The Falcon Flyer
Weekly News and Updates - Volume 3 Issue 27 - 3/17/2023
Week in Review
It was a spirited and adventurous week on campus here at Fletcher Elementary. Our 1st and 2nd graders explored the San Diego Zoo on Tuesday and had a phenomenal time. Thank you to our parent chaperones, Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Wilsie for organizing, and the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance for this memorable experience.
On Wednesday, our staff participated in a professional learning opportunity focused on restorative practice-focused de-escalation strategies. The new Special Education Program Manager for our area, Kerie Sanders, and Behavior Support Resources teacher, Patty Reese, taught us all about simple, safe, proactive, and effective strategies for helping students experiencing elevated levels of frustration and anger. We learned all about how the human brain responds to triggering stimuli and how to intervene before the "primitive brain" response of fight/flight/freeze kicks in.
Next week is a minimum day week for student conferences. School will be dismissed at 12:00PM every day. Conferences will be held in the afternoons. Students and their families will have the opportunity to meet with their teacher to discuss all the progress they've made this year, and collaboratively set goals for the remainder of the year. If you have not received an invitation to a conference from your student's teacher, please call our office and we can help connect you.
"If we had no winter,
the spring would not be so pleasant:
if we did not sometimes taste of adversity,
prosperity would not be so welcome."
— Anne Bradstreet
"Secure Campus" Exercise on Monday, March 20th
On Monday, March 20th, we will be practicing our updated protocol for a “Secure Campus” emergency. This is very different from a “Lockdown Drill”. Here’s a brief FAQ:
What is “Secure Campus” and how is it different from a “Lockdown”?
“Secure Campus” is a protocol for ensuring the safety of staff and students when an actual or perceived threat is reported off campus but in the immediate vicinity. A “Lockdown” protocol is used in the event an actual or perceived threat has breached the perimeter gates.
What does staff do?
Not much. Staff will make sure their doors are locked and report any students out of class and their location on the radio. Teachers will conduct business as usual inside the classroom.
How long will it take?
Last year’s exercise took 10 minutes, but we had to secure the park entrance gates on the far reaches of the field. Now, with the new perimeter fencing, we’re hoping that cuts down our time to five minutes.
What will it look/sound/feel like?
- Students/Staff will hear an announcement on the PA “This is a SECURE CAMPUS drill, this is a SECURE CAMPUS drill. Please lock doors and wait for further instructions. Thank you.”
- Then the Lead Custodian and Principal will work in tandem checking/securing all perimeter and interior entry points.
- While this is going on, teachers will conduct business as usual inside the classroom.
- At one point, either the Lead Custodian or Principal will check the classroom door to ensure it’s locked. If not, they will lock it.
- Once the Lead Custodian and Principal have completed our process, students/staff will hear an announcement on the PA: “This concludes our SECURE CAMPUS drill. This concludes our SECURE CAMPUS drill. Thank you.”
- At this point, teachers will unlock their doors and we’ll be good to go.
Why aren’t we doing an actual “Lockdown Drill”? Don’t we need to be prepared for that?
The evidence for the efficacy of Lockdown or Active Shooter drills is sparse in providing a correlation between a school’s practice or familiarity of Lockdown protocols and preventing deaths. Some may argue, that involving students in Lockdown/Active Shooter drills may even cause more harm than good. The group, “Everytown for Gun Safety”, founded after the tragic mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut, published a study that looks at best practices for school preparation. You can read more about it here:
Safety is our top priority every day. Our intention for conducting this exercise is to concurrently maintain and perfect our school’s logistical safety while also ensuring our students/staff mental health safety.
If you have any further questions, concerns, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Principal Friedenberg directly at:
California Healthy Kids Survey
Families, we need to hear your voice! The California Healthy Kids Survey for families is now accepting responses. Please take a few moments to fill out this survey. Information from the survey is critical in our curation of the best learning environment for your student. Click the link below to take the survey. Thank you in advance!
👆 Click on the flyer for the sign-up form
Summer Programming Enrollment Now OPEN
San Diego Unified School District is excited to announce a variety of summer learning opportunities so you can create the best summer experience.The window to enroll in the Summer Academic Program, Extended School Year (ESY), and PrimeTime Summer is now open. Participation in summer programs is not required, however we encourage families to take advantage of these fun and educational summer enrichment opportunities available only to current San Diego Unified students. The summer learning opportunities are no cost to San Diego Unified families.
Families can choose from the following program options:
The elementary, middle, and high school summer experience will support the academic and social-emotional needs of our students. The Summer Academic Program is open to ALL currently enrolled students including students receiving special education services. Classes are taught by San Diego Unified educators at designated schools. Education specialists will be assigned to sites to help support staff in meeting the needs of all learners. The Summer Academic Program goes from June 20 through July 21, 2023.
The enrollment window for the Summer Academic Program is February 6 through April 14, 2023. Summer academic enrollment takes place at the students' current school of attendance. Every student who enrolls is guaranteed a space in the Summer Academic Program.
Students participating in the ESY/Summer Academic Program can also participate in PrimeTime Summer or Level Up enrichment programs to create the best summer experience. Please note students must be enrolled in the ESY/Summer Academic Program in order to be eligible for PrimeTime Summer.
ESY services will be provided at all open schools to students who have ESY services as part of their Individualized Education Program (IEP). Specialized ESY programs will be provided at pre-identified schools. Enrollment is coordinated with the student’s current case manager. There is no enrollment deadline for ESY.
In addition to rewarding learning experiences from our educators, we are also partnering with the San Diego Foundation and dozens of local nonprofits to provide students with afternoon enrichment opportunities and week-long camps at no cost to San Diego Unified families throughout the city. Summer Level Up enrichment programs for all district students grades UTK-12 will be offered by our Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA), Office of College, Career and Technical Education (CCTE), and community partners throughout June, July, and August 2023. Level Up enrichment opportunities will include sports camps, STEAM- and arts-based experiences, leadership institutes, internships, and accelerated learning opportunities. Enrollment and more information about these programs will be made available to families in the Spring.
To learn more about each of the programs being offered this summer and access applications/enrollment forms, visit our Extended Learning Opportunities website.
Summer Programming Enrollment Flyers 👇
PrimeTime Updates
PrimeTime Program 23/24: Applications are now available online and must be completed and submitted online by April 14th, to be considered for the initial application process. Applications will continue to be accepted after this date and placed on the waitlist if no space is available. Parents will be notified of their status June 16th, 2023.
Student of the Week
Our Student of the Week is Janie in Mrs. Wilsie's 2nd Grade Class. Janie has a gentle kindness that she exudes in all that she does. Her kindness, constant willingness to help, and always doing her best are just a few of the things we love about Janie. Janie demonstrates critical thinking, responsibility, creativity and trustworthiness in her learning daily. She is always pushing herself and learning as much as she can. Recently she created two books about her class as a team of superheroes. She included all of her classmates and gave each one a super power based on their interests. In her books, Team 7 saves the day because they used teamwork. Team 7 is grateful for Janie's friendship and all that she does to create a happy learning environment for all. Way to go, Janie! Thank you for being a phenomenal Falcon!
Weekly Forecast
Looking Ahead
20th-24th - Minimum Days ~ Student Conference Week
27th-31st - SPRING BREAK ~ No School
3 - VAPA PLC's
4 - All-Staff Meeting
5 - Minimum Day - Teacher Prep
12 - Minimum Day - School Site Council / Instructional Leadership Team
17-19 - Student Monitoring Meetings
19 - Minimum Day - Teacher Prep
20 - SPRING OPEN HOUSE (details TBD)
22- PTA's SPRING CARNIVAL at the Park
26 - Minimum Day - Professional Development
26 - Kindergarten & 5th Grade Promotion Pictures
2 - All-Staff Collaboration
3 - Minimum Day - Teacher Prep
8 - VAPA PLC's
8 - CAASPP Testing Begins
10 - Minimum Day - School Site Council / Instructional Leadership Team
15 - Spring Fountas & Pinnell Testing UTK-2nd Grade Begins
15 - Virtual Student Monitoring Meetings
17 - Minimum Day - Teacher Prep
22 - VAPA PLC's
24 - Minimum Day - Restorative Justice Practices
26 - No School
Highlights from Spirit Week
San Diego Zoo Field Trip Highlights
Learning About Prehistoric San Diego Wildlife
Admiring the Elephants
Going Bananas with Gorillas
Fletcher Elementary School
Location: 7666 Bobolink Way, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: (619)605-4600
Twitter: @FletcherSDUSD