fees. If you need any assistance, just contact or stop by the front desk at SHE. This year all permission slips and field trip fees will be paid online through this link as well.
Thank you for taking the time to read this document.
Sam Houston Elementary - The Best School That We Know!
Location: 330 Melrose Street, Maryville, TN, USA
Phone: 865-983-3241